Camping for Women
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6 Essential Fishing Tips for Beginners

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fishing tips

By Shelby Kisgen

One of the most peaceful ways to become in tune with nature is to sit on the river bank and watch the flowing water. A way to enjoy water that is not only peaceful but also entertaining, and sometimes delicious, is through fishing. Could use a few fishing tips? Read on…


Whether at the edge of a pond, in the middle of a lake, or on a protruding rock surrounded by a rushing river, fishing is a fun challenge to occupy yourself with while camping. If you are new to fishing, try out these 6 Essential Fishing Tips for Beginners to get you started.


  1. Get a License: Fishing without a current fishing license can result in hefty fines. Also, keep the license on you whenever fishing, because a warden is not likely to believe you if you claim to have left it at home.


  1. Salt or Fresh: You need to know what type of water you are fishing. Fresh water fish require different baits and lures than saltwater fish. You are also required to get different licenses based upon the types of water you will be fishing, so plan ahead when you purchase.


  1. Know the Rules: This is vital. The fines for breaking fishing rules are extravagant. Some places only let you “catch-and-release” fish which means that you can catch the fish but you must let them back in the water immediately. Some places let you eat the fish you catch. Some let you eat fish of a certain size and weight, but the smaller ones must be returned. Game wardens do not mess around with fishing regulations. Thankfully, handy brochures are often available with park departments that tell you the fishing rules of regulated rivers and lakes for your area.
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  1. Bait Matters: First, make sure the bait is legal in the place you are fishing. Some places do not allow live bait such as worms. Next, research the type of fish you are hoping to catch. Fish are attracted to shiny things, so the shinier the lure the better. They also like things that look like what they eat, so worms, real or fake, are a good option. Spinner lures are also nice because they spin as they are pulled through the water which resembles a bug skimming across the surface. Remember to cover the hook entirely if you do use a live worm.


  1. Pick Your Pole: Lots of country songs mention fishing with a cane pole. A cane pole is a rod or bamboo stick with a string and hook attached to the end. These are perfect for dropping a hook into a spot where you know the fish live. They do not cast very far but they are easy to pack. Another option is a pole with a spin-cast reel. These are great for beginners learning to cast, because a simple push of a button releases the line as you cast out into the water. Push it longer for a farther cast, push it quickly to just drop the line close by. These poles can be inexpensive or fancy, but most break down and pack well. If you want to try fly-fishing, it is best to learn from a professional, as the lines easily tangle and the casting method is more complex. You can learn from a seasoned friend or take a class. Both are fun options as an introduction to fly-fishing.


  1. Question, Question: Fishers are some of the most genial sportsman around. Remember this over all fishing tips: When in doubt, ask! Fishers are happy to let you know what bait works best for what spot and where the fish are biting. They also are happy to explain the finer techniques of casting. Make friends with the local fishing stores and trust their advice. Now go out and catch you some dinner!

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Shelby Kisgen
Shelby Kisgen
Blogger & Multiple Contributor at 

Shelby Kisgen is an experienced camper and hiker from Wyoming, USA.  She is a true nature enthusiast who enjoys sharing her experiences through freelance writing in her first blog:

When she is not enjoying the great outdoors she is duelling her husband in tennis, eating, or reading a book.

Shelby was the first of many to write articles for the Camping for Women website.

She just loves to combine her love of the outdoors with her passion for writing.  Her current blog is


9 responses to “6 Essential Fishing Tips for Beginners”

  1. Zoe Campos Avatar

    Thank you for telling me that I have to know if we were to fish in salt or freshwater first before doing it. My brother is thinking of renting private fishing charters where our family can spend quality time together but I’m not sure yet if I’ll enjoy it since I’m a beginner. I guess I have to clarify first with him in order to know what kind of tips I should learn about fishing.

  2. ceddy Avatar

    I never tried to go fishing before, but after reading this content, it entices me to try. hmmm. <3

  3. Sonia Avatar

    WOW i enjoy the fishing.this post is very helpfull for women.

  4. Catherine Holmes Avatar
    Catherine Holmes

    This actually is really helpful. My sister really likes to fish but I can’t stand it lol. Knowing that she could be going out alone it would be best to make sure she has all of these things and invests in these tips!

  5. Echoesofhervoice Avatar

    Great tips! I’ve always wanted to try fishing, but never had the courage. Maybe one day! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Larissa Avatar

    Woah! I didn’t know there were so many rules for fishing. I seriously thought you grabbed a pole, stuck a worm on the pole, and cast it into the pond/lake/body of water. I had no idea there were licenses involved, nor did I know there were different types of bait. This article was very informative; I’m glad I learned so much about fishing!

  7. Esperanza Avatar

    Love your pictures, makes me want to go on a camping and fishing trip! These are great tips, thanks for sharing 🙂

  8. Danielle Gould Avatar

    I love fishing! My husband is an avid fly fisherman, while I use a regular rod and reel. Fishing is very relaxing and helps my patience!

  9. Aylin Avatar

    Woohooo, this article is awesome with some great tips. I had no idea that you need a license for fishing 🙂

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