Camping for Women
created by women, for women

100 Years of the Motorhome

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100 Years 1

100 Years 1

By Leah Messenger

Whether you are planning a once in a lifetime romantic adventure or an action-packed family fun adventure, there is arguably no better way to explore the great outdoors than in a motorhome. Loved by many woman adventurers across the world for their practicality and versatility, in a motorhome you can rest easy knowing all your travel requirements are met and everyone in your travelling party is happy and content (for the most part!).

100 Years 2If you are just starting out with the motorhome lifestyle there are many ways you can help familiarise yourself with it all and to build your confidence behind the wheel. Regular practice, booking a course and even joining online forums or a motorhome club can help you meet like-minded female travellers, who are just keen to hit the open road as you!

Seasoned motorhome owners may want to regularly consider whether the motorhome they have is the right fit for their demanding, ever-changing lifestyle. With so many options around today to sell and upgrade to a new and improved model, there’s no excuse to have an outdated motorhome that’s not up to scratch with the changing requirements of you and your family.

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Class C motorhomes, on the other hand, are considered the next stage up and are easily recognisable by the over-the-cab area that is often an optional sleeping area. Significantly more powerful than a Class B motorhome, owners can even tow a small vehicle for short trips if they wish.

To give you an idea of how far the motorhome has come in the past 100 years below we have an infographic that documents the many twists and turns in the history of the motor home. Hard to believe it’s been 100 years!

100 years of the motorhome INFOGRAPHIC

Infographic provided courtesy of 

Leah Messenger
Leah Messenger
Guest Author at 

Caravan and Motorhome enthusiast.

Lives in Derbyshire, United Kingdom.


28 responses to “100 Years of the Motorhome”

  1. Oyinkan Ogunleye Avatar

    I’m scared of motorhomes. I need space for my things. I’m constantly overpacking which is not conducive for this scenario.

  2. Brooke Poston Avatar

    For as long as I can remember, my grandparents had a motorhome. We had so many great memories there. I had no idea they were 100 years old!

    1. Leah Messenger Avatar

      Hi Brooke

      Yes, motorhomes have a rich history indeed! It was fascinating working on the piece and discovering so much that I did not know.

  3. Nina Avatar

    I have never taken a proper motorhome trip. I really need to as it seems like it would be quite the adventure. It’s so classically American to load one up and take it across the country. That graphic is really neat and informative too!

  4. jitaditya Avatar

    Great to learn the history of motorhomes. These are not really prevalent in my part of the world and I have only seen them in TV. I wouldn’t mind owning something like this some day!

    1. Leah Messenger Avatar

      Hi Jitaditya. Glad you liked the piece. I would say that buying a motor home is a wise investment. There’s so much choice available. They’re not just stylish – they’re also practical too!

  5. Elizabeth O Avatar
    Elizabeth O

    As a kid in the UK, we would go camping in a motor home and it was so much fun spending time in it as we visited different campsites. I have not been in one in ages but the memory lingers.

  6. Mimi and Mitch Avatar

    I had no idea that motorhomes went back so far in time, this seriously surprised me! I also had no idea that there were different types of motorhomes you can choose from. One of my greatest trips I want to take is to motorhome across the USA.

  7. Indrani Avatar

    Very interesting info on the history of motor homes. Indian roads aren’t ready for these kind of motor homes unfortunately. I love the concept and as a child I always wanted to live in one of them. Couple of years back I experienced a stay in a stationary motor home parked near a beautiful lake.

  8. Brandi Crawford Avatar

    I have yet to do a motorhome vacation. I love that you pointed out the history here! You also pointed out a lot of advantages that I haven’t considered. I may have to look into a vacation!

  9. Iza Abao Avatar

    It is pretty interesting to know the history of a motorhome. The developments look amazing. It is the best vehicle to take on a road trip. I have seen this in movies only because I do not think that it is available here in Southeast Asia.

  10. Ali May Avatar

    Wow – what a transformation these motorhomes have gone through over the years! I personally love the idea of having such freedom and taking off whenever and wherever I would like (but my husband has other ideas). I like that you included a point about the level of power the different classes of motorhomes would require to drive. Those huge ones must be super hard to get up-hill!

  11. Esse D Avatar

    I just told my boyfriend I want to rent an RV and drive cross-country for one of our vacations. I find it so intriguing to take a road-trip and doing it in an RV would make it that much more interesting.

  12. Jean Avatar

    Oh I love the history info graph! Makes me wish that I had a motor home. I’m a huge fan of motor homes and we find it’s a great way to travel around a new country.

  13. David Elliott Avatar

    This reminds me of all the family vacations I had growing up. We used to have a GMC pickup truck with a camper shell on the top and take that around with us everywhere. I loved riding in the back (before not wearing seatbelts was against the law). In fact my brother and I used to like to ride up top in the bed and look out the window and see the open road.

  14. James Avatar

    As you’ve pictured a Scooby Doo motorhome I have to mention that I’ve met many people whilst traveling who have a bucket list dream of traveling in the Scooby Doo motorhome, either around America, Europe, Australia or New Zealand, I’ve heard it so many times. It’s interesting to learn about the different classes of motorhomes. It’s interesting to read about the history of motorhomes too, I think in the US they are more advanced than those of the UK, I think a lot of the motorhomes in the UK are from the 1950’s era!

  15. Elizabeth Brico Avatar

    Whoa. This is nuts. Thanks for doing all this research. My husband is totally into this stuff-I shall share it with him when he gets home

  16. colleen wool Avatar
    colleen wool

    Your pictures are awesome. I have often toyed with the idea of owning one of these.

    1. Leah Messenger Avatar

      Hi Colleen. Thanks so much for your kind feedback. You should take the plunge and buy one. It will be one of the best purchases you’ll ever make!

  17. Anete Avatar

    I love the ones about 1910. I can’t imagine driving around in something like that but it sure would be fun. This seems such a good way of traveling. You are free to go anywhere and always have a place where to stay..and in comfort. 🙂 Great post!

    1. Leah Messenger Avatar

      Hi Anete. Thanks so much for your kind feedback. Motor homes have a varied and wonderful history. It was a real pleasure sharing it’s journey! 🙂

  18. Corinne & Kirsty Avatar

    I have never been a in motor home. I don’t know if I’d like it though. I would love the freedom to go wherever I please. xx corinne

  19. Tracey Crockett Avatar

    Sadly I’ve never been in a motor home. But, this is about to change! I would so love to take a family vacay in one.

  20. Holly @ Life on Southpointe Drive Avatar

    I’ve had some of the best times in a motor home growing up as a kid so this post makes me happy! If I could I would sell my house and just drive around and live out of a motor home!

  21. Christie Avatar

    Totally agree with Rosey’s comment above! Not big on camping but a motorhome I could probably do, especially after reading the info above. Does an airstream count as a motorhome? Cause that I can DEFINITELY do! Very interesting – thanks for sharing.

  22. Rosey Avatar

    We camp in a motor home. I can’t do tents, but the motor homes, yeah, I can live with it. 🙂

  23. Shannon Avatar

    I’ve never really been a fan of the motor home because ,well, they look kind of “dumpy”. This post changed my mind about it though! There are a lot of great points in here to motivate me to look past the rough exterior of the motor home and appreciate its perks!

    1. Leah Messenger Avatar

      Hi Shannon. So glad we helped you change your impression of motor homes. There are many perks to a motor home yes. I like to think of them as a real home from home!

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