Camping for Women
created by women, for women

Baby’s First Camping Trip

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Babys first camping trip 1

Babys first camping trip 1

Baby’s First Camping Trip – tips on how to prepare.

By Allison Barfield

You’re taking your baby camping? Are you crazy?! Nope, you’re being a great mom! Babies are very good campers and are ready to take to the woods as soon as you far. In fact, the sooner you introduce them to the benefits of the great outdoors, the better.

However, camping with your baby brings on a whole new set of experiences. It may take a few trips before you master the art of relaxing with your happy little camper, but don’t let that overwhelm you. All you need is a little extra trip preparation and room for when things don’t go according to plan.


How To Prepare For Baby’s First Camping Trip & Adventure

  1. Don’t Over Or Under Pack

When raising a baby it’s easy to overpack. When your little infant is traveling you want them to be armed with everything they might possibly want or need. However, when camping this could create a lot of extra stuff to carry. Remember to give yourself extra daylight to set up your campsite with all your extra supplies.

Babys first camping trip 2

Try to eliminate unnecessary items like large plastic toys and really think about if your baby really needs their high chair or if they’ll be just fine in their car seat. A few items that you shouldn’t forget include baby’s sunhat, all the wet wipes, baby’s favorite item associated with sleep, baby’s sunscreen, and bug repellent.

To help with deciding what you might want to take on a camping trip with baby, you can download and check out the “The Camping with Kids at all Stages Checklist” on Camping for Women’s free checklists page.


  1. Watch The Weather

The most important thing to consider during baby’s first camping trip is the weather. You don’t want your child to suffer from becoming too hot or too cold. That means it’s time to pack a lot of layers to easily adjust your baby to rising and falling temperatures, especially when it’s cold during the night or hot during the day.

Keep your baby dry as much as possible, so don’t forget the rain gear. Give your baby a bath during the afternoon so they won’t get cold at night and bring an extra knit hat and warm socks for them.

To keep your baby cool remove layers as temperatures rise and make sure they stay hydrated. Try to plan your activities in advance to avoid the hottest part of the afternoon, which could actually make for the perfect nap time. Also, hang out in the shade when the weather is warmer.

Babys first camping trip 3


  1. You and Baby Need Your Sleep

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Babies often find camping to be very relaxing and a quick walk or paddle around the lake will help them prepare to nap as they look at all the scenery. However, you need to decide if your baby will sleep with you or on their own.

If you share your bed with your baby they might keep you awake as they squirm in their exciting new tent environment, but it helps them stay warm. However, you can get your baby their own sleeping bag and pad. Also, some babies are perfectly fine sleeping in their car seat. Just be sure to have their favorite bedtime plush ready to go when it’s snoozin’ time.

Babys first camping trip 4

It can be difficult to maintain a normal schedule while in the woods but try to keep naptimes on track by scheduling your events around them. Sometimes a bright tent can make it difficult for baby to go to bed, so hang up blankets to make it darker. If they stay up a little later, hopefully, they’ll sleep through the night a little longer too.


  1. Make Sure Everyone is Fed

The last thing you want to do is run out of food for your baby. If you’re still breastfeeding then you have less to worry about. You can bring formula along and keep it in a cooler. If your baby is eating solids then bring extra bananas, cheerios, or any other favorites.

Make sure you get enough calories too. Camping with an infant takes more energy, so make sure your body is ready to take on the work. Plus, more calories will help prevent you from getting too cold in the night.

Babys first camping trip 5


  1. Remember, Babies Poop

You will need to manage your baby’s diapers in the wild. Some camping parents like using cloth diapers because they’re easy to clean, hang up to dry, and reuse. However, if you don’t want to hand wash your diapers you can stick to disposable ones, just make sure they scent-free so they won’t attract bears.

You know your baby’s regular bathroom routine so estimate the number of diapers they’ll need then pack a few extra in the event of accidents. After a diaper is spoiled, change and clean your baby, then place the diaper in a plastic bag until you can properly dispose of it.


  1. Relax and Enjoy Your Camping Trip

Don’t overthink having your baby out in nature. They’ll love watching swaying branches, watching the campfire, taking canoe rides, the feeling of the sand touching their feet, and more. Relax and soak it all in with them as an amazing bonding experience.

Babys first camping trip 6

Also, put your feet up. Pass baby along to Dad for a while so you can have some well-deserved you time.


Allison Barfield 1
Allison Barfield
Multiple Contributor at  | Website

Allison Barfield began blogging after receiving her Media Arts degree from the University of South Carolina and quickly followed the call of the mountains to Asheville, North Carolina, where she fully embraced hiking, nature, and landscape photography.

Currently, her writing for Aeroflow Breastpumps includes advocating for and helping breastfeeding women through the means of education and helpful tips, including a variety of articles on how to successfully introduce baby to the great outdoors.

When Allison isn’t writing and can’t play outside, you can find her indulging in her coffee addiction as a Netflix enthusiast or totally nerding out with a video game.


52 responses to “Baby’s First Camping Trip”

  1. Marysa Avatar

    Thanks for sharing these helpful tips for baby’s first camping trip! Camping with a little one can be daunting, and your insights are wonderful.

  2. Neha Rai Avatar

    Taking baby for camping is a great idea. Babies enjoy camping trips as much as we do. Thanks for sharing great tips.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      Camping benefits the whole family in unique ways. I hope more families are able to get out there to relax and bond.

  3. Phoebe Squalinski Avatar

    Taking a baby camping is a great idea I think! I have a few hiking friends who have exposed their babies to the outdoors when they were really young, and they love it. You can see how happy the babies are when they are out in nature. These are some really great tips!

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      That’s so great to hear! I’m glad they’re able to build such special memories with a beloved hobby as a family.

  4. Jackie Avatar

    I haven’t been camping in such a long time. But these are some great tips for people getting started for sure, and getting started camping with a baby!

  5. MAYSZ Avatar

    I love camping!! Camping with family are the best hangout ever!! These are just such great tips from you!

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      Thanks, I bet your family has a blast!

  6. Cătălina-Iuliana Nini Avatar

    This gets me so excited. I don`t have kids yet but I love being outdoors and I hope this is something I can share with my little ones. Your post is a massive help for all the new mamas out there that need guidance.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      I’m sure you’ll be a great mom! Your future campers will love making special memories with you!!!

  7. FS Page Avatar
    FS Page

    Thats great of you to jot down all these tips. I am sure not many parents dare to go camping with their babies. But you seem to have taken care of most issues parents might face and how to tackle them. Camping at such young age could be such a great experience for the babies

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      One important factor when it comes to taking baby camping is feeling emotionally prepared. Preplanning can help ease stress and anxiety that may be attached with traveling.

  8. Pamela Avatar

    These are some great tips. I have never been camping, but I do have a 3-year-old and I am guilty of overpacking! I will keep this in mind if I ever go camping, It makes sense to pack just the essentials and be comfortable 🙂

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      Your 3-year-old probably has a hefty list of items they can’t travel without, but nature may be just as entertaining as all of their toys and electronics!

  9. Bhushavali N Avatar

    That’s a truly inspiring post. As a mom of a 1 yr old, my travels these days have changed to suit and fit in my little gal. Very true, sleep can get disrupted in a new place and packing for kid can end up a bit heavy.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      You certainly have your hands full and is probably aware of how quickly things can go south without a nap time! Do you have any advice for helping babies sleep in new places?

  10. Dragon Sunsets Avatar
    Dragon Sunsets

    Only the essentials! That is what I always put in mind. Hauling so much stuff plus a baby would take the fun out of camping. Thanks for these tips. I am sharing it with friends and family too.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      Baby weight often isn’t considered but they can parents down while camping and hiking. Remember to take enough food and water to stay energized!

  11. Marjie Mare Avatar
    Marjie Mare

    I love going on vacation but I have never been camping. Your post inspired me to do so. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      Camping can be a bit intimidating at first, but the relaxation of nature should relieve stress once you get out there!

  12. Chloe Avatar

    Going camping with a baby requires a bit of organisation but isn’t impossible and I’m sure it a very enjoyable family experience!

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      A simple what to pack checklist can help organize the trip!

  13. Mary Burris Avatar

    I dont have children, but this is pretty good advice for those who do. I think the ‘be prepared’ slogan would be best to keep in mind when camping with a baby.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      Being prepared can make a major difference between comfortable enjoying a trip and having to quickly pack up to rush home, even when preparation can be as little as including baby’s favorite plush.

  14. Daniel Avatar

    I don’t have any kids yet but I would love to take them for camping trips when I do. I’ll keep all these useful tips in mind for later. You’re absolutely right about the overpacking part, even though many people find it hard not to overpack when traveling with children.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar
      Allison Barfield

      It’s natural to worry for your child and want to bring everything that they might possibly need. Hopefully as nature relaxes baby parents will be able to step back and take a deep breath as well.

  15. Annick Avatar

    I didn’t discover camping until my kids were older but I can see how it would be great to introduce them early. Of course I tended to overpack so I probably wouldn’t have done well. But since the natural air relaxes me I can see it having the same effect on baby. Planning is key – and maintaining routines.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar
      Allison Barfield

      Overpacking is common, as it’s best to be prepared, but I’ve definitely found myself carrying a ton of extra weight!

  16. Sabrina Avatar

    Thank you for the tips! I agree with everything you said! I love being outdoors and I am excited to get to do these types of thing with my kids in the future!

  17. ANITA Avatar

    Camping with a baby needs more attention but it’s not impossible. I’m glad you put that on the boards. Some parents really overthink everything, instead of enjoying the trip and cannot relax. Very important is the equipment which can make life easier and watch the weather, to be fully in peace with nature.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar
      Allison Barfield

      Hopefully seeing their child relax will help parents be able to step back and relax as well!

  18. emman damian Avatar

    I think the most important things is that everyone is comfortable in their sleep. Kids are very sensitive to heat and noises during the night. Make sure they are comfy! Also, a good dinner with the family during camping is a must. Serve good and easy to prepare food that kids especially the baby can enjoy.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar
      Allison Barfield

      Thanks for sharing. Having breastmilk or baby food available is critical for success, so is proper rest!

  19. Yukti Avatar

    Camping with baby needs a lot of attention as babies are very unpredictable and we have to carry all their necessary items with us. Checking weather conditions is the most important thing while travelling with a baby as it could be freezing cold or very hot. Bug repellent is the most important thing which I would carry as I have seen in forests or natural places many bugs are attracted to little ones. Thanks for sharing necessary information.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar
      Allison Barfield

      Yes!! It’s best to be aware of all possible scenarios involving the weather and bugs. Thanks for sharing!!

  20. Karen Monica Avatar

    I don’t have my own kids yet but when I do, I would love to take them for camping trips and I will keep all these tips in mind.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar
      Allison Barfield

      Enjoy your time and nature now and when you start your family. You don’t have to give up camping, once you become a mother!

  21. Umiko Avatar

    Now that I read your post, I wish we took our son to camp when he was a baby. I found good tips here, especially since baby is actually the easiest phase to take on a trip.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar
      Allison Barfield

      It can really serve as a relaxing break for the whole family before they have a toddler to keep up with!

  22. Tami Avatar

    I was always afraid to take my babies camping. Now, I think I may take my granddaughter! The tips will make it more enjoyable for both of us.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar
      Allison Barfield

      Maybe Mom and Dad can join too. More hands on deck for a baby’s first trip is always helpful.

  23. Dragon Sunsets Avatar
    Dragon Sunsets

    My son in law is planning to take my daughter and their toddler son camping in the spring. I know it is still a long way off, but it would be best that they know how to prepare for the trip. Sending them the link to your post.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar
      Allison Barfield

      Spring should be a perfect time to introduce them to nature! I’m sure it will be a lovely trip.

  24. Kristine Nicole Alessandra Avatar
    Kristine Nicole Alessandra

    I have taken my kids camping a few times when they were young. I guess I did over-pack. There were items that I took with me that were not even necessary! Thank you for these tips. I will pass it on to my cousin who is an outdoors buff. He has an 8 month old son that he wants to take with him on his next outdoor adventure (if the weather permits).

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar
      Allison Barfield

      I also tend to be an over packer! It’s always nice to be prepared in case of emergencies, but I’ve found myself hauling a lot of unnecessary weight down the trail.

  25. Kavita Favelle Avatar

    I can imagine that camping with a baby is actually a really lovely way to relax, as you can spend time in a beautiful natural environment, make your own schedule according to baby’s needs for sleep, feeding and so on. As you say, as long as you pack sensibly and consider things like sleeping and disposal of nappies, it sounds like a really achievable holiday.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar
      Allison Barfield

      Getting away from the stress of the city could be a great way to bond and take a step back from the hustle and bustle with electronics and all. Camping is healing for both the parents and their baby.

  26. Monidipa Dutta Avatar
    Monidipa Dutta

    Though the prospect may seem overwhelming at first, camping with a baby who is less than a year old has a lot of advantages.

  27. Andrea Avatar

    Thank you for the tips. I told my son he could go camping once he turned 4. Now I see they we can do it earlier. Thanks for writing this.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar
      Allison Barfield

      If you guys both seem ready, why wait? I’m sure you’ll have a great family trip!

  28. Stella Kashmoney Avatar

    Your tips here are spot on. I agree with every one of them. Good to remember babies poo when camping. Best to be prepared with all that would be required.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar
      Allison Barfield

      Yes! You want cleanups to be quick and sanitary or the whole trip could be compromised!!

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