Camping for Women
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Beautiful Treks in the North of Italy

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Beautiful Treks in the North of Italy 1

By Alessia Morello

If you are a trekking lover, the north of Italy with its thousands of trails is the ideal place to go. There are certainly Beautiful Treks in the North of Italy.

Whether you decide to go trekking in the Alps, Dolomites or Friulian Dolomites, the scenery will always be spectacular and full of pleasant encounters such as deer, eagles, marmots, cows and goats… and yes! Sometimes you can find bears but is very rare to meet them.

In Italy the flags to follow in the paths are white and red, and usually very well marked so don’t worry and always follow the rule n.1 “never leave the path”.

Here my top 5 of the most beautiful Treks in the north of Italy divided into regions:


L’anello delle Dolomiti Friulane – The ring of the Friulian Dolomites

In the middle of the less known dolomites is an incredible 4-day trek that reaches the Pacherini, Pordenone, Padova and Giaf shelters where you can sleep and refresh yourself. You will cross the wonderful and wild valleys of the unknown groups of Pramaggiore, Monfalconi, Spalti di Toro and Cridola.

Prepare yourself on high altitude walks, to the overcoming of many forks at several meters in altitude more than once a day, to established paths and the trek along the beautiful gentian trail and under the symbol of this region: the “Campanile di Val montanaia”. Breathless.

Have a look at a video I made from this area:


Il sentiero degli Scalini – The path of the stairs

The Passo dei Scalini Trail is located in the Western Julian Alps and is part of the Jof Fuart group. Starts from Sella Nevea at 1180 m. and arrives at the passo of the Scalini at 2022 meters in 3 hours between woods, alpine huts where the cheese is produced, waterfalls and high altitude views. Carrying on you can arrive at the Corsi Hut at 1874 meters. This shelter is an amazing red building totally surrounded by a semicircle mountain range and hundreds of rock goats.

The walk is not so difficult but long so if you are not trained for this when you arrive at the top turn yourself around and come back.

Beautiful Treks in the North of Italy 1


Trekking in VENETO

Trekking from Cortina D’ampezzo to the Croda da Lago alpine Hut

Cortina d’Ampezzo is one of the most famous and glamorous alpine destinations in Italy in summer and winter. During their winter season many famous sky races are organized here and in the amazing summer time it is possible to explore the dolomites through some amazing paths.
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This trek is not so difficult but gives you the chance to see stunning views in just 4 hours of walking. The Hut is at 2042 meters but keep walking to the lake above, as the peaks of the mountains reflected in the calm waters of the alpine lake are something to be seen once in a lifetime.

Beautiful Treks in the North of Italy 2



Trekking in the Dolomites high panoramic view – Alta via panoramica delle Dolomiti

This itinerary offers one of the most beautiful scenic views that you can admire throughout the Dolomite area! The first part of the trek can also be walked with kids until the hut in 1.5 hours, but the second part is recommended only for trained hikers. From the Valcroce mountain station you climb up Bressanone and through the pastures you reach the Rossalm hut, after which you could proceed to the “Gampenwiesen” meadows.

An amazing trekking that give you the chance to visit Bressanone as well, famous for having the majority population speaking German, for the beautiful churches and gardens, bridges and fountains and its spas. Really recommended!


Trekking the Tre cime di Lavardo from Misurina Lake – Le tre cime di Lavaredo dal lago Misurina

If you only have to choose one of these treks I will not make it difficult to choose this one. The tour of the three peaks of Lavaredo is one of the most beautiful landscaping trekking in Italy. It starts already, from 2320 meters, from the Rifugio Auronzo which can be reached by car and rises up to 2454 meters in 4/5 hours. You can find more info here from the official site: 

Beautiful Treks in the North of Italy 3


guest post trekking italy4


The Dolomites have been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site so you can imagine which shows with different scenarios await you.

Italy is famous for the sea but the mountains are also amazing and the food you can find there is healthy and at zero kilometer. This means that milk, butter, meat and vegetables are produced in the same valley you stay during your holiday. Beyond the support you give to the farmers, you can eat fresh food without preservatives and additives.

Sleeping and eating in alpine huts helps small communities to stay alive and to allow us to have unique place to stay. Another cool thing is that all the treks in Italy are managed and maintained by volunteers for free so spend time in this little villages is really important for the Alpine villages.

So what are you waiting for!? Get moving to experience these Beautiful Treks in the North of Italy.

Italy is waiting for you!

alessia rotonda
Alessia Morello
Multiple Contributor at  | Website

Alessia Morello is an Italian girl who loves hiking, nature and climbing.

She lives in the north-east of Italy in the middle of the famous Dolomites mountains where she makes her walks and likes to take pictures and videos.

Often accompanying her is her dog Giorgino that you can see in many adventures in the mountains. She likes to tell people about her homeland and the beauty of these not very touristy areas.

Alessia has travelled the world with her work for many years but two years ago she preferred to settle in her homeland and return to live a simple life.  She lives with her boyfriend and her dog, where they grow their garden, they are close to their family and can spend time doing treks and staying more together.  They love to cook (Italian cliche) and are vegetarians. You can read about their adventures in the mountains (and not) on the website:


52 responses to “Beautiful Treks in the North of Italy”

  1. Jane Dempster-Smith Avatar
    Jane Dempster-Smith

    Italy is amazing. You are spoilt having so many beautiful walks to do, we lack these here in Australia. Thanks for the information. When we are next visiting Italy I would really like to do one.

  2. ceddy Avatar

    Greenery! Best way to de-stress yourself from work.
    stunning view! I love it!

  3. Melissa Avatar

    These pictures make me want to go to Italy! Amazing


    I love being outdoors. Your pictures are gorgeous. And the view on top is just a dream ♥ ♥ ♥

  5. kathy Avatar

    I have done just a little bit of hiking in Italy around Lake Garda and I loved it. I would love to do more. I stayed in some alpine huts in Germany and it was so much fun. I met so many people walking the same routes and was not concerned about hiking solo because of this. Thanks for sharing. I am hoping to head back to Italy soon.

  6. Jean Avatar

    These treks look amazing! I love that your showing off a different side of Italy. One that isn’t crowded and full of buildings and Insta worthy gelati.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      hahahahah! In my instagram there not one pic with a gelato! I have to fix that!!! hahaha!!!
      Anyway if you look my insta page – @theitaliansmoothie – you should discover a very nice place. New and without Italian cliche! More or less 😀 Mountains, huts, green hills and yes sometimes I go also to the sea! Sorry for that!

  7. Lana Avatar

    Great pictures! It reminds a lot of Utah. I am crazy to travel to Italy and try real pizza and visit those small cute cities there.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Hi Lana, yes Italy is exactly what the people expect to find here. Little village, good food and messy people! What are you waiting for??
      Anyway I’ve been last November to Utah and there a big difference between the 2 places. Parks in Utah are sooooo big!!! The vastness of your land is a shock for us! I loved every second in your country sweetie!

  8. Manuela Avatar

    I love the mountain, beautiful places!

  9. Sarah Avatar

    This adventure sounds amazing and the pictures look gorgeous! I have always wanted to go to Italy 🙂

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      We wait for you! The ticket is expensive but the life is quite cheap…. so when you decide to come contact me for tips darling!

  10. Kristine Alessandra Avatar
    Kristine Alessandra

    Your photos are stunning! If I were to have a chance to travel to Italy again, I would be going this route, instead of staying in the “touristy” area of the country. Love, love love nature and all its beauty!

  11. Ana De- Jesus Avatar

    I am going to Italy in September and I believe that our villa is in Tuscany. I like the sound of trekking myself as my heritage is Portuguese and we have plenty of mountains. My friend not be as enthusiastic as me but no doubt I will drag her along haha! x

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      In Tuscany you can make great treks not in the mountains but along hills and old villages. Remember: drink the wine later! 😀 Have a nice trip in our amazing land!

  12. Alessia Avatar

    Wow this post is so cool! I live close to those places but I haven’t heard of many of them so I will add them on my bucket list! Thank you for the tips and for sharing these wonderful pictures!!

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      You welcome darling!!

  13. Federica Grassia Avatar al.mare, non conosco la.montagna ma questi luoghi sono stupendi

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      For those who do not speak Italian, I did a translation of the above through Bing and the program said this sentence in English is:
      I live at sea, I don’t know the Mountain but these places are gorgeous.

  14. Kim Avatar

    I haven’t gotten to the level of trekking just yet, just casual day hiking so far. But I would love to go trekking one day, and all of these locations are beautiful! I’m most drawn to the Dolomites, those mountains are stunning!

  15. AlkisBeauty Avatar

    Wow that gorgeous places! I would love to visit them.

  16. Imperfettamente Elle Avatar

    Wow!! Your pics and your travel are amazing!!

  17. James Avatar

    I’m visiting Northern Italy this fall, I’ll go as far south as Pisa and San Marino but mainly be in the north. I’d not considered any trekking but these treks look like they have very rewarding views. Will there be snow up there in October / November?

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Hi James, yes October is too late to do this kind of treks. Not sure for the snow but because could be dangerous for the weather that in this season change so fast and all the huts are closed. If you are in Tuscany you have enough to see don’t worry and if you need more tips about your trip ask me! I can help you! My email is Have a nice trip in our country!

  18. Karen Avatar

    Such a beautiful trip. This is such a different side of Italy. I love it. There is so much more to see than I knew about.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Absolutely true! In a foreign country there’s always something more. Is the reason why we love the Bloggers! 😀

  19. Kristy Avatar

    These places sound amazing and your pictures are absolutely breathtaking!

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Thank you Kristy! I really appreciate that!

  20. Marlies Avatar

    Wow, the Dolomites look so beautiful in Spring/Summer. This is one of my favorite areas to snowboard but it seems like I am missing out on something! Would love to sleep in an Alpine hut one day! Great mountain photos, impressive!

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      I’m a snowboarder too and I was use to go in mountain only during the winter season. When I met my boyfriend a very mountain man he bring me with him in my first treks and I never leave the dolomites! Now I love more mountains than the sea. When you are there in the middle of nowhere, just you and your family or friends is something of intimate, magic. You have to sleep in a hut sooner or later. Incredible sweetie!

  21. Nayna Kanabar Avatar

    Wow spectacular places to visit. I would have loved to visit these places they look amazing.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      You should! These places are amazing!

  22. Madi Avatar

    Wow, what beautiful places! I recently visited Italy- but did all the touristy stuff you would expect. Which I’m glad I was able to see it, but now I think I need to go back and see the less traveled parts of Italy! So beautiful!

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Hi Madi. Yes, Italy have to much to see so is hard to choose what to do and see. Mountains are important and beautiful like the sea, we are lucky to live here in Italy but for a tourist is not so easy to organize a trip! next time the dolomites wait you! Bye bye

  23. carlinn meyer Avatar

    I am a big hiking fan and have done hikes all around the world so this is most definitely on my bucket list now! It looks absolutely gorgeous. I also love that the food is from the valley you are hiking in. So cool!

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Hi Carlinn, yes! One of the most amazing things you can find in the Italian mountains are the alpine huts where you can eat local and sleep in high altitudes. The food is simple but energetic and delicious and the view stunning. What we can ask more?! Thanks for reading!

  24. Raghav Avatar

    Great information and love the peppy video. Although I have enjoyed hiking all my life, for some reason when travelling with family especially we’ve never really planned a hiking/camping holiday. Maybe once my kids are a little older we can try that too. The regions looks spectacular.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      The beautiful thing about our mountains is that you can find any type of trek. Super easy, medium and more. So kids in Italy for every age start to trek and appreciate to stay in the nature, the respect for the mountain and to stay in contact with our amazing land. Hope one day you have the chance to camping and trek with you kids. Kiss kiss from Italy!

  25. Arra Odeza Avatar
    Arra Odeza

    Looks amazing! It would be nice to trek in such beautiful places for relaxation and unwind from stress. The rock formations are very beautiful.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Thanks Arra, happy that you like the pics I shot!

  26. Celestial B Purposed Avatar

    I can agree that from the photo the three peaks of Lavaredo looks to be an amazingly beautiful sight to behold. Thank you so much for sharing your adventures in Italy. Beautiful pictures.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Hi Celestial, Thank you so much for reading! Yes, the north of Italy is full of amazing place like Lavaredo. I live in the north east of Italy not so famous but as well beautiful but with less tourist and hikers! Not bad!

  27. Sarah Avatar

    I’m not sure if I’d be ready for a hike so long at this point, but oh my goodness those views are amazing! Thanks for sharing. This is something I really hope I can do sometime in my life.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Hi Sarah! Don’t worry Italy is full of others treks less difficult but with stunning views as well! You don’t need to feel scared! Hope one day you could come and see this panorama with your eyes. Kiss kiss.

  28. Vernika Garg Avatar

    The pictures are so beautifully captured 🙂
    This just makes me wanna pack my backpack and leave but I have an 18mo old ?
    Will definitely want to try it sometime!
    Nice post 🙂

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      You have all your life for come one day and visit our amazing land. Hope you decide to make some trek as well! Mountains in Italy are important like the sea and the historic cities. maybe one day…

  29. Cindy Avatar

    Wow! What beautiful pictures. I have never been to Italy, but would love to visit one day!

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      You should Cindy! 😀 Thanks for reading my post and let me know if you decide to visit us!

  30. Rachelle Avatar

    Oh, wow! Hiking in Italy looks like it comes straight from a fairy tale. The pictures you have are stunning! I’m sure I would need to go on a few of these treks to work off all of the pasta and pizza and awesome Italian food I would consume!

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Hahahaha the fact that pasta makes the people fat is not true…. carbo are so important in life and for doing sports like hike, trek or running are the best food to eat because give you tons of energy! 😀 Anyway a trip in Italy is necessary once in life and hope you choose to do some treks as well (yes you can bring with you some slice of pizza)! Kiss kiss

  31. Natalie Avatar

    Wow! What amazing places! We always travel with the kids and they are now big enough at 11 and 13 to take in some hiking on our adventures. This is just a spectacular place – would love to visit. Stunning photos!

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Thanks Natalie, I’m so happy you like my pics, I love to hike and make photos in the same way. I’m sure that if you came here you should love our country! Kiss kiss

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