Camping for Women
created by women, for women

Breast Pumping While Camping

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Breast Pumping While Camping 1

Breast Pumping While Camping 1

Breast Pumping While Camping – things you need to know.

By Allison Barfield

Breast milk waits for no one. If you miss your scheduled pumping time you could face painful situations such as engorgement due to a blocked duct. Plus, it could weaken your milk flow. That means that missing a pumping break is not a good option.

It’s always best to maintain your schedule, so as an active Mama who loves the outdoors, this could cause you to face the challenge of breast pumping while camping.


Breast Pumping While Camping

Before you embark on your camping journey make sure to pick the right breast pump to bring along. There are many lightweight, portable breast pumps to choose from with rechargeable battery packs, so they can be operated in areas without power.

Be sure to bring enough batteries to last during your entire trip and some options come with a DC power converter, so you can power them with the cigarette lighter in your car if you parked nearby.


Breast Pumping While Camping 2


You could also consider getting a smaller, manual breast pump as a backup, as they don’t require any power. Just keep in mind they take a bit longer to express breast milk than an electric pump.

A manual pump is also good to have in case an accident happens. If a breast pump part breaks or you forget to pack something, you can express milk with your manual pump until you return home and replace your electric one.


Pumping on the Go

If you don’t feel comfortable pumping during camping activities such as hiking or kayaking, then schedule those events around your schedule. You can easily privately breast pump in the comfort of your own tent.


Breast Pumping While Camping 3 bigstock Wilderness camping on shore of 34968863

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When out and about with nature remember to have a breast pump cover for instant privacy. Simply find a nice spot to sit and relax until you finish pumping then continue on your way. If you don’t want to pump on a busy trail full of passersby simply take a few steps back into the woods for more seclusion.

A good breast pump bag will come in handy as they make it easy to transport your breast pump anywhere, as well as any extra supplies you want to take with you. Some even have insulated pouches for you to store your milk in until you make it back to the coolers at your campsite.


Storing Your Milk

Keeping breast milk is possible while camping as long as you’re equipped with enough coolers and ice to keep it cool. However, you can only keep breast milk in a cooler for up to 24 hours. It may be best to freeze some of your breast milk before your trip to have enough for your baby when you get home.

If you plan to keep your expressed milk, store it away from your campsite as you normally do with food. Pack it up in the car at night or hang it from a tree and remember to walk at least 100 yards away from your site if you intend to dump it.


Cleaning In Between Sessions


Breast Pumping While Camping 4


It’s important to clean your breast pump in between sessions, but that can be a little difficult in the wild. After pumping rinse each part that came into contact with milk with distilled water. You can also wipe them down with breast pump wipes.

Taking an extra set of breast pump supplies can be useful, so you don’t have to clean the flanges after each use. Place the items in a plastic bag and store them until you make it home to clean them or sanitize them at your campsite with boiling water.


Pump in the Wild, Mama!

Don’t let the need to breast pump hold you back from camping, hiking, tubing, and more! All you have to do is take your pump with you and plan your activities a little in advance to incorporate your schedule. Maintaining your milk flow will keep you and baby happy and you’ll still be able to enjoy the great outdoors.


Breast Pumping While Camping 5 bigstock Woman hiker smiling standing o 85032458


Allison Barfield 1
Allison Barfield
Multiple Contributor at  | Website

Allison Barfield began blogging after receiving her Media Arts degree from the University of South Carolina and quickly followed the call of the mountains to Asheville, North Carolina, where she fully embraced hiking, nature, and landscape photography.

Currently, her writing for Aeroflow Breastpumps includes advocating for and helping breastfeeding women through the means of education and helpful tips, including a variety of articles on how to successfully introduce baby to the great outdoors.

When Allison isn’t writing and can’t play outside, you can find her indulging in her coffee addiction as a Netflix enthusiast or totally nerding out with a video game.


47 responses to “Breast Pumping While Camping”

  1. Powell Avatar

    This is so helpful! We are planning camping this summer and I thought of not doing it because of the breast pumping thing and it would be so hassle. So I guess the camping is on!

  2. Vina Avatar

    One thing I’m concerned about, what about at night? My baby still feeds at night and I’m sure I will leak and have to pump and dump. What does a night routine look like? Does it mean dumping at night 100 yards away? I don’t think I’m that brave.

  3. Jennifer Prince Avatar
    Jennifer Prince

    I never even thought about having to do this while camping! It’s great that you have it broken down so easily for those who are on the go so much. 🙂

  4. Brandy Avatar

    I love that there are so many products now that make breastfeeding so much easier. I loved having a pump when I was nursing my kiddos, it helped keep my supply up and I was able to feed them anywhere.

  5. Kristine Nicole Alessandra Avatar
    Kristine Nicole Alessandra

    Perfect advice for breastfeeding moms who love to camp. Although my friend is not expecting (yet), I know she will find this post useful when the time comes that she becomes a mother.

  6. Stella Kashmoney Avatar

    Pumping in the wild would be an adventure for sure. I have never had that opportunity before. Great tips here.

  7. Claire Justine O'Mara Avatar

    I never used anything like this when mine were little but they look like such great products 🙂

  8. Annemarie LeBlanc Avatar
    Annemarie LeBlanc

    Very helpful post for breastfeeding moms! I have a friend who is an outdoor adventure person and she feels left out because she recently had a baby that she breastfeeds. I will share the link to this post to her.

  9. Peter Avatar

    There are some really good and efficient manual pumps out there. We have a great one here too. Great info for the outdoorsy and adventurous mamas.

  10. Neely Moldovan Avatar
    Neely Moldovan

    So many of my girlfriends are currently breastfeeding. I bet they would find this so helpful!

  11. Emma Avatar

    You have done such a great thing, mama.
    Thank you for sharing. We are preparing our first camping trip.

  12. Kemi Avatar

    Technology makes things better, especially for active and professional mums.

  13. Bhushavali N Avatar

    Whoa! That brings back my pumping memories! Pumping was a difficult, time consuming process. While pumping and storing it while camping may be difficult, I would be pushed to tears if I were to dump it!!! I didn’t go on camping while breastfeeding, but its good to know that its not impossible!

  14. Busola Akinpade Avatar

    I chose to stay home when nursing and would never think of camping and breastfeeding. I guess I wasn’t brave enough :-). Great tips for new moms!

  15. Denni Avatar

    very helpful tips for new mummies ! forwarding this to my cousin

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      I hope she is able to get out in nature with her baby soon for an unforgettable trip!

  16. blair villanueva Avatar
    blair villanueva

    From where I came from, mothers choose to stay at home while their babies are still on breastfeeding stage, and can’t travel for a longer period. I will share your ideas to my Mom-friends, am sure they will find this very useful. Kudos for you for conquering two worlds of Motherhood and travel!

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      The modern breast pump is helping moms travel further than ever before!

  17. Kristine Nicole Alessandra Avatar
    Kristine Nicole Alessandra

    This is a very helpful post for moms who love the outdoors. Having a baby should not be a hindrance to doing what you loved to do before you had a baby. Thank you for sharing these tips. I am sure a lot of moms will find this useful.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      Baby might love camping as well!

  18. Kristine Avatar

    Great post and very important for young mothers. I would never go camping when I was breastfeeding my daughters but everything is possible if you really want it and I’m sure you don’t have to say no to camping even when you breastfeed as it’s good for you and for the child as well. ?

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      The amount of planning that goes into any activity while breastfeeding can be a little intimidating, but with the right breast pump, anything is possible!

  19. Karen Monica Avatar

    This is such an informative post. For moms that love the outdoors, I am sure this post will benefit them. They can still camp out even when they are still nursing.

  20. Anahita Irani Avatar

    Such a useful post for young mothers who wish to camp outdoors yet not shirk their child’s need to feed on breast milk. You explained it so well.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      Thanks! Breast pumping is getting much easier than it used to be. I hope moms know they don’t have to pause their favorite hobbies in order to provide breastmilk for their babies!

  21. Soraya Avatar

    Although I am not a mum yet, this is definitely very useful for breastfeeding mothers. I have some friends who absolutely love camping, but avoided going while they were breastfeeding as they were a bit stressed about missing to pump and going off schedule. I think this is a very helpful guide to show women that it is very much possible to breastfeed even whilst camping. But good to know that you can only keep the milk in the coolers for up to 24 hours.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      There is a bit of extra planning that goes into in order to maintain your pumping schedule, but it’s not impossible. Camping has major benefits for both mom and baby.

  22. Medha Verma Avatar

    It sure cannot be easy to be hiking and camping for a nursing mother and missing a pumping schedule is definitely not advisable! You’ve given some very useful tips for the types of pumps to carry and how to store the milk. Also, cleaning the pumps while you’re in the wild cannot be easy, good idea to carry wipes!

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      It definitely takes a bit of planning ahead to maintain your pumping schedule. Boiling the items in hot water or using sanitizing spray can also help keep the breast pump parts clean.

  23. Emilio Marcos Sierra Avatar

    A very informative post about a topic I bet will help out a lot of breastfeeding mothers. Hats off to you for writing some a compelling post about a very modern day topic! Glad to see that topics like this are getting attention and also having a very positive impact!

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      We are working to put an end to stigmatizing mothers for breastfeeding. The modern pumps make it easier to provide milk while returning to work, going on vacation, and much more!

  24. Amy Chung Avatar

    What a great idea for a post! Love knowing that families are going camping even when their kids are just babies. There really is no limit to travel nowadays is there. Sadly breast feeding was not something I did very well at so being able to express at the time was considered a miracle!

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      Each body is different, sometimes breastmilk is ready to go and other times moms need assistance inducing lactation or hospital grade pumps. Luckily there are a number of growing solutions to help mom’s provide for their babies!

  25. Whitney Kutch Avatar
    Whitney Kutch

    These are excellent tips. I don’t have kids, but I think that women can really benefit from your tips! And camping is great 🙂

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      Camping provides tremendous benefits for both mom and baby! It’s fine to get baby started once you’re ready to head out into the woods.


    I did use a breast pump briefly during one of my pregnancies. It was quite good but I’m not sure I’d be inclined to go camping whilst breastfeeding personally.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      Did you have any issues with your pump?

  27. Liz Bayardelle Avatar

    This is a great rundown! I never even thought of trying to go camping when I was nursing my daughter, but this would definitely have helped!

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      Are you able to take your daughter camping now? She probably loves it!

  28. Juliana Avatar

    These are such great tips for moms who love camping. Thanks for sharing this – I found it really insightful!

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      Breast pumps are helping moms return to work, go on vacation, get out for running errands, date nights, and much more!

  29. Jessica Avatar

    Although not a mom yet, I have been in contact with many personally and professionally. Quite frankly I never thought about trips, vacations and the like that moms go on and the adjustments they make to pump. I know they have a new pump that can pump while inside your bra so you can still do other activities. I can see moms benefiting from that specifically when camping.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      Thanks, that is a great point. There are a variety of hands-free pumping devices that can make multitasking a lot easier while pumping. Plus, a scarf or pumping shirt can help maintain privacy.

  30. Holly Avatar

    This is a great post! I never went camping while nursing, so I never had to worry about pumping while camping. These are definitely great tips for women that do!

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      As breast pumps become more advanced are easier for moms to obtain them, moms are able to do more and more while maintaining their breastfeeding goals! It’s exciting to see the growing possibilities.

  31. Shreya Saha Avatar

    This is a post which is very useful for breastfeeding mothers. Did I ever imagine it is possible for a breastfeeding mom to go camping? Well, I surely did not. But now, with such an informative post, I am sure even they can camp. Thanks for this.

    1. Allison Barfield Avatar

      There are ways to maintain your breastfeeding goals in any situation! There’s no need to put everything on hold.

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