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Camping Set Up Ideas

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Camping Set Up Ideas

By Shahin

For nature lovers, camping is not a luxury; it’s a necessity. Camping is an exciting way to lose yourself in the lap of nature. It let you escape from the hectic and tedious day-to-day life. Do you know, there is no better feeling than staring at the stars at night? Indeed!

Moreover, it’s an excellent way to spend quality time with friends and family at the campfire. At the same time, camping requires a lot of planning and energy. True! It could be stressful until you don’t know how to camp like a champ. According to CampGrasp latest blog post, “No matter where you go or what you use for camping. It will be free of hassle and full of fun.”

Fair Enough! You must have camping set up ideas before you hit your favorite campground. There are lots of ways to make your camping easier, less stressful, and more enjoyable. A successful camp period depends on;

  • Suitable Gear
  • Advanced Preparation
  • Sustaining good habit in camp

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However, let’s get straight to the point. Here are some setup ideas for your next camping trip.


Camping Set up Ideas for Novice Camper

Below we provide some ideas to make your next camping expedition easier. However, read through our guide for the perfect camping setup.


Before leaving home, make sure that you have all the necessary gear. The gear should be ready to use. Better you go be sure to make up camping and first-aid checklists. Camping setup gear includes shelter, kitchen, fire, and security accessories. Before you leave;

  • Carefully examine equipment that has been sitting in storage.
  • Involve kids (if you are bringing kids) in preparation. Give them duffle bags to pack their things.
  • Pack strategically.


Organize Things

So, you have all your gear in place; now you are ready to grab and go! Before that, you need to organize things that you’ve brought from home. You can use the well-stocked camp crate to hold your gear.


Establishing Camp

In any camping trip, shelter comes first. So, you have to be careful here. Precisely select the best tent before you go camping. Check, is it good enough for you and your companion(s?). Now it’s time for installation. Select a good tent site and quickly set up your tent. Apart from that try to ensure the following;

  • Keep a few essential things in a fixed place for easier access. Like; spoons and forks in the blue tub, flashlights in the green stuff sack etc.
  • Tell your campmates to return items to a specific place, so that others can easily find them.
  • Keep important gear nearby. For example, keep a headlamp in a pocket, remember the location of your insulation layers, and rainwear. So, when you are in a rush, you can find them easily.
  • Make sure your camping partners remember your campsite’s location. You can mark on trees and also write down on cards.
  • Bring plenty of lights and place them on different points. You should also bring headlamps for each member. It would be better if the lamps are of different colors.

Kitchen Setup

When it comes to Camping Set Up Ideas, One of the most essential is preparing and having meals. For meal preparation and serving, you should have all the necessary kitchen-related gear. Arrange a place near your tent for preparing the meal and storing the utensils as well. Check that you bring the following;

  • Cooking gear: Make sure to bring a stove, utensils, cookware, a cast iron pan, cutting board, foil, and Tupperware.
  • Firestarter or lighter to start the fire.
  • For cooking, you should bring condiments, like salt, pepper, herbs, spice kits, oil and so on.
  • Bring multi functional tools, like a corkscrew, bottle opener, and so on.
  • Carry enough water in the water container.
  • Freezer or cooler- to keep your food fresh. Use gallons of water to use as ice in the cooler.
  • Bring some prepared meals from home. Like, chopped veggies, marinated meat, dry foods, and so on. Keep them in the cooler by putting into a bag.
  • Dishwashing accessories: Bring all the dishwashing accessories like soap, sponge, bleach, and scrubber. You can install your own dishwashing station near the camp. Besides, there are lots of tutorials available on the internet.


Comfortable Camp Furniture Set-Up

Although camp furniture is not essential yet you can carry if you have enough space in your RV or car. However, you can also bring portable furniture if you have a lack of space. Indeed, it’ll add comfort to your camp set up and enhance your mood.

Portable furniture includes hammocks, foldable bed, chair, table, and so on. Choose a tough tree to install your hammock and make sure to choose the place from where you can see the sky. Besides, keep the other furniture’s in a suitable position.


Consider Sleeping Set-Up

At the end of the busiest hiking or trailing day, you need a sound sleep. Hence, make sure you have adequately prepared with the sleeping system. If you do not have enough space or money to bring an additional portable bed. Then you can choose a sleeping bag and pad system. It should fit your body and surrounding conditions.

Moreover, few campers refer to using an inflatable mattress, which is perfect for warmer weather. You can also consider a cot system and a larger tent if you like to sleep above the ground.

Additional Camping Setup Idea for Creating Perfect Campsite:

  • Try to select old rug area for tent set up. It will add a bit more comfort to your tent and helps to manage dirt.
  • You can add rope lights to spice up your tent. It will provide adequate lights inside the tent, so kids can play inside when adults stay busy.
  • To enhance the comfort in your sleeping bag, you can use a water bottle filled with hot or cold water.
  • Don’t forget to do a quick inspection at the end of each camping session and note down them. It’ll help you with the further camping trip.



A successful camping session not only depends on a proper camping setup but also depends on how you maintain it. So, try to adapt to this principle cheerfully and stay tidy. However, everyone has their own choice when it comes to a camp set up. Still, the above camping set up ideas should be enough to get you started!


Shahin Akash
Guest Author at 

Shahin has her own site which offers outdoor gear to her readers on an affiliate basis.

She blogs about reviews of the best gear to be equipped with, when out in nature.


30 responses to “Camping Set Up Ideas”

  1. Maysz Avatar

    I love going camping trip and these ideas it really helps I will save this post 🙂

    1. Shahin Avatar

      Thanks Maysz. Stay with us.

  2. Lisa N Avatar

    We love going camping but always end up forgetting something. Loved your guide for setting up, some great points that we haven’t considered before.

  3. Geraline Batarra Avatar
    Geraline Batarra

    I haven’t experienced camping ever. This sounds really fun..! I will keep this in mind once I planned to go on one.. ?

  4. Ann Avatar

    Thank you for this wonderful and informative post! These truly are som great ideas for setting up a camp. Will bookmark it for my future adventures!

  5. Parnashree Devi Avatar
    Parnashree Devi

    These are super helpful tips. Though I have slept in camps, but never set it up for me anywhere. I loved the way you explain each necessary things from spoons to rugs. This is really a great post for those who prefer camping rather than hotels or resorts.

  6. Martha Avatar

    I was just camping over the weekend and wish I had seen this article. It would have been a great double check to make sure I didn’t forget anything. I did forget my camping chair, urgh! But I made do. I think that’s the most important part of camping. You might not have all the fancy gear, but if you’re innovative and have a positive attitude no lack of gear or gadgets is going to ruin your trip.

  7. Bindu Thomas Avatar
    Bindu Thomas

    I’ve never been on a camp out trip, so this is a great list for people who dont know where to begin.

  8. Michael Avatar

    Maintenance is always the hardest part. Trueeeee. Haha! Camping yes, depends on the choice of the camper’s target but starting and experiencing it first hand is really different from when you just think about it TBH.

  9. Catherine Salvador Mendoza Avatar

    This is interesting. I’ve always like the idea of camping regardless of destination or place. Sometimes I do it in our backyard at home! Of course like what you’ve stated, check the quality of the camping tent which is necessary for a better and more comfortable camping experience! Thank you so much for sharing this. Very helpful.

  10. Live Learn Better Avatar

    These tips are so needed right now especially with summer camps and sleepovers happening now. Thank you for the info.

  11. Amar Singh Avatar
    Amar Singh

    I must say this is the perfect post for a novice like me who is looking to start with his initial camping trip in this summer. I believe planning is key and a check list would surely help to get all you require. It can be a great way of spending quality time with friends or family in the midst of nature. I do take on board your tips and like you said for nature lovers, camping is not a luxury; it’s a necessity and I do want to experience it.

  12. pooja Malkani Avatar

    I really need to do this. I am not sure if I will be able to achieve this goal. Camping is in my bucket list and it has been there was years now. I just feel that if you are better prepared it is worth making an effort. Thanks for sharing these ideas

  13. Kristine Nicole Alessandra Avatar
    Kristine Nicole Alessandra

    Camping was an activity I enjoyed as a young girl, but since I got married and had kids, we did not do much camping as a family. Your tips are so spot on, this post is a good resource for people who enjoy this kind of outdoor adventure.

  14. Kemi Avatar

    Even though I’ve never camped, I’m more the glamping type with amenities involved and somewhat close to civilization for my comfort. Would like to try it one day, though.

  15. Shreya Saha Avatar

    It doesn’t sound easy at all. There are so many things to check while you set up. You do it like a boss, don’t you? It is more important of taking care after you use the materials as you have mentioned, so true.

  16. Elena Toma Avatar
    Elena Toma

    Honestly I never went camping,but now after I was reading your post here I think I want to give camping a chance. Very useful tips!

  17. Yukti Agrawal Avatar
    Yukti Agrawal

    I never had experience of establishing a camp because I always went for rented camping places. But it would be interesting to set up the whole thing on our own. I agree with you that camping actually doesn’t mean the setup but the proper maintenance should also be considered important too.

  18. Cat Lin Avatar
    Cat Lin

    Thank your for these tips! I haven’t gone to a real camping trip yet and I’d love to go to one.These tips are surely helpful. I believe, with these , I can definitely get started camping.

    1. Shahin Avatar

      Thanks for your comment Cat Lin.

  19. Alexandra Cook Avatar
    Alexandra Cook

    I love this camping topic, always gives me a little bit of sense what I need to do and be prepared for. Thanks!

    1. Shahin Avatar

      Thanks Cook for loving the topic. Stay with us.

  20. Anagha Avatar

    I never did camping but I want to do it at least once. The ideas you listed are helpful for me.

    1. Shahin Avatar

      It feels great to read your comments. Thanks Anagha.

  21. Jennifer Maune Avatar

    Love this list. Staying organized is a great way to ensure a stress-free trip!

  22. JM de Guzman Avatar

    This is a great article for all the novice campers and Indeed very helpful to everyone.
    I am keeping this for my future camping trips.

  23. Leah Avatar

    This is a great list of awesome tips for setting up camp! We are avid campers, but I still learned a few things! I’ve never considered taking an old rug for our tent for extra comfort. What a great idea! It would be especially nice to have the extra padding now that we camp with our baby too. I also agree that foil is a must! I never use foil at home, but we also camp with it. Nothing beats using it to camp directly over the campfire! 🙂

  24. Marysa Avatar

    I do feel like there is a lot of setting up to do when we go camping. The tents, sleeping arrangements, food, etc. It takes a while but it is worth it!

  25. coollife Avatar

    We soon will going on our first camping trip to a very beautiful place to spend a quality time with our family and friends. Great tips to help us, thank you.

  26. Karla Avatar

    I totally agree with you. It’s not enough that people buy expensive camping materials. It’s really important on how they take care of it after using. I only camp once or twice a year and I always feel bad when I see some of our things not okay because of bad storage.

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