Camping for Women
created by women, for women

Camping with Babies: It Can be Done

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Camping with Babies

Camping with Babies

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While many of us are experienced camping with our children, taking babies along can divide opinion. For some, the hassle of packing up all the add-ons that seem to come with having a tiny bub can appear more trouble than what it’s worth. However, here are eight reasons why baby can camp with you.

  1. They don’t eat much food – if at all! Exclusively breastfeeding mothers have the food covered. For those using formula, ensure you have a thermos on hand to assist with warm water overnight. Sterilising bags are the most slimline way to keep bottle and teats sanitary, or a good old fashioned boil on the billy.
  2. The will to ensure you see more of your location. This one is for mammas of babies who dislike sleep. Being up and about feeding and settling is actually must less stressful if there is picturesque scenery for you to take in. Seeing some gorgeous sunrises are almost worth the bags under your eyes.
  3. If they are on the move, they can’t get too far. This doesn’t mean be lax on safety – just take a travel cot or play pen to keep them contained but able to enjoy the outdoors.
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  5. Gives you a perfect opportunity to baby wear. Guaranteed snuggles when you take a baby camping as they typically can’t navigate long walks or uneven terrain – simply strap them in and enjoy having them cosy up to your chest. For the record, most babies are far more acquiescent than a wriggly toddler that wants to bust out of their Karinjo.
  6. They will help you be present. There is a lot of discussion about ‘being in the moment’ and taking in the sites when you travel. Having a young child on hand that takes pleasure from the small things like blades of grass and the wind rustling leaves helps remind us why we like camping in the first place. It’s not the Instagrammable places or budget-friendly options, it’s simply being in nature. This can actually mean less time planning ‘the best’ places to stay as babies don’t yet need playgrounds or specific kid-friendly locations. This leaves you more time to decide what you will source as your next coast to coast rv part!
  7. It’s a good excuse to get a blackout tent to help with day naps. They exist and they are wonderful. Better sleep for everyone! As a side note, make sure your mosquito nets are in great quality and in good condition.
  8. It’s great for immunity. Exposing your baby to a variety of diverse natural environments is fantastic for their health in the longer term.
  9. Baby clothes are small. This is good because this is the one thing you’ll want extras of on hand. Having layers is good for cold weather but also for containing mess. You might need to peel off outer layers as they explore the outdoors, or change inner layers as a result of a nappy explosion. Or both. Happy camping!


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35 responses to “Camping with Babies: It Can be Done”

  1. Marysa Avatar

    Camping with babies is definitely a challenge! We took our little ones camping when they were a little older, around 1 or toddler age. The worst part was worrying if they were going to cry and wake up other campers!

  2. Vanessa Avatar

    We’ve started hiking with our toddler, I think camping is up next for sure!

  3. Joyce Avatar

    wow this makes me think of doing this along with my kids, for sure they’ll surely enjoy. thanks for giving me an idea 😉

  4. Melanie williams Avatar
    Melanie williams

    This would deffo be doable, but just require some serious organisation and planning. Great idea though xx

  5. Christopher Mitchell Avatar

    I’m not sure I’d personally want to camp with babies, but it’s good to know that it can be done!

  6. Summer Avatar

    I do not have children, but I know what you mean about beautiful scenery being worth the early wake up. I imagine camping with kids does keep you very in the moment, as you mention, as well. For parents wanting to camp with their young kids it seems like a great tip to get a blackout tent.

  7. Archana Avatar

    I am a solo traveller so have never experienced camping with babies. Your post breaks so many myths. Would definitely recommend to my friends.

  8. Blairvillanueva Avatar

    I haven’t experienced camping even with babies or children. Maybe when I got one we could have a beta test in our backyard.

  9. amy Avatar

    i have never ever experienced camping with babies, but always wanted to, now i feel I could have the chance to

  10. LuciWest Avatar

    I’ve heard before that while kids are still babies, it’s a great time to travel – at least better than when their toddlers. I see you have some of the same reasons listed here. Very inspiring. Also: I had no idea blackout tents existed! Thank you for all the tips!

  11. parnashree Devi Avatar
    parnashree Devi

    You have explained everything so beautifully. These are practical things when it comes to camping with babies. This post is really helpful for woman campers with babies. I agree for the fact that many will not opt for camping for those tiny issues but it can be solved with a little effort. This post is really encouraging.

  12. Elena Toma Avatar
    Elena Toma

    I am really happy that this is possible because I would never been able to go somewhere and not have my baby with me. Like you said I think this is great for boosting his immunity.

  13. Jen Avatar

    This is beautiful. I never thought of taking babies into camping but after reading this I felt inspired. I’ll be sharing these tips with some friends so they get inspired by taking their little ones out camping.

  14. Marjie Mare Avatar
    Marjie Mare

    This summer, I said that I will push myself and tried camping and I did not do it. Your post makes me want to do it.

  15. joy Avatar

    i am not a parent but i love your tip #7. great to know that babies can benefit from being outside camping. always good to look out for the immune system.

  16. thesharonkay Avatar

    Great thoughts on camping with babies.Family time is the best and how wonderful to introduce the wonders of nature to children when they are small.

  17. Daniel Avatar

    I also encourage people to go camping whenever possible and I find your article inspiring! Even though I’ve never done it, I have seen a lot of people doing it and yes, camping with a baby is absolutely possible. And the tips you shared here prove that! I really enjoyed this article even though I’m not the ideal target reader, so keep up the great work

  18. Amrita Avatar

    I believe if the mummy is comfortable with camping, then she would probably be comfortable with her babies too. Yes, a lot of things needs to be kept in mind regarding the safety of the baby. I also think that if you want to go camping with your baby, then it should be not too far away from the locality. If the need arises, you can be back at the main town or place in a jiffy.
    You have given some great tips for camping with babies and reasons as well. A great guide for mummies who wants to introduce their babies to nature.

  19. Kristine Nicole Alessandra Avatar
    Kristine Nicole Alessandra

    I never tried camping when my kids were still babies. However, your tips make it looks so easy! I guess if a couple shares the same passion for camping and hiking, they’d want their kids to give the same experience early on. I will share this post with my son’s best friend. I know he’d be thrilled that this activity can be done. I am sure he’ll be taking his wife and 6 month old son camping soon.

  20. David Elliott Avatar

    I can imagine having a baby while out camping can make one be more present. Although it didn’t seem to help my parents on a bench in the woods when a bear came by while they weren’t looking.

  21. Monica Avatar

    We use to camp all the time before having kids. I’m hoping we’ll bring them next summer. 🙂

  22. Soumya Gayatri Avatar

    Never thought of going camping with my kid. I thought it was always better when he grew up a little. But you make this sound so plausible. These tips are so helpful especially the ones on living in the moment and improving a kid’s immunity. Definitely going to try it now.

  23. Hoang Vi Fessenden Avatar

    Thanks for sharing this! I really want to go camping with my 16 month old!

  24. Liz Bayardelle Avatar

    I had never even considered going camping with a baby, but a lot of your points actually make a great deal of sense. I love the idea that, if you’re going to be up anyway, you might as well have something beautiful to look at.

  25. Rachelle Willgren Avatar

    Oh yeah! We camped with my babies when they were only a couple months old! It wasn’t that bad, and we had a lot of fun!

  26. Flossie McCowald Avatar

    Oh, I love this! We were never quite brave enough to get there (I was game, but my husband was not). We DID spend a week in Big Bend National Park when my youngest was a toddler, though (so no longer nursing, but def still in diapers/not very mobile). We were not camping – we stayed in government guest housing, as my brother was a park employee – but yes, my husband and I did LOTS of hiking with our preschooler on his back, and the baby on me in the sling – it was wonderful!

  27. Elle Avatar

    Frankly if you as a mom are comfortable in nature and camping, most likely your baby will be too. Just be prepared as this post suggests.

  28. Samantha Donnelly Avatar

    Very brave but I am not a camper, but for those who love camping this is a great post full of tips for those with babies x

  29. Kemi Avatar

    Depends on age of baby and frankly, I’d prefer camping with an older child, say 5 onwards, who can follow directions and listen. You would be tired of carrying a baby or toddler 24/7 almost when camping. What if you have to navigate heights or rugged ground? Just take caution either way.

  30. Rachelle Avatar

    I’m definitely not a camper to begin with, so I can’t even imagine what it would be like to camp with a baby. Although, my sister and her family like to go camping and take their little kids. They would take a pack ‘n play with them so my nieces could feel some “freedom” without having to be constantly held. And it helped with their parents being free to do other things, like cook, set up the tent, and just relax.

  31. Viano Dee Avatar

    These are nice tips for camping with babies. I remember some occasions when I went camping years ago, there were mothers who had their babies with them and they did just fine — very noisy — but fine.

  32. Blessing Avatar

    You have a nice very nice tips, my most welcoming is “don’t eat much food and the blackout formula”…have learnt so much from this.

  33. Pooja Shah Avatar
    Pooja Shah

    Camping with a baby sounds like a big task to me. However, you have broken it into such lovely tips and recommendations that now it seems quite possible with a few safety measures. Now I can see so many pros of camping with a baby. Thanks for this.

  34. Jessica Pascoe Avatar

    I never really camped as a child or baby – my mum’s not big on the outdoors! However, I can see the advantages of camping with a baby and how it could be a lovely getaway as a family. As we’re planning to have babies in Australia but love a chance to getaway I’ll have to use these tips!

  35. Mijia Eggers Avatar

    I actually think camping is a nice activity with kids. They will find other playmates on the same campground and have fun. I have never done camping with babies before. But we are planning one with our family in the near future. Thanks for the tips.

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