Camping for Women
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Discover the northeast of Italy

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Discover the northeast of Italy 1

Discover the northeast of Italy 1

By Alessia Morello

Hi girls,

Today I decide to write a different post.

It’s not just a trekking post, it is more a celebration of my homeland.

Discover the northeast of Italy – The place where I’m from

You have to know that my region is not considered much at all in Italy. Sometimes this is sad and sometimes I’m happy for that because we don’t have many tourists that hike and explore our incredible mountains.

I live in the northeast of Italy, in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Yeah, my region has three names because after wars and wars it was decided to join together 3 different areas.

I live very close to the border with Slovenia and Austria and to the south it is lapped by the Adriatic Sea. In the upper part you can find wonderful mountains where you can ski or hike and climb. In the middle there are amazing hills and open spaces to ride by bike and in the south there’s the sea side with beaches and ports.


Nothing missed at all in my land but why is it so unknown?

The main point is that Italy has too much in the way of beautiful places to go and the tourists that come here want to see the most famous things like Rome, Venice, Milan, the Tuscany etc etc. so it is hard to compete with these beauties. Secondly our people are a bit stuffy and don’t like having a lot of new people around. After a hundred years of foreign domination we do not openly welcome new tourism that much. Thirdly, our land has never had problems of job shortages or similar so we never needed the tourism market.

But now with the help of social media and the Internet, I want to show you the magical place where I’m from. NOW I bring you with me in the “hike of the cheese” that is the walk that the cows usually do in the mountains from the Aly (or alpine hut where the cheese is made) and the place where the cows are brought to pasture.


Discover the northeast of Italy 2


Discover the northeast of Italy 3


If you do a hike in Italy there are 3 different kinds of hut that you can find. The Bivaccothat is usually a red metal covert shelter just with some bedding where you can sleep. The classic alpine hut is an easy restaurant and where you can rent a bed or room and then there is the malga (the hut where the cheese is made and where the cows stay during summer season).

The nicest hikes always finish with a lunch in a hut.


The trek

The trek starts from the bottom malga where the cows stay during the night and most part of the dayand. This is where the restaurant of the malga makes delicious homemade gnocchi with their cheese, cheese and ham plates to share together with other typical mountain dishes.
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From there after we enjoy an espresso coffee and start the walk. After a not too difficult uphill part, a flat walk followed and we had the chance to visit a little cave. In just one hour we arrive in a wide lawn where the cows are left free to graze.

After a break we decide to start again and to make the whole ring of the pastures also overcoming the border with Austria.

We walk along the cresta a few meters from the border and we can admire on the right Italy with its pastures in the distance and on the left the meadows and the slopes of Austria, where in winter there is one of the biggest ski resorts in the area.

The walk is beautiful, the sunny day allows us to take beautiful photos and also reach the Bivacco Lomasti, a red dot in the middle of the valley that dominates above all. Very beautiful.


Discover the northeast of Italy 4


Discover the northeast of Italy 5


Discover the northeast of Italy 6 friuli venezia giulia4


Discover the northeast of Italy 7 friuli venezia giulia8 1


Discover the northeast of Italy 8 friuli venezia giulia


Discover the northeast of Italy 9 friuli venezia giulia3


Discover the northeast of Italy 10 friuli venezia giulia2


An amazing day spent in the middle of my mountains that are not just beautiful and sweet. My mountains are hard, difficult, challenging. Not for everybody. But surely, they leave you with a sense of success and greater satisfaction.


Hope you love my pics of my homeland and I hope one day if you decide to visit Italy, you remember my beautiful area in the northeast of Italy ? The Friuli Venezia Giulia.


alessia rotonda
Alessia Morello
Multiple Contributor at  | Website

Alessia Morello is an Italian girl who loves hiking, nature and climbing.

She lives in the north-east of Italy in the middle of the famous Dolomites mountains where she makes her walks and likes to take pictures and videos.

Often accompanying her is her dog Giorgino that you can see in many adventures in the mountains. She likes to tell people about her homeland and the beauty of these not very touristy areas.

Alessia has travelled the world with her work for many years but two years ago she preferred to settle in her homeland and return to live a simple life.  She lives with her boyfriend and her dog, where they grow their garden, they are close to their family and can spend time doing treks and staying more together.  They love to cook (Italian cliche) and are vegetarians. You can read about their adventures in the mountains (and not) on the website:


37 responses to “Discover the northeast of Italy”

  1. Angela Avatar

    I know your land very well, don’t worry it is not that much unknown as you believe. It is very well known by that kind of selected people who bring enough money to make the place richer and richer.

  2. Shelby Avatar

    Wow! This post just made me add North Eastern Italy to my hiking/adventuring bucket list! Those mountains are simply gorgeous! As an added bonus, I absolutely adore cows!

  3. Andrew Koscielecky Avatar
    Andrew Koscielecky

    Northeast Italy is always good to visit, no matter during which season!

  4. Lena Juice Avatar

    OMG! this place looks unreal and I think it’s the best location to visit. Especially for some photographers or travel bloggers, ’cause these landscapes are priceless.

  5. Mommy Sigrid Avatar

    The scenes are beautiful here! So breathtaking! I can smell the fresh air…Showed the photos to my daughter and she said that they were good inspirations to paint. 😀

  6. David Allen Elliott Avatar

    I definitely don’t think about this place when I think of Italy. I would love to visit this section of Italy as much as the rest. I love getting out into nature and it’s so beautiful here.

  7. Daneisha Smith Avatar

    This scenery in all of the photos is so beautiful! I feel like this is the part of the county that we never get to see!! Only the fashionable, trendy parts!!! I can pretty much guess that it was super peaceful and serene!

  8. Manjulika Pramod Avatar

    Slovenia and Austria and on the south being lapped by the Adriatic Sea sound like beauty to me. You are blessed that its still raw and rustic and not many people know about it. Let it not get spoiled by tourism. Keep it for the later. I am sure people will find it one day and indulge in its beauty. Till then you must keep sharing more things about your homeland. I must tell you its gorgeous.

  9. Nidhi Fouzdar Avatar

    That’s so beautiful. Northeast Italy seems adventurous to explore. Hope to explore it with my girlfriends.

  10. Blair villanueva Avatar
    Blair villanueva

    Nowadays, the tourism also helps to promote the city and help to destroy it. It is good that your place doesn’t need it – it will ruin its natural beauty.
    I find your place a very gorgeous spot in its unique way.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Thank you so much Blair. I think the same about the tourism. Is sometimes good but to much is a mess. Hope my mountains keep to stay perfect just for real outdoor lovers and not for sunday walkers..

  11. Brandy Avatar

    I love this beautiful location. I am all about this type of look, it’s just appealing to me. I’ve never been to Italy before, so this would be a place I’d love to experience some day in my future.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Hope for you Brandy! Italy is incredible so where you decide to go don’t worry, you will find amazing cities and food!

  12. Shernette Williams Avatar

    I would love to one day experience living in a place like this! Something so calming about this whole post. Glad this seemed to be a therapeutic adventure for you.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Hi Shernette. The only thing that I could tell you is that life in an easy and simple place like this teaches you to live full, in nature, with no a lot of useless stuff. We don’t follow too much the trends but we live for friends and family. Thanks for reading my post.

  13. Jas Avatar

    Your’e so incredibly lucky to call this home!!! The mountain scenes are absolutely spectacular and while I’m terrible with geography and have honestly never heard of it before, I’m for sure compelled to pay a visit now! Thank you for sharing your beautiful homeland with us and I hope this stays a hidden gem so that tourists won’t be able to come and obstruct its beauties.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Thanks Jas… for be more clear I live 2 hours far from the famous Venice. In the northeast of Italy. Now it’s easy to find me 😀

  14. Elena Avatar

    I just got back from a hiking trip, and I realised that I am not in good condition to walk, since I got tired easily. This region sounds great for my next trip I must admit.

  15. Stella Kashmoney Avatar

    Amazing pictures here. The views are so beautiful. I visited Italy for the first time last year, but could only see Milan.

  16. Azlin Bloor Avatar

    Beautiful post, Alessia, in all sense of the word! I know the area a little, as I’ve driven from Venice to Croatia quite a few times. And we always made it a point to stop off for a day and buy lots of formaggio di Montasio!

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      hahahah yeah the Montasio is soooo good! happy you know a bit my place. Next time stop in San daniele for the HAM! 😀

  17. Fatima Torres Avatar

    I’ve never done camping in Europe before, but my husband says it’s truly an eye-opener. Just imagine being with nature as beautiful as that for the night. It’s exciting but definitely a bit scary for a gal that’s not used to being in that region.

  18. Wendy Lemeric Avatar your photos are dreamy. The place is just breathtaking. I can only wish to travel to places like that.

  19. Adam Overby Avatar

    This place is gorgeous n right in my wheelhouse. Oh the skiing i could!! Haha

    but ……hold on….you hike to restaurants?? I gotta know more.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Hi Adam yeah in some places in the mountains there are the huts where you can sleep and eat. Some places produce cheese and you can find there the cows as well other places are just shelters for the people who hike. Good food with incredible views!

  20. Jana Avatar

    This area of Italy is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing, and also for being honest. I’m sure not everybody can make the trek!

  21. Sara Essop Avatar

    Wow, your homeland is so beautiful. I wish that I lived in a beautiful place like that. Sadly, I have to agree with you that because Italy has so many other beautiful places, your region is not so well-known.

  22. aisasami Avatar

    That landscape is super gorgeous. You capture the majestic beautiful of Northern Italy very well, much better than “The Sound of Music” (this is what I thought when I read your post and remember that scene when the Von Trapp family cross over the Alps).

    Also, homemade gnocchi and cheese! You grabbed my attention with this! I am ready to go for the beautiful views and homemade food!

  23. Navita Deshpande Avatar

    Just loved reading the post and enjoyed the pictures. Northeast in Italy reminded us of Northeast India. The treks, the activities, the views.. everything. We tried our first yak milk cheese there. So enchanted we were with the region that we came out with our first travelogue Backpacking North East India: A Curious Journey. Looking at your post, we feel we would love to discover Northeast of Italy soon.

  24. Prerna Garg Agarwar Avatar

    If I go to Italy again, there is no way I am missing this gem of a place! It looks so serene and beautiful!

  25. Lisa Avatar

    I spend nearly half the year in the north of Italy, Veneto, but haven’t yet made it to this part of the country. It’s absolutely stunning, and how lucky you are to be surrounded by all this beautiful nature. We plan to do a road trip through the region on the way to Slovenia one day; would love to try out this hike!

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      We are so close! You must come to Friuli a day!!

  26. Marcie Avatar

    Thanks so much for sharing about your little oasis! I didn’t know much about the area near Slovenia and Austria until now. It looks gorgeous!

  27. Annick Avatar

    It’s great to see people exploring off the beaten path. I’m not much of a hiker but I appreciate all that it offers. Looks like a pretty corner of Italy!

  28. Bhusha Avatar

    The moment I saw North East, I thought NE of India, coz that’s where the Nature’s true beauty of India lies. Good to know Italy too has its NE so special. Petting that cow, OMG, that’s again so muc like India. That’s one more similarity between the 2 countries (yes, there are a lot!).
    I agree. Italy is blessed with so many beautiful places and the touristy ones take the major chunk of population and places like these are not yet discovered by many.

  29. Luci Avatar

    Northeast Italy is so beautiful. You captured the beauty really well and it makes me want to travel to there.

  30. Jenn Avatar

    I’ve been to Italy, but all city spots. I have never been able to see it like this. So gorgeous and green!

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