Camping for Women
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Hike Like a Lady

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Hike Like A Lady
Hike Like A Lady

Essential Tips Every Girl Must Know Being Out In The Wilderness.

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By Meredith Hayes

Hiking has become a popular way of spending our leisure time. However, women not so seldom face a hostile scenario when they are alone on the trail.

There is a belief that a woman can’t survive on a more problematic hiking routes. Is that true? Everything depends on how you prepare yourself before starting off.

Today we will share several important and handy suggestions on how to prep yourself for the best trip of your life!


What to Consider Before Setting Off

If you want your journey to be safe and pleasant, don’t brush off the basic requirements that will make the whole route a nice experience instead of turning it into a nightmare that you’d like to never experience again.


  1. Gear check

Your hiking supplies are your best friends on the way, remember that. Before setting off, make sure that everything works and fits perfectly. Your tent, sleeping bag, backpack, stove, and water filter, everything must be 100% functioning! Remember to take a compass, too.

By the way, knowing how much time it takes you to walk a mile can help to calculate the comfortable daily distance.


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  1. Clothing and footwear

Boots must fit you perfectly since you won’t last long with injured feet. Never start the journey wearing brand-new boots that were not worn before! If you did buy a new pair, use them for a while before putting on yourself on the route. Otherwise, you will not escape bruises and callosities on your aching feet.

Proper clothing that fits the weather, that is well ventilated, fast-drying, and breathable is also a must. It refers to underwear, too!


  1. Hygiene

There will be no toilet and shower rooms on the trail so make sure that you have all you will need to provide your body with proper care.

Pay attention, though, that those hygiene supplies must not be heavy, otherwise, you can easily add a couple of extra kilos to the already heavy backpack. And that’s you who will be carrying all this!

What to think of when packing for a trip? Menstrual supplies, pee funnel (if you’re planning to hike on very cold or rainy weather), and pee rag, and of course, teeth care items like toothbrush and paste.


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  1. Safety

Of course, you must not be trembling with fear all the way but still, having basic safety supplies can be very helpful so don’t neglect those. Take a safety whistle, a bear spray, personal location beacon, and, just in case, a pepper gas for self-protection.

Some experienced hikers advise ladies to take a fixed-blade knife and attach it to the belt so that it could be properly seen. It can make unwanted visitors think twice before approaching you.


  1. Unexpected situations

On the road, you must always be prepared for any unexpected, stressful, or unpleasant situations.

  • Don’t camp within one mile of a road/trailhead, on or near the game trail. Instead, choose established campsites.
  • If meeting someone who you don’t feel secure about, don’t tell this person where you’re going or where you’re camping. Just make an excuse and leave those people confidently without starting any talks. It’s also not recommended for a solo female hiker to stop for a night with unknown people and especially share alcohol drinks with them. Be careful!
  • Before you set off, check whether any big wild animals or poisonous snakes live in the area you’ll be walking through. If they do, pass that territory with a group of other hikers for protection, and learn how to store the food and how to act when facing a wild bear, cougar, or a snake.
  • Carry a detailed map with you, a GPS, and a compass to not get lost. If you’re going on the long route, check from where you could simply go back to civilization in case of severe injury or sickness.

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Hike Like a Lady 4


  1. Be ready physically

Last but not least is to be well-trained physically. Of course, it depends on the length of the trail, but if you’re going far, being in good shape is a must.

To be ready, do cardio workouts, train hiking with a weighted backpack (yours could be 30 kg or more!), and resistance workouts to strengthen the whole body.

And of course, before you head to the long trip, start with several short (1-2 days) trips to get used to such sort of activity.

Some solo hiking ladies suggest even to take a short training on self-defence and learn how to use a knife for defending yourself. And even though we would not say it is a mandatory requirement, knowing such things would be more than suitable if you are going on the long trip that will take several days, especially if you will be located in an isolated area where you could hardly get help from other hikers.

Be safe and take care!


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Meredith Hayes
Meredith Hayes
Guest Blogger at 

Family Physician of 15+ years  experience. Loves gardening, reading and my

part time job as a Beezzly – Health Expert. Writing my book.


28 responses to “Hike Like a Lady”

  1. Lily Avatar

    Wonderful tips! Women do hike as well!

  2. Lyanna Soria Avatar

    Those are some wonderful tips to keep in mind. I’ve tried hiking before with friends and it was awesome.

  3. Lea Luminarias Avatar

    It’s so helpful and nice of you to include “Unexpected Situations.” I miss hiking so much, can’t wait to do it again.

  4. Christopher Mitchell Avatar

    I feel like my wife would love to read this post! I’ll pass this along to her before her next hiking trip!

  5. Deb Roberts Avatar

    Big Time female hiker/backpacker her! These are great tips indeed and I LOVE my Garmin Inreach that gives me peace of mind, no matter who or how many people I’m with. I also recommend the “shewee”!

  6. Britt K Avatar

    Great advice! We would all like to think that the ‘worst-case scenarios’ will never happen to us, but we need to be prepared! I regularly camp in bear territory and while I’ve only seen a couple of bears in my entire life, I’m always careful to pack all the necessary safety gear just in case this next trip is the time that it happens. You never know, right?

  7. Erica (The Prepping Wife) Avatar

    As a prepper and a female, I love this list! One of the biggest things I always talk about is knowing your gear and practicing with it. It does nobody any good to just buy it and stare at it. Practice, make sure it is in good condition, and it works. You hit so many big points on being prepared, not just for hiking, but for all preparedness situations! Awesome post.

  8. Smita Avatar

    Love this post, and the title! I’ve mostly done short hikes and a lot of these tips are relevant for those too – especially for things like safety & hygiene. Building up my strength (& courage!) for longer hikes!

  9. katrina Kroeplin Avatar
    katrina Kroeplin

    As someone who is keen on hiking, I really appreciated the tips you have highlighted here. Thanks.

  10. Kat Avatar

    This is a really great guide. You are right about the strangers – best not tell them where you’re going and definitely don’t have a drink with people you don’t trust. I do go on solo hikes quite often, but never more than a day trip. If I did an overnight trip, I would probably bring a friend.

  11. Jhentea Guzman Avatar
    Jhentea Guzman

    I have never really tried hiking before but I always wanted to give myself time in doing this. Thank you for sharing this guide.

  12. Shannon Gurnee Avatar

    These are some great tips! I don’t hike too much, but I will consider these the next time we go hiking. Thanks for sharing.

  13. Emman Damian Avatar

    A check list really helps before and after hike. It also ensures that you have complete gear check. Hygiene plays a big role too. You need to have essentials like soap, facial wash and extra clothes. It’s good to stay fresh while hiking so you won’t catch any disease!

  14. Romy Avatar

    I love these tips for female hikers! I love hiking but recently hurt my knee so I have to take a break for a while

  15. LuLu B - Calabrisella Mia Avatar

    I have really fallen in love with hiking in the mountains and national parks where I live. There is a lot of great advice for someone starting out like me, I want to start building a good hiking kit with all the essentials I need.

  16. Melanie williams Avatar
    Melanie williams

    Love this as I hike alot so always up for new advice and ideas. There are so many good ideas here that I will be trying x

  17. Monidipa Avatar

    Most import part in here is safety. I used to hike till 2017 before my accident. I miss hiking though.

  18. Marie Phillips Avatar

    These are great tips! I can use them when my kids and I go cave exploring this summer.

  19. Tracy @ Cleland Clan Avatar

    Great ideas to consider before starting out! My mom, who just turned 70, has been planning to hike the Appalachian Trail. Her plans have been derailed at least twice (by family illness and by the pandemic). It’s amazing how much research she’s done and continues to do for her trip.

  20. Nkem Avatar

    Great tips! There are just some things folks who don’t normally camp wouldn’t think of, like checking to see if the area has wild or poisonous animals!

  21. Gervin Khan Avatar
    Gervin Khan

    You are giving us very useful tips here. Will definitely keep these in mind every time we go on a hike. Thank you!

  22. Ntensibe Edgar Michael Avatar

    Personally, I would rank safety in the number 1 position. It is everything to me.

  23. Ann Avatar

    Haha I love your title! 😀
    Not that I would ever go hiking, I am not that adventurous as a person – I would do glamping, though! 😀

  24. Lyosha Avatar

    Very useful tips! I can’t wait to be back hiking again.

  25. Matt Taylor Avatar

    Those are all great tips for guys as well. 🙂 🙂 Although I think hygiene easily gets overlooked.

  26. Joy Michelle Austin Avatar

    nice list of tips for being ready to hike. i always believe hiking in a group is a great idea. you never know where there’ll be poor cell service, dangerous animals and situations, etc.

  27. Bill Avatar

    Great tips here. I love to go hiking, and a lot of these apply to men and women. I have to say, I’ve never thought about how much more difficult it is for a woman to go outside than a man. I can see where that funnel would come in handy. The menstrual and cleaning supplies make a lot of sense, as well. You don’t want to get a UTI.

  28. Brianne Avatar

    These are such great tips! I have had to pee while on a hike before, and I’ll tell you, I WISHED for a funnel so bad. It’s a lot harder to go in the woods than you think!

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