Camping for Women
created by women, for women

Know Your Knots Infographic

Know your knots 1

Know your knots 1

By Sarah Brown

Making Effective Knots Made Simple

Feel like you are all thumbs when it comes to doing knots? You are definitely not alone!

As outdoor enthusiasts, we all know that we need to do knots with our ropes for everything from camping to fishing and survival. It is obviously important when out in the wilderness to ‘know your knots’.

b47141558e278d670d30502655bc725f 1First of all we all wish we knew more about doing effective knots. Often knowing which knot to use for each situation can be a challenge. Which knot is best for which situation?

The other difficulty is knowing HOW to do these knots correctly. Even following someone else can sometimes be confusing as not everyone can explain things well.

So wouldn’t it be good to have something you could refer to and follow easily? Kinda ‘Know your Knots 101’.

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Sarah Brown from has shared this very useful resource below:

Know your knots infographic:


Know Your Knots Infographic


Know your knots:

To conclude, the key to know your knots is to practice the ones you think you will need most. The knots you choose will naturally depend on the type of outdoor activity you are doing. Therefore practice, practice, practice…

Most of all keep this knowledge with you when you are out in the great outdoors because you never know when you might need it the most!

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Camping for Women sincerely thanks Sarah Brown and for sharing the Know Your Knots Infographic as a fabulous resource.

Sarah Brown
Sarah Brown
Guest Author at 

Ravenclaw, avid reader, comic book nerd, binge tea drinker.

Blog writing, social media, articles, and site content. Visit my site for more info:



19 responses to “Know Your Knots Infographic”

  1. Mary-Anne J. Avatar

    This is just fabulous. I always have trouble with knots while my partner is a genius at them and I just leave it to him. But, what would I do without him?? is a genuine Q. This will help me conquer my knot-tying challenges. thanks

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      It never hurts to be non-reliant on others and build independent skills, that’s for sure.

  2. Only By Land Avatar

    I did learn about all the knots when I was a cub scout but had completely forgotten. This guide and illustrations to knot tying and knowing knots is perfect. It is very important to know which knot is suitable for which situation too.

  3. Michelle Avatar

    Very helpful! Def bookmarking this for when I go camping next time!

  4. Sushmita Avatar

    That’s so much useful for camping & hiking, thanks for sharing dear 😀
    Will be sharing with one of my friends as well.

  5. Anna nuttall Avatar

    Thank you and I didn’t know there was much to knots. haha I was rubbish at girl scouts. xx

  6. Jenni Petrey Avatar
    Jenni Petrey

    This is fantastic, my daughter started learning knots at cubs on Wednesday night. This brings back a lot of memories from being in Scouts. I’ll have to refresh my knowledge!

  7. Anmaria Djong Avatar

    This infographic is really useful. We do not camp as frequently as I’d like so this is definitely so useful for us to learn. I have save this infographic for my whole family to learn this. Thank you so much for sharing this.

  8. neha Avatar

    This is so useful. Whenever I make a knot it either ends up opening very easily or not opening at all 🙂 Now I will try some of these ways, I hope they will work well

  9. saidat Avatar

    I used to go hiking but i never knew any of the knots though some looked by knitting knots. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Dani Avatar

    Wow, very useful! While camping (and randomly throughout life!) I always forget how to do proper, strong knots! I’ll have to study this. Thanks!

  11. Sahar Avatar

    I am seriously in awe! I never knew anything about knots. During an instance.our car got stuck in mud at the beach and due to a wrong knot, we have dent on the back door of our four wheel. The rope literally broke with great force when another car was teying to pull our car out of the puddle. This is so informative. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Andrea Broom Avatar
    Andrea Broom

    AW this is awesome! I love hiking, and enjoy it so much because it lets me reconnect with nature.

  13. GiGi Eats Avatar

    When I was a kid… I went FLY FISHING… And before fishing we had to learn some basic knots. My family thought I wasn’t paying attention… So when the fishing instructor asked for a volunteer to do one of the hard knots, my family said GIGI DO IT —- and um, I PROVED THEM WRONG 😉 I will always remember that, LOL! Felt awesome !

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      And once you know them, these skills always stay with you!

  14. Carrie Avatar

    This is awesome! Although, my idea of camping is more like glamping. LOL! But, this is such a great thing that everyone needs to know.

  15. Annika Mang Avatar

    This is awesome! I have been wanting to learn more about rope tying! What great graphics too!

  16. Nicole Anderson Avatar

    Thanks so much Angela. We think presenting it this way makes it easy to follow. Have a great time out there!

  17. Angela Avatar

    This is SO awesome. I often go out, hiking and camping with my kids, I totally need to know about these knots. I love the graphics!

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