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The Natural Beauty of Tongatapu Island Tonga

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Tongatapu Island 27

Tongatapu Island 27
Looking at Tongatapu Island from the water, showing the flat topography with the capital Nuku’alofa in the foreground. Photo: Nicole Anderson.


Part of the Kingdom of Tonga, the island of Tongatapu (pop. 70,000) is also home to the nation’s capital, Nuku’alofa. It is one of 40 inhabited islands of the total 176 Tongan islands located in the South Pacific.

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Image credit: image –


Tongatapu 2
Image credit: Destination World.


Given its geographical position at 20° 00’S and 175°00W, Tonga is actually the very first country in the world to see the dawn every day.

Tongatapu Island is indeed a very beautiful place in the Pacific. Tonga itself is quite unique compared to other island nations. It dates back to the arrival of the Polynesians 3,500 years ago and today it is the world’s only remaining Polynesian monarchy.

The monarchy itself is said to be one of the most important elements of Tongan culture and Tonga is the only South Pacific country never to have been colonized by a foreign power.



Tongatapu: A beautiful historic treasure trove

The island of Tongatapu is just 257 square kilometers (99.2 square miles) in size. The topography of the island is very flat as it is built of coral limestone. Tongatapu is literally covered with thick fertile soil consisting of volcanic ash from volcanos found on neighboring islands.

This has resulted in the island having lush, beautifully thick green vegetation, contrasting so well with the blue hues of the South Pacific Ocean.


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Palm trees all throughout the island. Photo: Nicole Anderson.


The following are the main highlights of our exploring Tongatapu island:


Haʻamonga ʻa Maui

Haʻamonga ʻa Maui (Burden of Maui) is a stone trilithon located on the north of the island and near the village of Niutōua, in the Heketā district.


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James and I with Haʻamonga ʻa Maui in the background. Photo: A friendly local.


This stone trilithon has been referred to as the ‘Polynesian Stonehenge’. The trilithon is constructed from three coral limestone slabs, and is up to 5.2 metres (17 ft) high, 1.4 m wide, and 5.8 m long. The weight of the visible part of each upright stone is approximately 30–40 tons!

There are two theories as to how this structure came about. The first was that it was built at the beginning of the 13th century under the 11th Tuʻi Tonga Tuʻitātui (king) and the high chief Loʻau, most likely as a gateway to a royal compound at Heketā. The second theory is that it was constructed by the deified ancestor Maui in the 6th century, most likely as an astronomical observatory. In Tongan tradition, the Haʻamonga is believed to have been made by the god Maui, as the stones would be too huge for mortals to handle.


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James standing up against the coral limestone trilithon to appreciate the scale of it. Photo: Nicole Anderson.


In the same way we don’t know the means by which the Moai were transported and positioned (or why) on Easter Island, no one knows for certain the Haʻamonga ʻa Maui’s origin or purpose.


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Explanatory sign at the site. Photo: James Visser.


While Stonehenge on the Salisbury Plain in the UK may have been an archaeo-astronomical observatory, as claimed by Gerald Hawkins in 1963, the king of Tonga Tāufaʻāhau Tupou IV stated something similar in 1967. The king offered a theory that the Haʻamonga had an astronomical significance telling the position of sunrise at solstices and equinoxes. This theory was also supported by the research of Tongan historian Tevita Fale. According to Tevita Fale, there is a V-shaped mark on top of the lintel that aligns with the rising of the sun during the solstices and equinoxes. All very interesting theories providing plenty of food for thought.


Maka Fa’akinanga

There is also a large stone slab known as “Maka Fa’akinanga” about 100 metres from the trilithon, which served as the King’s throne. It is said that the King sat here alertly to ward off assassination attempts on his life. The stone has an evident indentation of a large head, shoulders and back.


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Maka Fa’akinanga. Photo: James Visser.


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Explanatory sign for the Maka Fa’akinanga. Photo: James Visser.


Ancient Royal Tombs of Lapaha

These Royal Tombs have also been referred to as the pyramids of Tonga, although obviously nowhere near the size or scale of those found on the Giza plateau on the edge of Egypt’s Sahara. Lapaha itself is a village of about 2,200 people, also found in the district of Hahake in the eastern part of the island.

Lapaha close to the town of Mu’a is the place where an estimated 22 ancient royal tombs (or langis) are situated, spread over an estimated 400 x 500 square metres of land.

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One of the Ancient Royal Tombs of Lapaha with a bicycle in front for scale. Photo by Nicole Anderson.


The langis are platforms of earth with a stepped pyramid effect supported by stone slabs as surrounding walls. It is said that the construction of these massive tombs was a way to demonstrate the spiritual and political power of the Tu’i Tonga. These tombs and the rituals that surround the burial of the descendants of the Tu’i Tongas in the same tombs are still a living part of the Tongan culture to this day. It is believed also that Tu’i Tongas constructed these tombs as a symbol of their respect for the Heavenly Fathers that became Kings of Tonga.


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The vaults and the construction were an enormous and highly engineering feat that the people of Tonga achieved at a time the Tongan empire was at its peak. The corners of the slabs used to construct the tombs were very well and neatly joined as if the hard coral slabs of rocks were like pieces of timber and there was little evidence of mechanical tools available at that time.

Here is a video that I found on YouTube on the Tongatapu Island Tombs:



By contrast, here is a modern cemetery fairly closeby:


Tongatapu Island 11
Modern-day, non-royal cemetery. Photo: James Visser.

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And a shot of where Tongan Royalty has been buried in more recent generations:


Tongatapu Island 13
Tongan Royal Cemetery. Photo: James Visser.


The landing site of Captain Cook

The famous Captain James Cook’s time in Tonga is commemorated by a plaque at the site of his landing on Tongatapu Island in 1777. At this point it is said that he rested under a great banyan tree before journeying to the (then) capital, Mu’a, to see the King. The banyan tree of yesteryear is no longer there, however a younger tree, said to be a descendant of the original, stands at the site. The name of the tree, Malumalu ‘o Fulilangi, means “shading under the sky”.

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The commemorative plaque reads:

‘Here stood formerly the great banyan “Malumalu ‘o Fulilangi” or Captain Cook’s tree under the branches of which the celebrated navigator came ashore on his way to visit Pau, the Tu’i Tonga (sacred king of Tonga) on the occasion of the ‘Inasi (presentation of the first fruits) in the year 1777.’

The site was recently overhauled and interpretive signage was put up, and you can see a small souvenir and craft shop has been established. Visitors can now gaze out into the lagoon from a cement platform and imagine Cook’s ships sailing into the waterway more than 230 years ago.


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Looking out over the lagoon where Captain Cook once sailed to land on Tongatapu Island. Photo: Nicole Anderson.


Looking out over the lagoon to other parts of Tongatapu island with the palm trees swaying to a gentle breeze amidst the lush greenery, looked and felt pretty great. You could understand why many people would regard the island as a paradise.


Other things you can do while on Tongatapu Island

There are so many activities you can do while exploring Tongatapu island including:

Check out the Royal Palace (from the outside) which is located right on the waterfront just to the side of where cruise ships dock.


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James and I outside the entrance to the Royal Palace situated on Tongatapu Island. Photo: Friendly local.


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Royal Palace from the side with hibiscus bushes dividing the property boundary. Photo: Nicole Anderson.
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Sign outside the Royal Palace. Photo: James Visser.


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The front garden of the Royal Palace looks out to sea and directly off to the side is the cruise ship docking area. Photo: Nicole Anderson.


Shop for island souvenirs such as their arts and craft comprising bone carvings, tapa products, wood carvings and weaved baskets.


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One of many stalls offering local handicrafts for sale. This one was set up at the waterfront, close to the cruise ship. Photo Nicole Anderson.


Explore the capital Nuku’alofa.


Tongatapu Island 21
Downtown Nuku’alofa. Photo: James Visser.


You can also:

Visit the Blowholes

Go Kiteboarding, surfing, diving, snorkeling, kayaking, swimming with the whales (June to November with the Humpbacks), sailing, fishing, birdwatching or take tours across the island and the country.

Explore further by visiting other islands within the Tongan group by boat or plane.



The great explorer Captain James Cook named Tonga the ‘Friendly Islands’ during his voyages in the South Pacific. Today, it is easy to see why he did this as I found the Tongan people to be extremely welcoming, friendly, and humble.

I learned that Tongan society is guided by 4 core values, which are;

  1. Fefaka’apa’apa’aki (mutual respect);
  2. Feveitokai’aki (sharing, cooperating, and fulfillment of mutual obligations);
  3. Lototoo (humility and generosity); and
  4. Tauhi vaha’a (loyalty and commitment).

Family is regarded as the central unit in Tongan life. Older people command the most respect and each member of a family knows their role. These values were certainly extremely evident, even from the perspective of a visitor that just came across so strongly. I found them to be a warm and caring people who really love and respect their Royal family.


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Signs and respectful images of the Royal Family are found in many places across Tonga. Photo: James Visser


Tonga is also a nation entwined with Christianity. As the guidebook I was given states: ‘Sundays are devoted to church, family and rest. Beautiful clear harmonies, the ringing of church bells and the rhythmic beat of the Lali (wooden drums) are all familiar sounds drifting on the tropical breezes. From the days of the early missionaries until modern times, Christianity has been a vital and influential aspect of Tongan life, second only to the respect for family.’


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One of many churches on the island. Photo: James Visser.


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Another church within the capital of Nuku’alofa. Photo: Nicole Anderson.


While my time in Tonga was relatively short, the people, the beautiful Tongatapu Island and its very interesting history made me so glad I visited.



This article on Tongatapu Island is part of the Natural Beauty Travel Series, authored by travel writer Nicole Anderson.

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Outdoor adventure enthusiast that loves nature having travelled locations across North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.

Passionate Travel Writer, Blogger and Influencer.


131 responses to “The Natural Beauty of Tongatapu Island Tonga”

  1. Blair Villanueva Avatar
    Blair Villanueva

    A friend of mine just visited this place and yes, both of you have similar thoughts about it. I can’t wait to experience it too!

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      I hope you will let me know your thoughts also when you visit Blair, and that you have every bit of enjoyment there that I had.

  2. Mary Avatar

    What an amazing glimpse into the culture! Thank you for this fascinating expose.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      You’re most welcome Mary. Thank you so much for your comment and for reading.

  3. Erica (The Prepping Wife) Avatar

    I’ve been to Stonehenge, so the Polynesian Stonehenge intrigues me. I had never even thought about this as a travel destination before reading your post. The pictures and descriptions sound like a fabulous place to visit. It’s definitely going on my travel bucket list!

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thanks so much Erica. While it may not be the size of Stonehenge, it still offers a great deal of fascination around why and how it was constructed. I do hope you get to check it out for yourself and cross this off your bucket list.

  4. Elease Avatar

    I had a friend who visited Tonga who also had such great things to say. Bucket list trip for sure!

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Even before I visited Elease, I hadn’t heard a bad word spoken about Tonga. It is definitely worth a visit.

  5. Tracy C Avatar

    What an interesting place to visit! I always wonder about the people who set the monoliths and other rock structures in place so many years ago. What were their lives like? Why did they place them that way? We probably will never know.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      The evidence to properly answer those questions is unfortunately not around at this stage Tracy. Indeed we might never know for sure but only guess accordingly to the available information we have at hand. Still, it is interesting to speculate on the various theories.

  6. Tessa Avatar

    Well, this is a refreshing change from the sea, sand and sun type of post you usually see for places in this part of the world. They have such a rich heritage – the only remaining Polynesian monarchy, and never colonised. It looks like such a peaceful place with beauty at every turn. Would be a very interesting place to visit.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Absolutely Tessa! While they do have the beautiful sea, sun and sand, there is a lot more depth to the wonderful people there. Thank you so much for reading and commenting.

  7. Lindsay Brown Avatar
    Lindsay Brown

    What a fantastic write up! Tonga sounds like it is very rich in history and looks like a beautiful place to visit. I really liked how you added in the maps for a better idea of where it is exactly located.

    Great post!

  8. Joanna K. Avatar

    Reading your account of the trip to Tongatapu island, made me feel as if I am on an exotic trip, sharing a unique experience. I am taking the four core values defining their culture. I appreciate the focus being on community building and trust.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thank you for such a lovely comment Joanna. The four values are definitely something I think we can all learn from with regard to building a beautiful culture.

  9. Elizabeth | Tiredmom Supermom Avatar
    Elizabeth | Tiredmom Supermom

    Wow! The church will all the stairs looks exhausting but I bet it was a beauty on the inside.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      All the Tongan churches look to be well cared for and quite beautiful, Elizabeth. You should consider visiting and check them out one day.

  10. Helen G Avatar
    Helen G

    I really enjoy reading about history and culture. Thank you for your great post all about Tonga – one to add to the travel bucket list! ?

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thank you very much Helen. I hope you will let me know your impressions of Tonga when you make your trip.

  11. Joyce Osiango Avatar

    It’s good to always find posts like this, very nice of you to have explained this place in detail. Makes it easier for someone to know what they expect and to look forward to the future planning of their own trips.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      You’re most welcome Joyce and thank you for such a lovely comment.

  12. Melody Avatar

    I am not familiar at all with any of these islands in a specific way. They have never peaked my interest in visiting there until now. Your photos and tour through the island has made this most intriguing. I would love to see the “Polynesian Stonehenge” as well as the other places you went. I really enjoy sites of historical significance, too.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thank you so much Melody. Hopefully, Tonga is now a place on your radar to visit at some point in the future. It is all so much better if you can see it in person. Thank you for reading and commenting.

  13. Nahashon Kyalo Avatar

    I am contemplating visiting Tonga sometime this year and I’m confident your guide will come in handy. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      That’s fabulous and please let me know if you need any additional information to plan your trip. Happy to help if needed.

  14. Subhashish Roy Avatar

    To be honest I had not come across this place. It must have been such a thrilling experience. What a lovely place to spend a holiday. Loved knowing the history of the place.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thanks so much – Yes it was a thrilling experience and I’m so pleased you enjoyed the information and left a comment.

  15. Blair Villanueva Avatar
    Blair Villanueva

    Now I am checking if my passport allows me to visit this island. I think it is also a must-visit and learn from their heritage. This looks peaceful and far from any issues.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      The feel of the whole place is very peaceful Blair and I’m sure your stress will melt away once you arrive. The locals are very friendly and happy to share their history and culture. Have that passport ready!

  16. Snehal Avatar

    You have made add another beautiful historic place to my travel list. Would like to explore the kingdom of Tonga in future ?

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      That’s wonderful to hear Snehal! I hope you have a great time.

  17. Luna S Avatar
    Luna S

    I’ve never heard of Tongatapu Island, thanks for sharing all of this information and photos it looks like a great place to stop for a visit!

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      That’s for sure Luna! Perhaps you might consider a visit yourself one day.

  18. Ashley | One Journey Away Avatar

    What a great, comprehensive overview of Tonga! It’s always fascinating to learn about other cultures, their history, and their values, as you’ve clearly laid out in your post.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thanks so much for that lovely comment Ashley. I’m so pleased you enjoyed reading.

  19. Scott J DeNicola Avatar

    The Polynesian style cultures are fascinating to me and Tonga is no exception. I had heard of this beautiful island but being in the US it seems to be quite a journey to get there. I also had no idea they were a country of Christians. Regardless of the size of those pyramids compared to Giza it still confuses me on how cultures that are so old were able to build as they did. Those stones look incredibly heavy to move with no modern tools. Very interesting read.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      How the stones were moved is certainly a mystery Scott and part of what makes this island so interesting. You should consider visiting if you are ever in the South Pacific region as I’m sure you would enjoy it. Thank you for reading and commenting.

  20. Trish Veltman Avatar

    Living in New Zealand, Tonga and other South Pacific island nations are relatively easy to get to. I’ve been debating over Samoa, Raratonga, Cook Islands, Tonga etc but your post has helped me decide! Tonga looks amazing.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      You are indeed lucky to live in relatively close proximity Trish and I’m stoked that this post has made you want to spend some time there to see it for yourself. I hope you have a wonderful trip.

  21. Paul Healy Avatar
    Paul Healy

    Ancient cultures in such remote locations are so fascinating, hard to imagine how they even made it there and started thriving in the first place. Thanks for such an in-depth, interesting read.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      You’re very welcome Paul and thank you for making a great comment. The history just gives a whole new depth and perception to understanding this wonderful country.

  22. Sandy N Vyjay Avatar

    Tonga is an exotic and unique country. A country that we were frankly unaware of. Geographically the country seems to be so ideally located with being the first to see the rising sun. Another aspect that is really fascinating is the fact that it has never been colonized. And of course, the presence of pyramids here increases the intrigue of this unique country.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      I couldn’t agree more Sandy N Vyjay! There are so many things that make Tonga unique and quite special. It’s beautiful, fascinating and very friendly. Thank you so much for reading and leaving a comment.

  23. Daniel Avatar

    I have heard about Tonga before but never realized it’s this pretty. I think your article made it climb a few spots on my bucket list. I would definitely love to visit some day!

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thanks so much Daniel. I’m so pleased you liked it enough to push it higher on your bucket list.

  24. Lisa Avatar

    Do you know I actually met the prince and princess of Tonga a few years ago when I worked for Parliament. That said, I can definitely agree about the country being known as the friendly islands. Tongatapu Island looks so pretty yet remote, but this is something that draws me to the Pacific. I can only dream about reaching this part of the world one day!

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Wow Lisa! That’s pretty cool to have met the Prince and Princess! From what you have said, it sounds like they were pretty friendly as well. I hope you do visit their home country and enjoy the beauty it has to offer.

  25. Bhushavali N Avatar

    Tonga sounds interesting. Its the country that gets the first ray of sunlight??? That itself is enough reason to head there.
    A pre-historic observatory? Now, that’s super interesting & intriguing.
    Hope I can get there and see this myself soon.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      You bet Bhushavali! There is just so much to love about Tonga and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

  26. Anahita Irani Avatar

    The island looks perfect for a long relaxing holiday. Loved your narrative style of writing and the details of your post. Seems like you really had a fabulous time.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thank you very much, Anahita. I am so pleased you enjoyed reading it. Tonga was a really lovely experience for me.

  27. Andrew Avatar

    The Island is really cool. I’m really curious how Tongapatu looks during summer. How many days you recommend to visit the Island for first timers ? Do you think Tongapatu is a good destination to go with family ?

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Hi Andrew. Tonga is certainly a destination that many families choose to spend their holidays (large numbers particularly from Australia and New Zealand) with numerous tourists choosing to stay for a couple of weeks or even longer. To answer your question about how Tongatapu looks in the summer; it really doesn’t change that much during the year given its location in the South Pacific. Tonga, like most island nations in this region, does not have the large differences between the seasons and winter certainly doesn’t get really get cold at all compared to other places. Therefore the natural scenery pretty much remains mostly unchanged throughout the year.

  28. Takara Ayana Avatar

    I never knew this place existed until now. Now I’m intrigued and want to know more. I may even add it to my travel list.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Hi Takara – there are plenty of ways to research Tonga as a travel destination with so much of this being online and easily accessible. Once you have had the chance to look through it, you will no doubt be in a solid position to decide if this would be a great trip for you. Thanks for reading and for leaving your comment.

  29. Manjulika Pramod Avatar

    This sounds so unique, so unheard kind of place. I did not knew the name of the main island in Tonga is called Tongatapu. It was so good to learn about its history and attractions. The fact that Tonga is actually the very first country in the world to see the dawn every day, makes it more exciting. Also, its interesting to learn that it was never colonised by foreign power.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thanks very much, Manjulika. I totally agree with you and think that the Tongan people certainly have quite a lot to be proud of.

  30. Jessica Tejera Avatar
    Jessica Tejera

    Wow. These historic sites look so beautiful.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      It is definitely a plus when you come across a place that has beauty as well as interesting history. Thank you very much for reading and commenting Jessica.

  31. blair villanueva Avatar
    blair villanueva

    I never heard of this island, but is looks like one of the peaceful and gorgeous island in the world. I bet living here would be humble far from stressful life in the main city. If I will visit this place, I would like to explore their local heritage and learn from them.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      I think the Tongan people could teach us a lot about peace, harmony and life devoid of stress Blair. Their culture certainly has many elements to be admired. Thank you for reading and leaving a comment.

  32. Sinjana Ghosh Avatar

    Never heard of Tongatapu island before and I must say I am so intrigued after reading your post. Such a natural beauty this is . Plus those beautiful churches! I love the Captain cook’s memorial. You did really well in exploring so much on a short trip.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thanks very much, Sinjana. We all generally have limited time in any place and I like to make the most of it while I’m there to see, enjoy and learn as much as I can. I’m so pleased you found what I had to share here to be of interest.

  33. yukti Avatar

    I never knew about Tonga but got fascinated by this little idea after reading your post. The concept of Maka Fa’akinanga is interesting and I love such local belief. The swaying of palm trees and lush green vegetation makes this island very photogenic.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      That is so true Yukti – and I should know because I am not a very good photographer! Nevertheless, it is hard not to take a lovely photo in some places without even trying. The history is certainly as interesting as the geography there.

  34. Anda Avatar

    Interesting read. I’ve only knew about Tonga, but never heard of Tongatapu Island. Their civilization seems very similar with that of Hawaii, which is not surprising considering they share the same ancestors. I didn’t know Captain Cook sailed here as well. He has a monument on the Big Island of Hawaii also.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      There are certainly similarities between the Tongan and Hawaiian cultures Anda, but by the same token there are many differences also. Captain Cook definitely got around didn’t he? The Pacific is a massive ocean to cross and explore – full of beautiful places.

  35. Adele Gee Avatar

    An island in the middle of the Pacific sounds exotic and far away. I would love a chance for a visit one day. IN the meantime I will live through your experiences. Thanks for the historical information tied to Tonga too – the Captain Cook lagoon and the similarities to Stonehenge was interesting for me.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      You’re so welcome Adele. I really appreciate such a lovely comment and love that you enjoyed reading and discovering more of this special place.

  36. Sara Di Giannantonio Avatar

    I would love to go to Tongatapu Island! I didn’t know that Tonga is the only country in the South Pacific that hasn’t been colonized. As you said, that would make it for sure a unique island where you can actually witness the native culture with no other influences. I loved the comparison you made of Burden of Maui with the moai of Easter Island and the trilithons of Stonehenge. They are all so mysterious and fascinating. Thank you for inspiring me to go to Tonga even more. I would love to be the first one to see the dawn for one day 😀

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thank you so much Sara. I’m so pleased you like the article and are interested in the fascinating history as well as the natural beauty of Tonga. I hope you will let me know when you get there and if your experience is just as enjoyable as mine was.

  37. Dada Avatar

    I am so glad that this is not another Tongan blog post about beautiful beaches! I have learned so much about Tonga and I am so glad I did! I can imagine the excitement of Captain Cook when he arrived at Tongatapu Island in 1777 and even now I think every tourist feels the same when arriving on the island!

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Although it is true that Tonga does have some lovely beaches Dada, I agree with you that Tonga has other more unique features which I have tried to focus more on here. So pleased you learned more about different aspects of Tonga that I would argue are equally beautiful as their beaches. Thank you so much for reading and leaving such a great comment.

  38. Angie Avatar

    Such a beautiful island to explore. So many fun things to do!

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      You could stay there for your whole vacation Angie and I’m sure you wouldn’t get bored!

  39. Erin Avatar

    I would love to visit here! Just as I imagined visiting the South Pacific to be. Need to get here one day.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      The South Pacific is certainly renown for being a beautiful part of the world Erin. Tonga is very much a part of that and I do hope you will visit one day as well.

  40. Jennifer Avatar

    Wow how cool is this place ! And look at that location! How did you choose there ?

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Both James and I enjoy going to places where there is a lot of nature and that aren’t swamped with tourists Jennifer. Tonga definitely fitted that description so we were happy this was included on our itinerary and it definitely didn’t disappoint. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  41. Nicole Hood Avatar

    Wow what a trip! I would love to travel to a tropical paradise like this one day! Bucket List!

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      I’m pleased you decided to include this location on your bucket list Nicole! Hope you get to experience it and cross it off your list being happy you came. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  42. Archana Singh Avatar

    I had absolutely no clue what and where Tongatapu island is. I always thought its Japan that gets to see the sun first. Now I know it’s actually Tonga that gets to see the dawn first every day. So much history and cultural treasures to explore on the island.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thanks Archana. While Japan is known as ‘the land of the rising sun’, it is well west of Tonga and so begins its day hours later. I’m so pleased the history and factual parts of this post interested you.

  43. Rachelle Willgren Avatar

    GORGEOUS! I have heard of Tonga but hadn’t ever seen pictures. I’m so glad yours were the first for me!

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      What a lovely thing to say Rachelle! Thank you and I hope you might consider visiting one day.

  44. Marysa Avatar

    What a beautiful and interesting place to visit. It sounds like you had a great time exploring the island. I wasn’t familiar with this island.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      I’m so pleased you enjoyed this post Marysa and that you learned a bit about this lovely place. Thank you for reading and commenting.

  45. Camesha Avatar

    This is such a unique place to visit. There is so much to see. The history is very cool! I love the detail you added earlier about this being the first place to see the dawn of each day. Love that!

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thanks, Camesna! I found that little fact to be really interesting as well.

  46. Ashley Lavoie Avatar

    Wow this is some great history with gorgeous photos! Excellent work on this article, I learned so much from it

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thank you so much, Ashley. I do try to balance relevant factual information with a bit of a personal side to each location and I really appreciate that you liked it enough to leave such a lovely comment.

  47. Laura Dove Avatar

    Wow what a beautiful island! I love visiting places like this, such beautiful scenery and so much to discover!

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thanks so much, Laura. Definitely, agree with you!

  48. Michele Dennis Avatar

    Tongatapu Island, Tonga looks like a gorgeous travel destination! Such a beautiful landscape, stunning architecture and rich history.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      That’s for sure Michele. Thank you for reading and leaving your comment.

  49. Supriya Avatar

    This island looks a beautiful place, need to add it to my to-do list. Very beautiful post too.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thank you so much for your lovely comment Supriya. Much appreciated. Hope you get to visit soon.

  50. Kristine Nicole Alessandra Avatar
    Kristine Nicole Alessandra

    The trilithon is such a unique structure. I cannot imagine how it was built. Those stones are massive! Even the single stone slab, which was the “king’s throne” is also a mystery of how it was brought there. So many interesting things to see in Tonga! Happy to read about your experience!

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thank you very much, Kristine. Even using today’s technology, trying to recreate this structure would not be easy so we can only wonder how they did it back at that time.

  51. Dalene Ekirapa Avatar
    Dalene Ekirapa

    If I went to Tonga, I’d love to visit the royal tombs and get to appreciate the history of the locals…that would be perfect! You must have had a great time in Tonga, right?

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      You bet Dalene! We sure did. A big part of that was getting to know the history and interacting with the friendly Tongan people. I’m sure you would enjoy that as well and thanks for reading and leaving a comment.

  52. Anna de Nord Avatar

    Wow, what an incredible place! Looks cozy, friendly and so picturesque <3 Have you visited the island on your own or was it a guided tour?

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Hi Anna. When James and I visited we did go on a tour but we also explored on our own as well. We find that a guided tour is good to do sometimes when you first reach a new location as this gives you a lot more information to make informed decisions about where you would like to explore on your own. Thanks so much for your comment.

  53. Annemarie LeBlanc Avatar
    Annemarie LeBlanc

    I would love to visit places that are not usually on everyone’s bucket list. Tonga is a really interesting place. Beautiful and idyllic. What an awesome experience you must have had in the place.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thank you very much, Annemarie. Like you, I also enjoy getting to see places which are less travelled as it feels so much more special. I honestly would recommend Tonga as such a place.

  54. Anita Avatar

    I love mysteries like that. Glad this world has still lots of them. Do I get it right, that the same stones were transfered to the Easter Island? This looks really impressive, and I wish I can visit one day.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Hi Anita. No, the stones used on Easter Island were from that island. Those would have been far too numerous and heavy to sail halfway across the vast area of the South Pacific anyway. I do hope you get to visit both Tonga and Easter Island one day to truly appreciate the sheer size and weight of these stones. Do check out a separate post I have done on my Easter Island visit when you get the chance. Thanks so much for reading and commenting.

  55. vidya Avatar

    love how you write down these travel posts.. it gives us such a wonderful insight into the place..
    love that pic of the bicycle for sale in front of those ancient royal tombs 🙂

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thanks so much Vidya! Your reading, enjoyment and commenting is really appreciated. Just for the record though, the bicycle was just there and I used it to show the ‘scale’ of the tomb, not that it was for ‘sale’ (although, who knows? It might have been).

  56. Jane Dempster-Smith Avatar
    Jane Dempster-Smith

    Tonga has always been on my list of travel ‘must dos’. It is such an interesting country, to be honest, I did not know there were so many islands in the chain – 176 islands in total. The Stone Trilithon does remind me of Stonehenge. 30 – 40 tons of stone how on earth did they get the top one up there. Incredible. I guess we will never know how. I was interested to read about the Tongan people’s core values. Something that we have lost in our western culture.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      I agree there is no doubt that there is a lot going for Tonga, Jane. I wonder if anyone has actually visited all 176 islands. Isn’t it great that similar to Stonehenge, the Tongan people also have this fascinating mystery? And their core values say so much about what wonderful and friendly people they are. It just makes it an integral part of an already wonderful experience.

  57. Ryan K Biddulph Avatar

    Super breakdown here Nicole! I love the South Pacific. Chill vibe in that area of the world. I did 4 months in Savusavu Fiji way back in 2014. Magical spot. Locals were so relaxed, on island time. All was EASY, as they used to say LOL.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thanks so much, Ryan. Fiji is certainly very similar in many respects, as are many of the South Pacific Island nations, where they don’t lead a life full of stress and pressure. We can definitely learn a lot about how to enjoy life more – especially when surrounded by such beauty and idyllic climate.

  58. Pooja Avatar

    I had read about Tongatapu in the Captain Cook stories. I now know what a beautiful place it is. It is interesting that Tonga is the only South Pacific country never to have been colonized by a foreign power.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Definitely Pooja. Tonga does have an interesting history that is very evident in the cultures of the native peoples today. The fact they have never been colonized is something the Tongans are very proud of and their love of their Royal family is well known.

  59. Cyndi Buchanan Avatar

    I have never heard of this island until now. This looks like a place I would love to visit. So much history and culture.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      That’s for sure Cyndi! Hope you visit also someday. Thank you for reading and leaving a comment.

  60. Carrie Ann Karstunen Avatar
    Carrie Ann Karstunen

    This is an excellent guide on the must-see historical sites on Tongatapu Island. I hadn’t heard about the stone trilithon located there – I’m fascinated by ancient structures such as this. I’d also like to visit the Ancient Royal Tombs. It was interesting to see your photos of those along with the modern royal burial site with its similar stepped design.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thank so much for sharing your thoughts Carrie and for your kind words. Prior to planning the trip, I hadn’t heard about the trilithon or ancient tombs either. This discovery really added a lot to an already beautiful destination to explore.

  61. Raghav Avatar

    The Tongatapu Islands look like heaven on earth. I think being way out in the corner of the world, it remains one of those destinations that are frequented by only a few people, and mostly by cruise ship passengers. It’s great to see so many cultural aspects to Tonga from the churches to the market stands, and of course the natural beauty of it all.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      I totally agree Raghav. Even though tourism is increasing, it is nowhere near the numbers (yet) where we would be worried about the impact on this beautiful environment.

  62. Lori Bosworth Avatar

    I’m glad you posted a map because I wasn’t exactly sure where Tonga is. I am fascinated by the theory that Ha’amonga was built by the god Maui!

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thanks, Lori. A lot of people are not sure of the exact location so I thought it best to include a map and there are many (myself included) that are equally fascinated by the theories of how this monument was built.

  63. Neely Avatar

    It really does seem like an incredible and beautiful place to visit!

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      Thanks so much, Neely. I agree and the increasing numbers of tourists to Tonga are a testimony to the word that is getting out about this wonderful spot in the South Pacific.

  64. Tami Avatar

    I have always wanted to visit Tongatapu Island. The Ancient Royal Tombs of Lapaha especially interest me.

    1. Nicole Anderson | Camping for Women Avatar

      I can definitely understand that Tami. The Ancient Royal Tombs have fascinated historians, explorers and tourists alike for a very long time. Thank you so much for reading and commenting.

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