If you are a lover of camping or backpacking having a good sleep system sleeping pad and bag, can make the difference between a long, cold night and a cozy, warm one. The OutdoorsmanLab UL Camping Sleeping Pad and Mummy Sleeping Bag sleep system come highly recommended for your next family camping trip or your next multi-week long thru-hike. I had the opportunity to test both products on a recent, solo fall camping trip up in the pine tree-filled hills of Colorado, just outside of Rocky Mountain National Park.
“OutdoorsmanLab is founded with a scientific spirit and a lofty mission: to offer innovative, well-made, and high-performance outdoor gear at a revolutionary price.” OutdoorsmanLab was started as an alternative to high priced, big brands and large, big-box retailers. The founders believe getting outdoors should be easy, fun, relaxing and recharging and not leave you broke, having spent all your money on gear. OutdoorsmanLab believes in working “hard and smart to craft innovative designs, select high-quality materials, and engage customers directly by circumventing traditional channels so you can enjoy exceptional gear at a fraction of the going price.” (https://outdoorsmanlab.com/pages/about-us)
UL Camping Sleeping Pad
The Outdoorsman Lab Camping Sleeping Pad is lightweight, weighing in at 16 oz. Comes in a compact carrying bag. Making for easy travel and packing. 2.2 inch thickness for great support, warmth and comfort. Made from high-quality ripstop nylon. R value of 2.2 for all-season warmth. The sleeping pad inflates easily, in about 10 breaths. The air valve was easy to use. A highlight of the sleeping pad design that I really enjoyed was the self-adjusting cells. These individual cells made the pad extra comfy and provided great support no matter what position I was laying in. I am primarily a side sleeper and have had issues with other sleeping pads causing my sciatic nerve pain to flare up. Making for very long, painful nights, or even cutting trips short. Not the case with the OutdoorsmanLab pad. My back felt great when I awoke early the next morning at the break of dawn for a beautiful sunrise hike. When I came back to camp to pack up, the pad deflated and rolled up quickly.
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Mummy Sleeping Bag
The Mummy Sleeping Bag by OutdoorsmanLab has so many neat features, making it my new favorite sleeping bag. Coming in a compact, packable carrying sack, the sleeping bag is lightweight, at only 3 pounds. This sleeping bag is nice and roomy, with room for most body types, up to 6’3”. The outer shell is water-resistant, made of durable ripstop polyester. I often find sleeping bag linings very itchy. The OutdoorsmanLab bag lining is very soft and breathable. It passed my itch test with an A rating. The high loft, synthetic filling in this bag provides for great three-season comfort, testing with a low-temperature limit of 29 F. The low the night I tested this bag was 32 F. I was nice and warm all night long. The bag was also perfect for sitting outside in the chilly, fall morning air, watching the rising sun melt the frost off the trees and grasses surroundings while enjoying a hot cup of coffee. On the back of the outside of the bag you will find two sleeping pad straps and two areas with grippy dots; preventing those oh so frustrating middle of the night roll offs. The mummy hood features a drawstring for a better fit. The footbox features its own zipper for added comfort and temperature control. I really enjoyed this feature, as I like the freedom it provided my feet to move around, not feeling trapped. The inside top features an inner pocket, perfect for storing your phone or other valuables.
The UL Camping Sleeping Pad and Mummy Sleeping Bag by OutdoorsmanLab offer “no-frills gear, great prices and awesome results.” Products come with a lifetime warranty. It is hard to find high-quality outdoor products at great prices, making connecting with nature more accessible for all. Look no more. Both the sleeping pad and mummy sleeping bag are perfect for weekend car camping trips with the family or for longer, solo, soul searching backpacking trips. Both products are lightweight and compact, making them the perfect pair for easy travel. I can’t wait to take both products out again on my next overnight adventure in the mountains of Colorado.

Jessica Shouse
Jessy is a 30 something, wife, mother, photographer, blogger, gear reviewer and avid nature lover. Nature, hiking and camping are her game! Jessy is blessed to call colorful Colorado and her beautiful Rocky Mountains home. Jessy lives just 45 minutes from Rocky Mountain National Park and spends as much of her free time in the park as she can. Frequently visiting the park for Sunday morning sunrise sessions that are truly breathtaking! Jessy is also a volunteer for the US Forest Service and conducts patrols of some of her favorite trails in the Indian and James Peak Wilderness areas.
Jessy believes deeply in and advocates for all the health, mental and physical, benefits that spending time in nature provides. There is more and more scientific, evidence-based, research supporting this. Jessy tries to share that with as many people as she can.
Through her honest and authentic writing on her Colorado Mountain Momma blog, accompanied by her nature photography, Dragonfly Colorado, Jessy aims to share how nature has been one of the, if not the most, powerful healing tools for her in overcoming her mental health struggles. By opening a very candid and personal door into her own journey and life experiences Jessy hopes to show others that they too can benefit from all nature has to offer. Jessy aims to guide others how to find a healthy balance between catering to life’s responsibilities and caring for one’s self and one’s deep passions.
“Her religion is the Earth. The mountains, the air, the water, the fire and the soil are her sanctuary. They live in her as she lives in them.” -Colorado Mountain Momma, Jessy Shouse-
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