Camping for Women
created by women, for women


Camping for Women is proud to feature information below on a number of currently available and future release specialist publications for visitors and subscribers. Publications produced under the Camping for Women brand have all been written by knowledgeable outdoor adventurer women extremely experienced within their respective fields

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ATTENTION WOMEN CAMPERS: What You Will Never Be Taught About Camping

In this 20 page illustrated publication, Amanda addresses a lot of the practicalities for new campers so that you can enjoy your time away. The information is presented completely from a woman’s perspective. Only available digitally and from Camping for Women

Camping First Aid Guide


Covers preparation and treatments for all common and likely medical-related issues that could be encountered while away in nature. Full colour photos and illustrations with easy to follow directions relating to prevention, preventing further damage and treatment. Only available digitally and at the lowest cost online

The 3 in 1 Camping Cuisine Cookbook


A beautiful full color book available digitally and in print. Complete food ideas and recipe book for 3 different scenarios: Hiking | Camping | Glamping. The book is written by a seasoned woman camper, nutritionist, caterer, cookery teacher and mother who has had broad experience across the two continents of Europe and Africa