Camping for Women
created by women, for women

The 5 most beautiful sea treks in Italy

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Sea Treks in Italy 1

Sea Treks in Italy 1

by Alessia Morello

Autumn in Italy has arrived and fortunately it is the perfect season for trekking along the sea paths.

The temperature in these months is mild and the winter wind has not yet risen.

In addition, the incredible phenomenon of foliage has begun, which in contrast to the crystalline waters of our sea will make your trail an unforgettable experience.

Many people think that the sea in Italy is only sand and beach although in reality this is not so. Our coasts are covered with mostly of reefs and rocks that become hills and mountains where harrowing treks exist with breathtaking views.

Here are the 5 most beautiful sea treks in Italy:


  1. Rilke Trail – Friuli Venezia Giulia – North East Italy

Sea Treks in Italy 2


This is one of the most fascinating trails in the northeast.

This 2-hour path connects Duino to Sistiana and is totally built on the Adriatic Seashore.

This trail is close to a very important location: Trieste, a city that rises on the border of Italy and Slovenia and therefore a neuralgic spot during the Middle Ages and the big wars.

This trail reveals so much past history. You finish the trail in a real 1400’s castle still inhabited from the real descendants that founded the castle built on the sheer cliff that faces the blue sea. You can visit the castle and the anti-war refuge, now a museum and enjoy the panorama from the garden that overlooks the sea. Amazing!


  1. Trail ring through Camogli Portofino – Liguria – North-West Italy

Sea Treks in Italy 3


This incredible 5 hours trek passes through antique forgotten villages built in small gulfs with no car access.

In the past, it was normal to stay in places like this, live just fishing and taking the boat to make trades.

Portofino is also so famous for the incredible architecture that the city has. This city is completely built near the sea and every building has a different color and shade. Stunning and incredible to see.

Liguria is a little region consisting of mountains that reach the sea and the inhabitants have been forced to build homes one above the other. For this reason, it is very famous and popular for tourists and a beautiful place to go trekking.


  1. Positano Trail – Sentiero degli Dei – Campania – South West Italy

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The “Path of the Gods” connects Agerola, a small village on the hills of the Amalfi Coast, to Nocelle, a small hamlet of Positano, lying on the slopes of Mount Pertuso.

Just the name alone lets you guess how spectacular this trail is! It is one of the most popular sea treks in Italy.

The front of the panorama of the Amalfi Coast and Capri is like a 60’s movie that comes to life. Even for an Italian to holiday here is an ambitious goal. Anyway we are talking about trails and this one I’m quite sure that is one of the most breathtaking trails of Italy!

Always sunny and famous for the incredible quality of food, this region is perfect for a trekking and food adventure! Bring a slice of pizza with you (like I usually DO – have a look my video eating pizza at 2000 meters in the middle of the Dolomites here ) and enjoy your trail up and down from the beauties of south Italy. Ready?


  1. Il percorso delle Ginestre – Abruzzo – South East Italy

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I was on holidays here something like 5 years ago and I’m still thinking about this magical place. It’s not so famous overseas but Abruzzo has thousands of kilometres of national park that border the sea and is full of trekking trails.

The Itinerary allows you to cross the beautiful Regional Nature Reserve Punta Aderci where the earth meets the sea and the green of nature ’embraces’ the blue of crystal clear waters.

Another amazing thing you can see during a trek here are the “Trabucchi”. Trabucchi are the old fisherman’s houses built totally out of wood, erected on the sea, like palafitte. Now they are real summer houses or very cool restaurants. My advice is to stop your trail here and have a clams spaghetti and a main course with fresh local fish!

Not a real outdoor break? Hey, you are in Italy!


  1. Excursion to the Zingaro Natural Reserve – Sicily – Island in the South of Italy

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One hour west of Palermo there are numerous wonderful promontories leading to incredible wild coves: this is the Zingaro Reserve. The first natural reserve of Sicily since 1986 is one of the most beautiful places to discover on foot. Starting from Scopello for a 5-hour trip, which lasts 15 kilometres.

Here you will find 700 species of plants and 40 species of animals and a small museum about the traditional life of the island.

The sunrise is the best part of the day, looking the sun coming up from the horizon is something magic.


Hope you enjoyed the best Sea treks in Italy!

alessia rotonda
Alessia Morello
Multiple Contributor at  | Website

Alessia Morello is an Italian girl who loves hiking, nature and climbing.

She lives in the north-east of Italy in the middle of the famous Dolomites mountains where she makes her walks and likes to take pictures and videos.

Often accompanying her is her dog Giorgino that you can see in many adventures in the mountains. She likes to tell people about her homeland and the beauty of these not very touristy areas.

Alessia has travelled the world with her work for many years but two years ago she preferred to settle in her homeland and return to live a simple life.  She lives with her boyfriend and her dog, where they grow their garden, they are close to their family and can spend time doing treks and staying more together.  They love to cook (Italian cliche) and are vegetarians. You can read about their adventures in the mountains (and not) on the website:


58 responses to “The 5 most beautiful sea treks in Italy”

  1. Yukti Agrawal Avatar
    Yukti Agrawal

    It would be really beautiful to trek along the sea paths of Italy in Autumn. I would love to take the stunning Positano Trail – Sentiero degli Dei – Campania – South West Italy. The “Path of the Gods” connecting Agerola, to Nocelle, really deserves this name. Portofino really has incredible architecture.

  2. Melissa Avatar

    Wow, wow, wow. That’s really all I can say. For the longest time I hadn’t had any interest in visiting Italy (which is weird since I have family ancestry from there). But it’s posts and pictures like this have completely changed my mind. It’s move from never on the list, to easily my top 10 destinations.

  3. aareeba Avatar

    This place looks so dreamy . Your pictures are so go gorgeous that i feel like planning a trip now. My husband loves Italy and am gonna share this with him .

  4. Jake Ferrer Avatar

    Cool sea treks. Portofino looks so good. I hope i can see this sea trek someday. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Swati jain Avatar

    Italy is a dream place and I would live to visit it someday. And being fond of treks I would love to trek along the beautiful sea route which gives you a chance to feel a place deeply. Lovely post

  6. Parnashree Devi Avatar

    Its been my dream to visit Amalfi Coast and explore the area . The Positano Trail is high on my bucket list. I loved the colorful villages and those ancient and finishing villages around the gorgeous seaside. I can’t wait to do that. Thank you so much for this great list of sea treks.

  7. Elizabeth O Avatar
    Elizabeth O

    All of the trails and trekking sites featured look heavenly. I can only imagine the breathtaking beauty of being surrounded by nature’s treasures in these locations. The photos are stunning too.

  8. amber battishill Avatar

    Absolutely gorgeous there! I definitely hope to visit someday in the not so distant future!

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Italy is amazing Amber, from the sea to the mountains. Our little tiny villages are amazing. Hope one day you decide to visit our land and make some hike.

  9. Hang Around The World Avatar

    I’m Italian and I’m very glad to read this article. I like to do outdoor adventures and I’ve been to the places you suggested in Abruzzo and Campania!
    Can’t wait to try the other ones 🙂 – P.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Ciao Amalia e Paolo, sono anche io italiana e sono molto felice tramite “Camping for woman” di poter far scoprire la parte Outdoor del nostro Paese. Avevo pubblicato anche un altro articolo sul trekking nel nord qui -> Italia . Ho dato un occhiata al vostro sito è molto carino e se ti piace l’outdoor potremmo restare in contatto! Happy to see that other Italians read Camping for Woman!

  10. Nicole Avatar

    Oh my gosh! Those images are beautiful. I need to go to Italy soon!

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar
  11. Claudia Avatar

    OMG all these places are amazing! I wish I could leave right now 🙂 Except for Liguria, I miss all of them. Thank you very much for your tips, it’s the best way to figure out how to survive during the cold seasons 🙂

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Hurry up! Because is coming the cold season in Italy too, are trails perfect until november, after that….freezing!

  12. Jo Avatar

    I need to go to Italy. Like, now.

  13. sabrina barbante Avatar

    grazie per questo post e per i sentieri che proponi! A parte quello ligure, gli altri non li ho mai sperimentati. Curiooooosa io! Appena puoi, fai anche un salto nel Salento! Ci sono bellissimi percorsi di trekking costiero in cui il clima resterà mite fino a metà dicembre

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Thanks Sabrina to your tip about others sea treks in Salento. I will love to try one!

  14. Christie Sultemeier Avatar

    Love this post!!! Italy is my favorite of all time and I’m currently planning a Europe trip in 2 weeks and have been debating where to go. This reminds me that I’ve wanted to check out Portofino 🙂 And I am always looking for hikes to do while traveling, so it makes me want to visit even more! Thanks for sharing. Going to pin it for later, too.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Is not easy to find a destination in Europe, there so much beauty everywhere! Italy is always in my heart but the north of Europe is beautiful as well and Greece? Gosh to many places!

  15. Owl's Tea Avatar

    Il sentiero degli dei mi piacerebbe visitare e il percorso della ginestre è un posto favoloso e in cantevole.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      E’ anche uno dei più semplici perfetto per famiglie e bambini. Sono sicura che ti piacerebbe molto! La natura è fantastica!

  16. Cristina Buonerba Avatar

    I have been hiking all over the world but I have never went on a hike in Italy! The five paths you have recommended sound incredible, especially the one through Liguria. I have always wanted to see Camogli and Portofino… maybe I should start planning my next adventure!

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Hike in Italy is amazing, hope one day you decide to start this experience. If you love mountains the Dolomites have such an incredible panorama.

  17. Judy Avatar

    Positano and Rilke trails are mind blowing. Being a water lover myself I would love to go on such sea trails.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      The rilke trail is one of my favorite ones. The picture is not enough to show you how beautiful is it. The castle on the rock in front of the sea….incredible!

  18. Kira Avatar

    Wow ! Absolutely stunning. Would love to visit here x

  19. Mel Butler Avatar

    I love hiking and Italy, so these routes are something I would do. Even though I have been to most of these places before I have not hiked them. I especially like the Trail ring through Camogli Portofino and the Il percorso delle Ginestre – Abruzzo – South East Italy that both look like stunning views. My only problem would be wanting to stop and take photos all the time.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Hahaha yeah is true! Is my problem as well! To make to much photos and the trek never finish. Portofino and the Cinque Terre is a dreamy place, incredible to see and to visit arriving from the rocks is an amazing experience!

  20. Surekha Avatar

    Omg! I love skiing and camping. All these places are calling my name. I am bookmarking this post. Wonderful info and wonderful photos.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Hi Suri and thanks to stop to my post. I see in your blog that you love to camp and the outdoors as well and happy that a trip in Europe is now in your list! If you need tips here I am 😀

  21. Aditi Avatar

    This is such a wonderful post with so many beautiful sea trek options in Italy. I went to Italy a couple of years back but unfortunately couldn’t do any sea treks then, hopefully, I’ll get to go again and then maybe I could try some of these. My favorite from your list is the Positano trail. Thanks for sharing this, I’m saving it for future. 🙂

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Thanks to you and happy you love this post. I love all this tracks but I can Understand how is famous Positano and everyone want to visit it!

  22. David Elliott Avatar

    I didn’t realize there were so many great places to hike in Italy. While I know that I hear about all of the great cities and all of the great beautiful places, hiking trails are not something I usually hear about. I will have to remember this when I finally make my trek out there.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Italy is not a flat Land so from the mountains (Alps, Dolomites) to the sea you can find amazing paths for families and pro. Hope one day you decide to bring your daughter in Italy and visit our beautiful land. Kiss kiss

  23. Soraya Avatar

    Omg! I am SOOOOO in-love! What a beautiful post of sea treks in Italy – totally saving this for my trip to Italy. The coast line of Italy looks incredibly beautiful, especially the “Path of the Gods” trail! The Amalfi Coast is so high on my list and I can’t wait to experience it. Also ending a tour with a real life 1400’s castle sounds so amazing – and how cool that the descendants of the castle still live there. I am totally day dreaming now!

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Hi Soraya and I’m so happy that you love my post. Yeah is everything true. Castles, beautiful sea shore and Amalfi all in one land 😀

  24. Abhinav Singh Avatar
    Abhinav Singh

    I love sea treks. I did some in India and Australia. Italy seems a perfect place for sea treks as well. Positano trail appeals the most to me. I have heard great things about the Amalfi coast.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      I can just say ” What are you waiting for!?”

  25. The Gypsy Gurl Avatar

    Wonderful, love the pictures and the writing style. I must confess that I am tempted to go once again to Italy, to do at least one of these. Thank you for the motivation.

  26. Jamie Avatar

    Wow these pictures are just beautiful. I will keep these on my to see bucket list. One day, when I don’t have so many responsibilities, I would love to see every one of these!!

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Hope for you jamie! Is important to have a focus in life!

  27. Jenn and Ed Coleman Avatar

    Camogli Portofino has been on my radar for some time. It seems unbelievable that you can explore an area like this WITHOUT car access. That is completely amazing. We want to go so bad.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Yeah in Italy there are a lot of “forgotten” villages around because they have no access by car. They live just with the people that love trekking and share the experience. There’s one in my northeast in the middle of the mountains as well. I will send you the link!

  28. Becca Avatar

    So beautiful! I hope to someday visit Italy! It has always been on my destinations list! Such a beautiful country with so much history.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Hi Becca yeah is an incredible place to visit. Hope one day you decide to visit us!

  29. Melissa Avatar

    Wow! Adding these to my bucket list…

  30. Cori Avatar

    Wow!! Such stunning views have me wanting to pack my bags and belongings to move there!! Truly beautiful photos and I’m sure they don’t do the actual places justice ?

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Yeah Cori you say the true! Pictures never give justice to so many places. And the energy and positive vibes you receive back from the sea and the coast when you walk is incredible. Makes me happy every time 😀

  31. Sarah Camille Avatar

    All of these hikes look so picturesque. My fiance and I are planning a trip to Italy for next year so I’m bookmarking this! 🙂

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      I live here so if you need some tips for your trip let me know! I live close to Venice 😀

  32. Jody Avatar

    I am in love with your pictures of Italy. I really want to go and visit there some day.

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      There are so many nice countries to visit in the world but Italy is incredible, the historic part here is amazing, and the food and the sea….impossible to don’t decide to come here one day.

  33. Jajwalya Avatar

    Oh these sound beautiful indeed! I I hope I make it to at least some of these stunning locations in my life.
    Thank you for sharing.

  34. Kristin @ The Wayward Home Avatar

    That is so beautiful! I can’t wait to go hiking in Italy one day, maybe my sailboat will be anchored in that cove near Positano 🙂

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      Positano is a dream and make an hike there is incredible because you can se the shore with a privilege view and not just in the tourist points. Another good view is from a boat! Is true! 😀

  35. Christie Moeller Avatar

    WOW the colors, the clarity of the water. So Beautiful.

    xoxo Christie

    1. Alessia Morello Avatar

      The color of the water is something that everybody notice when come here. Is stunning!

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