Camping for Women
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The Benefits of Learning CPR

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Benefits of learning CPR

Benefits of learning CPR

By Ashley Nielson.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving procedure that anyone can learn to save lives when someone else’s heart stops beating or they’re unable to breathe. You may know of CPR from popular movies where someone is pulled out of a pool or lake, and a lifeguard performs CPR to get them to start breathing again. However, learning CPR can come in handy in other situations, including electrical injuries, smoke inhalation from house fires, suffocation, out in nature, and more.

A person can stop breathing for many reasons, including a heart attack, and it can happen anywhere. If you’re out in a less populated area like a hiking trail or national park, you don’t always have the guarantee that medical personnel is close by.

Knowing CPR can help you save lives when there’s not a doctor around, allowing an ambulance to make it to the scene and take the patient to the hospital where they can receive further and more advanced care. Unfortunately, many people don’t take a CPR course until an emergency happens that they aren’t prepared for. However, since anyone can learn how to do CPR, there’s no reason not to learn before a medical emergency happens. Here are the benefits of learning CPR.


Saves Lives

Registered nurses, physicians, and all types of medical staff must know CPR to save lives. But, you don’t need any type of medical degree to save lives outside of the hospital. At any point when a heart stops pumping blood to the brain, and someone stops breathing, you can administer CPR to save their lives and prevent brain damage by restoring proper blood flow. CPR keeps blood flowing to minimize the changes in brain or heart damage of the person suffering.


Protects the Brain

Even if someone isn’t going to die from cardiac arrest, their heart has still stopped pumping blood to vital organs, including the brain. The brain needs blood to survive and function properly, and in as little as three minutes without proper blood flow, there can be irreversible brain damage. CRP keeps the blood flowing properly to the brain to prevent further damage to all the vital organs of the body.


Teaches How to Respond in Emergencies

When someone goes into cardiac arrest, they only have a few minutes before they experience irreversible brain damage or even death. Learning CPR can help people learn how to respond to emergency situations no matter where they are instead of panicking and trying to find help, saving valuable time necessary for keeping someone alive until medical professionals make it to the scene.

You never know when an emergency can happen, and even when in public at restaurants and camping, you never know if there will be someone who knows emergency medical services. Learning CPR can help you buy time for the person in a medical emergency until paramedics or doctors arrive.


Faster Recovery

Learning CPR not only saves lives, but it can help the victim have a faster recovery. When individuals can receive early CPR, they have a higher survival and recovery rate, allowing them to continue living a normal life thanks to a stranger who knows CPR. If you’re out in the middle of nowhere on a camping trip, it may take longer for emergency responders to reach you.


Protects Families

Since cardiac arrest can happen anywhere, it can happen to anyone in any family while they’re at home or on a family trip like a vacation. Unfortunately, far too many people die before help arrives because they only have a few minutes to get blood back to their brains. Through CPR training, family members, including children and teens, can learn how to save their loved one’s life by empowering them to take action instead of waiting for help.


Safer Schools

Again, these incidents can happen anywhere, and the more students that know CPR, the better. Even though one of these emergencies has never occurred in your high school, it doesn’t mean they’re not fairly common. Many states already require students to learn CPR before graduating, but just as many don’t. However, learning CPR and teaching it to your children can help them learn how to save lives when no one else knows how.


Skills that Last a Lifetime

Learning CPR might just be your first step into the medical field. By learning how anyone can save a life, you may become more interested in medicine and learn other techniques that save lives. Even if you don’t end up in medical school, you can still let future employers know that you know CPR, which might be a valuable skill to have, depending on your industry.


Anyone Can Do It

Benefits of learning CPR 1

We’ve already mentioned this many times, but we thought it was worth emphasizing– anyone can learn how to do CPR no matter how old they are. Yes, even young children can learn CPR, although the youngest ones may not always understand what it’s for or when to do it. But, of course, the best individuals to teach CPR to are teenagers because they have the reasoning skills to understand different situations that may require it.


Builds Awareness

Learning CPR builds awareness about the dangers of heart problems like heart attacks, especially in young people learning CPR for the first time. Knowing CPR is an interesting skill to have because even though many young people learn it in school, many people still don’t know how to perform it. When someone meets another person who knows CPR, they might become interested in learning it themselves, spreading awareness about cardiac problems and enticing more people to learn.


May Be Necessary for Work

Depending on your line of work, CPR training might be required. Types of jobs that require CPR training include:

  • Firefighting
  • Athletic training
  • Construction workers
  • Childcare providers
  • Flight attendants
  • Lifeguards
  • Social workers

Because cardiac arrest can happen anywhere at any time, many jobs may require you to get certified in CPR before you become an official employee.


Can Improve Self-Confidence

Learning CPR can improve your confidence because it gives you the skills to save a life. With the right skills, you can step up when someone is in need instead of being a bystander who simply watches. Also, when someone has a health emergency, you can step in and make the right decisions that could save their life.


More People Must Learn CPR

Many victims of cardiac arrest receive immediate treatment from bystanders with no CPR training. These individuals may have seen it on television or simply tried to make the victim comfortable while waiting for help. However, learning how to do CPR correctly can save lives and reduce brain damage in individuals who live through their experiences.

Ultimately, there’s no reason not to learn CPR. At the very least, you can be prepared to save a loved one or stranger no matter where you go. Many community centers offer CPR classes, but you can also do a quick search online to find certification courses near you.


Is learning CPR a priority for you?

Perhaps you and/or a person(s) you go on outdoor adventures with already have CPR training. Do share your thoughts and experience of learning CPR in the comments below.

Ashley Nielsen
Ashley Nielsen
Guest Author at 

Ashley Nielsen earned a B.S. degree in Business Administration Marketing at Point Loma Nazarene University.

She is a contributing writer at where she shares knowledge about general business, marketing, lifestyle, or financial tips. During her free time she enjoys being outside, staying active, reading a book, or diving deep into her favorite music.


28 responses to “The Benefits of Learning CPR”

  1. Luke Smith Avatar

    It’s great that you pointed out how CPR could keep the blood flowing to minimize the changes in brain or heart damage of the person suffering. I was watching an infomercial about disaster response last night and I saw how a person performed CPR. I heard you could actually get an American Heart Association CPR class now, which sounds a bit interesting.

  2. Rose Ann Sales Avatar
    Rose Ann Sales

    Learning CPR is really important and a must. This is a really great and very informative post! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  3. Marysa Avatar

    This is such an important thing that everyone should know. Definitely a good life skill to have.

  4. Melanie Avatar

    Brilliant and informative post. You are 100% right and I could not agree with you more, CPR is a skill that is literally life changing x

  5. Lyosha Avatar

    I think each and every person should know basic first aid and especially cpr. It can save life, not even one. Also it somehow makes me more comfortable knowing I can do it in case something happens

  6. Erica (The Prepping Wife) Avatar

    CPR is such an important and vital skill that everyone should learn! It is the simplest way to save lives anywhere. I am glad that you’re sharing this and hopefully it inspires someone (or many) to go out and take the class and be certified.

  7. Monica Avatar

    It is so important to know this skill. It can save lives!

  8. vidya Avatar

    I took classes and got certified a few years ago but time to renew it now

  9. Nadalie Avatar

    I’ve learned CPR in highschool and up until now i still know how to do it. This is very important as first aid, everybody should know how to do this. We have to save lives as much as we could.

  10. laura Avatar

    Cpr is a wonderful skill to learn and to have, it has so many benefits that come with it.

  11. Dana Avatar

    I was an Early Childhood teacher for nine years and have done CPR and first aid training every year. This excellent article on CPR reminded me to go and get the training again, even though I’m not teaching anymore!

  12. Rosey Avatar

    As a teacher, I feel the need to learn CPR. This is something new I have been thinking about and I’m just going to go ahead and get it done.

    1. Rachel Avatar

      My husband is certified and he taught me but I think I should do the official certification. Thanks for the reminder.

  13. Akyn Gwapo Avatar

    As a medical worker, we do have a yearly training of perfoming CPR. It’s true everyone can perform this with proper training. It would be a great help to our community.

  14. Samantha Laycock Avatar

    I think CPR is a life skill that everyone should learn.

  15. Renata Feyen Avatar

    I took a class a few years ago – I think they should teach things like that in school

  16. Dianne Sweeney Avatar

    It is definitely a good skill to have! I think I learned back when I took a babysitting course, but that was back when I was a kid! I should probably take another class now.

  17. Michelle Latinovich Avatar

    I have been lazy about getting CPR training. It is so important that we all learn this! You have inspired me to move forward with it! Thanks!

  18. Renee Avatar

    I have been CPR certified for several years now. I agree it’s something more people should know how to do.

  19. Luna S Avatar
    Luna S

    Such an important skill to learn! You never know when it might come in handy. I work in healthcare so we do CPR training and basic first aid which is also great to know.

  20. Chad Kassis Avatar
    Chad Kassis

    You’re absolutely right, learning CPA is a must for everyone…I am very interested and will check how I can take a first aid course the soonest.

  21. Cinny Avatar

    I think CPR is important for people to know. I keep up on it as well.

  22. Frank San Avatar

    This is one of the important things everyone should know. It has a lot of benefits. Thank you for sharing them!

  23. Ivan Carlo Jose Avatar

    I guess this is one of the basic skills that one must acquire. I’m really interested to learn more about CPR.

  24. Bryan Avatar

    CPR is a good skill to have. I can remember learning about it and practicing our technique back in 9th grade. I haven’t kept up and need to go through training again.

  25. Alita Avatar

    There are many great benefits of being CPR certified. It is easy to learn but can be a profoundly rewarding experience.

  26. Colleen Avatar

    Learning how to do CPR is a good skill everyone should try and do. It saves lives and is necessary for work.

  27. Beth Avatar

    CPR is something everyone should know. I took a class, and so did everyone in my family. I made them! LOL.

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