Camping for Women
created by women, for women

Liebster Award to Camping for Women

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Liebster Award 1

Liebster Award 1

By Nicole Anderson

Camping for Women was just given the Liebster Award.

So what is the Liebster Award?

For anyone who doesn’t know what the Liebster Award actually is, it is a virtual award that is passed on from blogger to blogger as a show of support, and it also helps to promote any fellow bloggers that many enjoy reading.

The rules that apply when you are nominated for, and accept the Liebster Award are:

Liebster Award 2

So to start, we want to recognize and thank the person who nominated us:


Liebster Award Nominator:

For this award, Camping for Women was nominated by Lea of the blog Lou and Lea.

Lou and Lea

Liebster Award 3Lou and Lea is a Design and Photography blog for everyone who wants to step up their creativity game. On her blog, Lea shares her tips and tricks for creating graphics, art, and photo taking and editing. She gives advice on where to find Inspiration and how to live a creative life. With tutorials, how to’s and advice, Lou and Lea encourages to draw, Sketch and look for a beautiful potential Photograph everywhere in everyday life. Her goal is to inspire her readers to create a more beautiful life for themselves, simply through perceiving the world as an artistic place.


Answers by Nicole to 11 Questions from Lea:

Question 1: Summer or Winter?

For the most part, I prefer summer when I can go swimming, boating and fishing. I would rather often feel too hot than too cold.

Question 2: Who is your favourite superhero?

At the moment I would have to say Wonder Women which is quite topical right now. Amazon Women Rock!

Question 3: Which book could you read over and over again?

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Question 4: Do you have any weird habits?

Sometimes, when thinking to myself in a waiting room, I can/have laughed out loud when I remember or associate with something really funny. This has caused people to look at me wondering what’s going on.

Question 5: Are you a money spender or a money saver?

I like to be good at balancing both. Not forgetting to live life now but planning for tomorrow.

Question 6: What was your funniest moment in life?

My friend and I accidentally got left behind as the boat left the Arizona Memorial in the middle of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. That took a bit of explaining afterwards.

Question 7: What are you the proudest of in your life?

That I was asked to give an address to Breast Cancer Survivors at the International World Championship Dragonboat Regatta, where I was also the youngest flag bearer for my country.

Question 8: Which famous person would you like to be?

Angelina Jolie. I think she is pretty amazing. She does great humanitarian work while looking after her kids and in movies, she even does her own stunts.

Question 9: If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Antarctica – this region has always fascinated me – but I would take plenty of warm clothes!

Question 10: Which fictional character do you relate to the most?

Lara Croft, Tomb Raider!

Question 11: Are you a morning person or a night owl?

At the moment, more of a morning person. I like to get an early start on the day.


And now those are answered, I should move onto the random facts part:


11 Random Facts about Nicole:

  1. Nicole’s nickname is ‘Nic’.

    Nicole 2
    Nicole Anderson
  2. She likes classical music when she is outdoors enjoying nature.
  3. One of her favourite movies is ‘Under a Tuscan Sun’.
  4. Before this decade is over, she wants to visit Antarctica.
  5. She enjoys blogging because it connects her with like-minded people around the globe.
  6. Despite her best efforts, weeds still manage to thrive in her garden.
  7. Nicole just can’t whistle.
  8. Most weekends she likes to take off and spend time in the Hinterland near her home.
  9. She likes to sketch with pencils.
  10. She loves chocolate and is waiting for the day when it is really good for you and you can enjoy without limits!
  11. Nicole loves dogs.


And now to the exciting part to introduce the 11 blogs that have been nominated in turn to receive the Liebster Award. Below they are presented in alphabetical order.

Liebster Award 4


Liebster Award 5Aicsthetic follows the journey of a 20-something creative from Manila who is an artist of three kinds. First, she snaps her travels through her eye-popping, turquoise aesthetic. Then, she bears both convictions to her readers with emotional anecdotes of the past and realizations of the present. And lastly, she manifests her bizarre imagination with a brush, a pencil, or a pen. All her thoughts are viewed through her pink-turquoise tinted glasses.



Altea LeszczynskaAltea Leszczynska Blog

Altea Leszczynska is a professional artist (a painter and a photographer) and her blog is a cultural-lifestyle one. She writes about art, culture, fashion, yoga, veganism, beauty, wellness, and also shares with her readers her controversial opinions spiced with her montypythonesque sense of humour. Altea always illustrate her posts with photography directed by her. She writes in Polish and in English.
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Bebe Shamo

Bebe Shamo first choiceShamira Solana, creator of Bebe Shamo, a Travel and Fashion blogger from the Philippines and Ireland. She travels and dresses on a budget, share pictures and stories from her adventures. She’s also a YouTuber, aspiring actress and a dancer. She’s working full-time as Healthcare Assistant in the hospital and she started blogging after breaking up with her ex-boyfriend to stay productive and thinking positively to build her self-confidence. Now she’s more motivated than ever.



Clever Little Mouse

Clever Little MouseClever Little Mouse was born out of a New Year’s resolution that blogger Pam Long made seven years ago: to do something creative every day. She’s been sewing and crafting since she was a little girl, but she never anticipated how much her skills and passions would blossom just from that one simple resolution. Her sewing room truly is her happy place, and her goal is to inspire others to take a chance, learn something new and let their creativity shine.


Eclectic Twist

Eclectic TwistEclectic Twist is a fun and funky place for home decor and DIY inspiration and tips. Here Tina Bousu shares everything from how to best shop at a flea market to tips for decorating a kids bedroom to redesigning and going through a kitchen reno to installing faux wood beams! She also throws a curve ball in there every once in a while and shares posts about personal empowerment and building your confidence and “rock it” attitude! There’s something for everyone, it’s colorful, eclectic and fun! Tina really enjoys sharing with all of you and hopes you will give her blog a visit!



Lady Twiiti

Lady TwiitiStubborn. Original. Optimistic. Vibrant. Chic. This blog is about Twiiti. She’s a 21 years old Namibian Blogger who’s passionate about writing, Words are her strength and she express mostly what she feels through writing. There’s no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you. The Lady Twiiti blog is absolutely concerned with recording her inner thoughts, the things she wants to express to people and maybe even inspire your own thinking. In her words…Please allow my fingers to play with the keyboard just a little… or just a bit more.


Maryanne Theodore

Maryanne TheodoreMaryanne Theodore is a personal and lifestyle blog about my personal stories and life experiences, lifestyle tips and treats, inspirational topics and because of my love to literary works, the blog happen to feature poems and fiction from other writers too. This blog is one which you can learn a lot from because the topics cut across many genres of life. Maryanne hopes you will have a wonderful time when you visit it.


Navigating Adulthood

NavigatingAdulthoodNavigating Adulthood is a community for twenty-somethings, millennials and recent college graduates to help make the journey to being a bonafide adult easier. Think of this blog as a free online “adulting school” where you can learn the life skills they never taught you in school. Blogger Ying’s goal is to help readers become a more successful adults by providing tips, tutorials, advice, and inspiration. She talks about topics ranging from how to find a job to personal finance tips.


Shazia Chiu is run by Shazia Chiu, a realtor and freelance writer from Salt Lake City, Utah. She previously ran a travel blog called Gap Year for Two, which documented her year-long trip around the world. On her current blog, Shazia covers a range of topics including real estate, writing, travel and personal finance. Her blog also serves as a personal journal of her travels and day-to-day life. Visitors can connect with Shazia by visiting her website or by finding her on Instagram (@shzchiu).


The Artful Appetite

ArtfulappetitelogoThe Artful Appetite is a food blog that features beautiful vegetarian and vegan recipes. Most of the recipes blogger Kate Minor posts she would consider to be pretty healthy. At one point in her life Kate was interested in becoming a dietician. Her creativity and artistic nature led her in another direction, but she is still interested in nutrition and healthy living! In addition to the recipe posts, she sometimes includes posts about her favorite restaurants and cookbooks, her travels, and her art. This blog represents a marriage of two of Kate’s great loves in life: photography and food. Being able to share delicious recipes in such a visually beautiful way is very satisfying for her.


The Modern Nest

The Modern NestThe Modern Nest is a blog dedicated to today’s family home life. Its focus is on keeping it real…solving problems that today’s moms face without unrealistic expectations and always with a light-hearted attitude. In this internet nook you’ll find them talking about everything from the fun (DIY and decor), to the necessary (modern homemaking, organization), and the chaotic (parenting). So grab a cup of coffee (or wine) and go join them!




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So congratulations to all those bloggers who have created such lovely blogs. And in keeping with the rules, I have prepared 11 questions for you to answer as you start thinking about the blogs you would like to nominate for the Liebster Award.


Questions for the Nominees:

  1. What inspired you to start your blog?
  2. What do you like to do in the great outdoors?
  3. What would be your most memorable experience outdoors?
  4. What famous person (past or present) would you like to have dinner with?
  5. What is your favourite past-time or hobby?
  6. Where would you most like to visit in the world?
  7. What is your most favourite childhood memory?
  8. Is there a particular skill you would really like to have?
  9. How are you the most creative in what you do?
  10. What’s really great about where you live?
  11. What do you see eventually happening for your blog?


Thank you to everyone for reading. Do check out all these great blogs. Thank you again to our nominator Lea of Lou and Lea. Thank you to our lovely nominees for creating such great blogs.

And the final thank you…well, that is reserved for Camping for Women’s subscribers, readers and contributors. Without your wonderful support, there would be no blog!

Best wishes everyone.


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64 responses to “Liebster Award to Camping for Women”

  1. Amanda @ The Modern Nest Avatar

    Congrats on your nomination, and thank you so much for nominating me! I’m working on my acceptance post now 🙂

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      You are very welcome Amanda. I think you have a great blog and I am really looking forward to seeing your post and the blogs you have nominated. All the best.

  2. Louise Avatar

    Well done on being nominated for the Liebster Award! I was saying the other day that I can’t believe this is still going! 🙂

    Louise x

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thanks very much Louise. I guess when you think about it, it must still be going for a good reason. Many awards of course have long histories to them, particularly if they are still achieving popularity.

  3. Benson Chidi Avatar

    Congratulations for what you have achieved and the benefits you deserve.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thank you so much Benson. Your kind comment is really appreciated.

  4. Marielle Altenor Avatar

    Congratulations! I remember getting the Liebster award when I started blogging. It is such an honor to receive it.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Absolutely Marielle and Camping for Women is still in its formative stages and is just getting started. We really look forward to the years ahead. Many thanks for your comment.

  5. Melanie Burbage Avatar

    I remember blogger awards being passed around! Haven’t done it in years! Congrats! I love reading the question/answers

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thanks Melanie. It’s all done in good fun and it’s also interesting to discover new blogs in the process.

  6. Brandy Avatar

    What a fun award! I remember the days with my old blog, the original one that got me where I am at but I sold in 2016, when I got awards. It is always such an honor, congrats! Keep up the great work!

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      That you so much Brandy, we will do our best.

  7. Tina Bousu Avatar

    Fabulous post Nicole, it was so awesome to get to know you a bit more through your questions and answers. I have the same weed problem, despite my consistent picking they just never stop! Under a Tuscan Sun is one of THE best movies, I secretly want to be her and just drop everything and move there without a worry (with the hubs in tow though) and I am a HUGE dog lover too. We have 4: a newfoundland, mastiff, havanese and bichon mix!

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      It’s good to know we have quite a bit in common, although I’m not sure I would be able to do 4 dogs justice on top of everything else but yours sound a very interesting mix. I think your blog Eclectic Twist has so much great information for people and I so look forward to seeing your nominees also. All the best and maybe we might cross each other’s paths in Tuscany some day…you never know! Thanks so much for commenting.

  8. Marzena Erin Avatar

    Congratulations to you! That’s really amazing! Best wishes to you and your blog.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thanks very much Marzena, really appreciated.

  9. Ana De- Jesus Avatar

    I think that Angelina Jolie is such an inspirational woman and I agree that she is a great humanitarian. I love the summer as well, much better than winter! x

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Agree that she is a great example that women can achieve anything! Thanks for commenting.

  10. Annemarie LeBlanc Avatar
    Annemarie LeBlanc

    Congratulations! Your blog always has interesting articles! My daughter is a fan of yours too. I love this Liebster award campaign because it lets us get to know about the person behind successful blogs.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      It’s so wonderful to read that comment Annemarie. I am grateful to you, your daughter and all our subscribers and readers that provide great motivation for us to always try our hardest to deliver material of value.

  11. Agnes Avatar

    I love this idea. What a great way to get to know fellow bloggers and help each other at the same time.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      I couldn’t agree more Agnes. It’s a good way to help encourage those who do make a good effort to provide something of value to their subscribers and readers.

  12. Valerie Marsden-Gray Avatar

    I recall receiving a similar award when I was starting to blog over 10 years ago. It’s a really nice feeling to know that someone appreciates your blog isn’t it!

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      It sure is Valerie. It is helped even more by people such as yourself leaving lovely comments. Thank you so much and it’s great to know you continue to go from strength to strength.

  13. Sharon Neoh Avatar

    Congrats on your award! I really enjoyed reading your answers. It’s a fun way to get to know you a little better.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thanks so much Sharon. It was fun to share answers to those questions.

  14. Jaclyn Thrift Avatar

    What a neat idea! Congrats!!

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thanks Jaclyn, much appreciated.

  15. Neely Moldovan Avatar
    Neely Moldovan

    Same with the great gatsby! I have probably read it a dozen times and every time I love it just the same.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Definitely a classic Neely. Thanks for leaving your comment.

  16. Heather Johnson Avatar

    Congrats! I did something like a Liebster Award when I started blogging years and years ago.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thanks so much Heather. I don’t think peer awards will ever go out of fashion and people do appreciate them as a fairly good indicator of quality.

  17. Kate Avatar

    Firstly, congratulations to you! And secondly, thank you so much for nominating my blog, The Artful Appetite! I am so honored to be among your nominees. 🙂

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      That’s so lovely of you to say Kate. You have a great blog and I really enjoy reading through everything you have posted. I wish your blog all the very best for the future.

  18. Ania Travels Avatar

    Congrats on this! I hope to be nominated for this someday. I love helping other bloggers out and inspiring one other, it’s such an amazing community. Congrats again you deserve it.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      That’s so nice of you to say Ania. I’m sure it will only be a matter of time and your blog will be nominated (maybe even by one of the nominees here). Thank you for commenting.

  19. Lea Avatar

    Congrats again!! You created such a lovely blog post about the award and I loved reading your answers! I am so happy I decided to nominate you 🙂 Much love!

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thank you so much again Lea for the nomination. I’m so pleased you feel a good job was done in creating a post to pass the award on. All the best.

  20. Esperanza Avatar

    Congratulations on your nomination! I was recently nominated by a blogger friend but wasn’t totally sure how it worked. Thanks for the info 🙂

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thanks Esperanza and you’re welcome. I’m pleased the process is clear and it was great to hear from you.

  21. Claudia Gomez Avatar

    I’ve seen this award go around for a while now and I’ve always wanted to do it but haven’t been nominated.. hopefully soon! but I loved reading your facts about you!! you sound like such an interesting and cool person! And btw, I also tend to think of funny situations and bust out laughing in really awkward times.. it’s weird to everyone but I love it!

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thank you so much for such lovely comments Claudia. I’m sure your blog will be nominated soon and it’s nice to know I’m not the only one who bursts out laughing!

  22. Chelsea Padgett Avatar

    Those are some fun questions. Congrats on the award. Can’t wait to check out your nominees.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thanks Chelsea. I had fun answering them and thinking up some of my own to ask the nominees. I think you will enjoy their blogs.

  23. Shannon | Mom Without Labels Avatar

    Congrats on your award! I loved reading those facts about you – #7 is AWESOME! I’ll have to check out some of the bloggers you nominated.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thanks so much Shannon. We all have little things about ourselves that are not that obvious. Do check out the blogs of the nominees, I think you will find they are pretty darn good! Thanks for leaving a comment.

  24. James Avatar

    I like your weird habit! I would probably end up laughing with you right away. I love weird people!

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      There’s more of us around than most people think! Cheers.

  25. Aica Avatar

    Thank you for nominating me, Nicole! This is an interesting post.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      You’re most welcome Aica and thanks for your comment.

  26. Maryanne Theodore Avatar

    I must admit Nicole, you are doing great here on Camping for Women, and thank you for finding my blog worthy of nomination. This is a great idea for supporting bloggers…awesome

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thank you very much for your comment on Camping for Women Maryanne. There was no doubt in my mind that your blog should be nominated and I really look forward to seeing your nominees.

  27. Katie Bressler Avatar

    Congratulations Nicole! It is pretty special to feel recognized by another blogger. I too just got nominated and look forward to spreading the bloggin’ love!

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thanks Katie, that’s really great! Best wishes to you and your blog.

  28. Emma Avatar

    So cool! Congratulations! Loved reading your responses.

    Emma | Seeking the South

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thanks so much Emma.

  29. Altea Leszczynska Avatar

    Congratulations Nicole! Love your post! And Thank you from the bottom of my heart for choosing my blog! ??

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      I love your blog also Altea and thank you for your lovely comment.

  30. Shazia Avatar

    Congrats, Nicole! Camping for Women is such an excellent resource, and I really appreciate your nomination for the Liebster Award. Thank you for thinking of me!

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thank you for having a great blog also Shazia and for all your contributions related to the great outdoors. I love working with you.

  31. Karen Avatar

    This is such an awesome way for bloggers to show support to one another! Love this

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Definitely Karen. Peer recognition in any industry is always well received. Thank you for your comment.

  32. Kaity | With Kids and Coffee Avatar

    Congrats! I was nominated yesterday and need to share it on my blog. Reading through your responses was Inspiration. 🙂

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thank you so much Kaity and congratulations on your nomination. Best wishes for your blog.

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