Camping for Women
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The Sansbug Pop Up Tent (2 models)

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The Sansbug Pop Up Tent

The Sansbug Pop Up Tent

Pauline Alba puts the Sansbug Pop Up Tent to the test

I had the joy of growing up with a camping family.  So many memories of sleeping in the tent and spending all day outside.  This was something that my husband and I made sure that our kids enjoyed as well.

One thing I don’t remember when I was younger was the bugs.  As my kids grew, so did the size of the lumps from mosquito bites. Every night as we sit by the campfire, the mosquitoes start to change the ratio of humans to flying minibeasts. At some point my mom would always say, let us go inside and play a game until the mosquitos go to bed. I am not sure if she has some superpowers, but they always did.

Having this experience, I forget that others may not have the outdoor resilience I do. I thought it was a great idea to bring my friend on a girl’s weekend to one of my favorite places in Minnesota. We rented this super cute cabin tent all set up with cots and mini luxuries. Once we entered, we realized we were not alone. We had about a hundred daddy-long leg spiders in the tent with us.

Why do I recall this story? I just received the Sansbug pop-up screen tent, and I instantly knew this would have changed my experience…or more so my friends’ experience. My friend may have had a couple of traumatic nights, but her outdoor resilience grew.


The Sansbug Pop Up Tent

When I was first introduced to the Sansbug pop-up tent all I could think about was the little tents I would buy my kids to play in.  As I started to research the company and was able to play with the tents they sent me, my mind exploded to the potential of this little tent. I am not sure my review can stand up to all the reviews and pictures you can find on the Sansbug pop up tent website.

Check out their website if you are intrigued to see the potential and the positive, they have done in certain communities. These pop-up tents have been all over the world. They are great for protecting your young ones during the picnic in the park, boy and girls scouts at camp, father/son fishing trips, and a lazy evening watching the stars.

Check out a brief video introducing the Sansbug Pop Up Tent below:



If you plan to use them as an overnight tent, make sure to order the rain tarp for added protection. They come with 2 different floors based on your potential use. To use it as a tent it may be recommended to order the tarp floor, but if you plan to put on a bed or cot for insect protection, order the poly floor for a quiet night.

The Sansbug Pop Up Tent for 1 person
Inside the Sansbug Pop Up Tent for 1 person

Another decision to make is the size of the tent to buy. When I was asked to review the tent, I asked to be sent the 3-person, thinking my husband and I could use this for overnight trips.  They sent both the 1-person and 3-person! They sent 1 person to make sure that I would be able to fold up the pop-up tent. I am going to guess that the number 1 concern of customers is the struggle to put them away. Do not let this stop you, they have great directions and HIGHLY encourage you to watch the videos before even trying.

Of course, I am a tester and would have to try it on my own first. I will admit I was successful, but I will also HIGHLY encourage you to watch the video first. These tents are meant to increase your enjoyment of life, not add more stress. One comment I read often was to have your young people practice putting them away if you plan to send one with them if you are not able to help them take the tent down.


Sansbug Pop Up Tent covers.
Sansbug Pop Up Tent covers.

Tent Details

The tents weigh between 3 and 5 lbs. but the diameter of a folded tent ranges from 2-3 ft. it will not fit easily in any luggage. There are directions in which you can switch it from a 3-fold to a 4-fold and decrease the diameter for easier packing. The 1-person tent has a height of 35 inches and a length of 6ft. The 2 and 3-person increase in both heights up to 3.6 ft and 8 ft in length for the 3-person. The cost of the tents is very reasonable, from 54.95 to 89.95 and the rain tarp ranges from 39.95 to 59.95.


My Review

Sansbug Pop Up Tent for 3 people
Inside the Sansbug Pop Up Tent for 3 people.

I took the Sansbug pop up tent (both of them) out for our camping trip last weekend.  They are easy to transport and store when not in use.  I started with the 3-person. Pop up was a simple task, and it comes with stakes to secure it. Depending on the ground and winds you may want to upgrade stakes for more stability. I took out my blanket and pillow and had an amazing nap in the shade.

One thing that I really liked was how much screen there was on the tent. It will not give you a lot of shade but allows the wind to blow through. The wind will make the top of the tent move a bit.  It had rained the night before and the grass was still a little damp. With the tarp floor, I had no issues.

After my nap we put up the single person tent. It was comfortable with one person, but you did notice the shorter length and it felt a little tighter. This may not be the most comfortable tent if you are close to 6 feet tall. I must admit after my first success putting the 3-person tent away, I was overconfident. I have watched the videos that are great, but I did not take notes and I did not practice with the video.

The 1 person was quick and easy and if you let the poles tell you what to do it works great. The 3 person is easy to fold into a larger circle but takes a bit more work to get into the package it comes with. With my luck we had no cell service, and I left the papers at home. After some patience and being cautious it was put away. The directions are now slipped in with the tent for future use. It is simple to do, but please listen to the company and avoid your own frustration by practicing a couple of times before you take it out.

I had a lot of interest in what I was doing at the campground as well. Many families made a note to check the Sansbug Pop Up Tent out. Overall, this was a wonderful experience with the tents, and I think more than anything I am impressed with the company. I was drawn into the passion they have for their tents, their vision for their company, and the language they use on the website and written directions. They genuinely believe in their product. Now I am off to order the screen fly for the 3-person tent to add to my adventures!


Your thoughts?

What is your impression of the Sansbug Pop Up Tent? Would you take this instant set up along on your adventures? Perhaps you have used this tent before and would like to share your experience in the comments below.

We would love to hear from you and do head over to our dedicated page for more reviews from Pauline Alba and other outdoor product and experiences reviewers.


Pauline Alba
Pauline Alba
Product and Experience Reviewer at 

Pauline Alba loves to find adventures!  Pauline has split her career between teaching and working for a non-profit in the fitness area.  For fun she volunteers for a local animal rescue, teaching water exercise and water safety courses, plans trips to fun places, and plays with her two large dogs.

Her adventures tend to include camping, hiking, meeting people she doesn’t know, kayaking, or just lying under the trees!  She is always looking for a way to encourage others to explore more outdoors.



26 responses to “The Sansbug Pop Up Tent (2 models)”

  1. Marysa Avatar

    This sounds like a nice piece of outdoor gear. I love tents that have an easy setup! Looks so convenient, especially with kids.

  2. Amy Liu Dong Avatar

    An easy-to-install tent is a plus for me. A perfect tent to bring for a day or beach camping.

  3. Subhashish Roy Avatar

    Apart from the utility, the tents actually look so cute. And certainly easy to handle as well. Had never come across this brand. Thanks for bringing this to our notice.

  4. Sonia Seivwright Avatar

    Perfect little text for camping during summer. Kids take short naps after playing at the beach. I love that it’s portable and lightweight to carry everywhere.

  5. Tami Avatar

    I can see how this would be nice at the beach, too, especially for napping children. What a great little tent — so practical and easy to use!

  6. Monica Simpson Avatar
    Monica Simpson

    I would love to bring this on our camping trip. Anything that makes tent set up easier I am all for!

  7. Kathleen Avatar

    I’ve been looking for a pop up tent to use at the beach or by the pool with the baby! This seems PERFECT!

  8. Sherianne Avatar

    I love this idea! I don’t even consider hiking because the thought of carrying all the gear needed feels exhausting. This appears to fold up similar to my pool raft and I can definitely handle carrying that around. Thank you for the introduction

  9. Remo Ankelsaria Avatar

    Sansbug Pop-Up Tent surely looks like a handy gear to carry during an outing. Very informative video as it resolves a lot of queries. Would love to try it out!

  10. Nyxie Avatar

    So much handier than struggling to build a tent, which we’ve done plenty of times!

  11. Ntensibe Edgar Avatar

    Hhhhmmmm…I think I would be very tempted to put this tent first, in my car to the campsite! It’s exactly what I need.

    1. Rachel Avatar

      This would also be good at my son’s night baseball games so we don’t can get some relief from mosquitos.

  12. Amalia Avatar

    This looks great and perfect for summer 🙂 Love how it folds so easy and that are several sizes for more than 1 person available. Would be a great buy for a trip with the kids for camping!

  13. Pilar Avatar

    These are great tent recommendations. I like both tents. It is really cool that the wind can blow inside the second tent as it usually can get too hot inside tents in warm climate.

  14. Jackie Avatar

    As a former Girl Scout troop leader, I only wish these tents were available 15 years ago! It would have saved us a lot of trouble with our tents. Fortunately, my daughter (now 26) hikes all the time with her bf. In fact, they’re heading to Yellowstone next week. The Sansbug 3 person pop up tent will make a great gift – and so affordable! I love that it’s so airy and easy to set up (when you don’t forget the instructions, LOL).

  15. Rosey Avatar

    We had an VBug Van tent and I loved it so much. It was adorable, roomy and a great conversation piece. I could never get it taken down the right way though. Drove me nuts.

  16. Gervin Khan Avatar
    Gervin Khan

    Definitely a great tent to consider especially if we want a tent that is simply to stand. These two designs absolutely awesome and it’s very cool. Loved both!

    1. Carol Colborn Avatar

      Sounds like an ideal tent to lug along. I am an RVer and skipped the tent camping phase altogether. But my husband loves it and will probably get the 3-person one and use it for just us two.

  17. Pooja Avatar

    This tent looks great. I like the fact that it allows the air to pass properly and at the same time cover up shadows.

  18. Frank San Avatar

    This is an interesting tent and good for camping and picnics as well. I will keep this in mind. Thank you for sharing!

  19. Bryan Avatar

    It does look like it has much to offer and is good at keeping bugs away. But it also looks a little small. I’m not sure it would be large enough for me. Is it sold in a larger size?

  20. Beth Avatar

    These look like great tents. We’ve been meaning to replace ours, and we were looking for something exactly like these!

  21. Noel Morata Avatar

    What a great idea for daytime use and then if you want to actually sleep in it, you can put up a tarp to protect from the elements and save effort to put up a new tent and the carrying factor with just one tent to sleep. It looks quite nice and I’m sure easy to put up from what I can see.

    1. Akyn Gwapo Avatar

      I’m quite intrigued with the type of tent and it’s benefits. I should check their website to know more about this.

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