Camping for Women
created by women, for women

The Versatile Blogger Award

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Versatile Blogger Award

Versatile Blogger Award

By Nicole Anderson

Camping for Women has just received the Versatile Blogger Award, recognizing the efforts of everyone involved with its blog.

So what is the Versatile Blogger Award?

Versatile Blogger Award 1The Versatile Blogger Award is a peer award where bloggers nominate other bloggers who they believe deserve some recognition for their high-quality standard of writing, images, uniqueness of the bloggers content, passion and love displayed throughout the website.

In this case, Camping for Women was recognized for all its efforts made to benefit our subscribers and readership. We especially want to make mention of all our wonderful contributors who provide so much value and are passionate in their love of the outdoors.

Who nominated Camping for Women?

Logan & Kallsy Page are a United States couple in their late twenties with a passion for adventure and experiences. Being a medical student and a teacher, they mostly focus on budget travel in iconic locations. This spring and summer you can find them road-trippin’ around the Southeastern USA with their dog, Bentley. They love finding a blend of new experiences in urban cities and the great outdoors. They are the couple behind the blog Pages of Travel.

Versatile Blogger Award 2

Part of the nomination acceptance process is for the award recipient to tell the nominator 7 things about themselves that they may not know. So the team at Camping for Women selected founder Nicole Anderson to outline 7 things about her.

7 Things you may not know about Nicole Anderson

  1. For the most part, Nicole grew up in regional Australia – her family came from the rural town of Bendigo, in the state of Victoria.
  2. Nicole spent part of her schooling in Japan where she learnt fluent spoken and written Japanese.
  3. Nicole is a breast cancer survivor and a member of the Dragons Abreast Dragon Boating Sport and has represented her club in regional and international regattas in Australia and North America.
  4. She is now engaged to be married, having been proposed to by her partner James while they were on holiday in Tahiti in January this year.
  5. Nicole has had the travel bug for some time and has now explored many countries in 5 of 7 of the world’s continents. She has not seen anything of Africa or Antarctica (as yet!).
  6. When Nicole decided that she wanted to get a dog as she moved into her new home, she decided on a name first before seeing the dog. The dog’s name was to be Flannigan.
  7. Nicole and her partner James have just built a brand new 4 bedroom home in the beautiful and famous Gold Coast, where they have chosen to live.


When you only have a maximum of 15 blogs you can nominate among all the fabulous blogs that exist in the world, this can be a really hard task.

However, we had to draw the line somewhere and go with some that are our favorites.

So here they are our nominees, presented in alphabetical order…

 Versatile Blogger Award 3

Born to be Adventurous

Versatile Blogger Award 4To founder Annika Mang, having a baby didn’t mean the end of adventures; instead it was the beginning of grander ones. Born To Be Adventurous was created as a platform to share and inspire families to get outdoors and adventure with their kids with an eco-focus. Annika shares her family’s and other families outdoor adventure stories and tips and activities. She also runs a green up challenge where her family reduces their waste to a single jar. She encourage followers to choose a green up goal for the month to reduce their families waste. Goals can be as big as reducing their waste to a single jar or choosing a smaller goal like using reusable coffee mugs


Brazen Backpacker

Versatile Blogger Award 5Brazen Backpacker is the adventure-seeking, poetic, and often humorous blog of Emily Pennington. Started in 2016, it is already making waves with content syndicated on The Outdoor Project, Camping for Women, Women Who Explore, and many others. The site features Emily’s ramblings on everything the adventuresome soul might desire – from gear suggestions to stories of expeditions gone horribly awry, to tales of falling in love in a National Park, all illustrated perfectly with her colorful travel photography. If you’re in need of inspiration for your next trip or daydream, this website is the perfect place to start.


Brown Gal Trekker

Versatile Blogger Award 7Brown Gal Trekker blog was launched in September 2016. In addition to being focused on the outdoors, it further aims to address unconventional or seldom talked about topics in the world of hiking. Marinel, the person behind Brown Gal Trekker, is an avid hiker and global explorer. Along with her social enterprise, Peak Explorations, her blog aims to promote women and diversity in the outdoors. Her blog often shares her journeys in off the beaten path trekking destinations, practical advice to assist fellow hikers and her insight on the outdoors world that can range from why we should hire mountain fanatics to why one shouldn’t date a girl who treks. No matter the topic, Brown Gal Trekker focuses on inspiring and empowering readers to pursue anything and everything that their hearts desire.


Female Traveler

Versatile Blogger Award 8Female Traveler is a travel and lifestyle blog featuring destinations, travel tips and inspiration from around the world. Ira of Female Traveler blogs all about her adventures all over the world, but it’s her extensive coverage of Europe that keeps readers coming back for more. Many love reading about her adventures in places that they know and love. Her site has been described like a treasure trove of things to do, places to see, and plenty of inspiration to just keep going and live your dreams



Get Camping Wild

Versatile Blogger Award is a place where campers can share everything they have learned along the (sometimes prickly) way in the wilderness. It’s a place where new explorers can find out everything need-to-know about those first few steps into the great outdoors. The blog is run by experienced camper Lucy Gomez and aims to gather all the best camping tips to inspire and improve camping for all adventurers! Whether you’re an established starlight-sleeper or a first-time pop-up-tent, Lucy and her team aim to help you make all your future camping trips stress-free but unforgettable.



Mountain Mom and Tots

Versatile Blogger Award 10Mountain Mom and Tots is an outdoor family blog that’s all about helping families explore outdoors. With an emphasis on hiking, biking, camping and skiing with kids, creator Mountain Mom shares how she adventures outdoors with three young kids. Susan, a Mountain Mom who lives with her husband and three young kids near Sundance, Utah. When they are not hiking, biking, skiing and camping, Susan spends her time doing Mom stuff and reading. Summer of 2016 her family travelled 7,000 miles along the US National Park to Park Highway.



My Perfectly Damaged Life

Versatile Blogger Award 11My Perfectly Damaged life is an adventure/travel/photography blog. Perfectly Damaged, which started simply as Jennifer Hewitt’s photography name but has since morphed into her blog and social media brand is based on the concept that nothing is perfect and we are all damaged. Despite this, we can live a life that is perfect for us despite the damage, Perfectly Damaged! Jennifer’s hope with her blog is that her readers will see that she is just an average woman getting out there experiencing life, mishaps and all, and as a result get out there as well.



My Wild Kitchen

Versatile Bloggers Award shares unique but simple home-cooked meals for venison, wild game, and wild desserts, too (think blackberries!). All the recipes Noel shares at use easy to find ingredients and are designed to reconnect the hunter (or hunter’s spouse) with the wild game they’ve harvested. At you will find recipes for venison, feral hog, wild turkey, dove, freshwater fish, and even squirrel, all presented with full-color, step-by-step photos of each part of the cooking process, making it a breeze to follow along with no matter the difficulty level of the recipe.



Revolving Compass

Revolving CompassNeha & Abhishek are a couple travel blogger based in Bangalore, India. Revolving Compass is born out of their love for travel and their enthusiasm to share this travel experience with the rest of the world. The couple believes that every travel has a lot of soul-enriching experiences hidden in it and they thrive to bring these out to the world through their travel stories, as they travel the world along with their little kiddo. Apart from the travel stories, Revolving Compass covers family travel tips, destination guides, best possible travel itineraries, travel-friendly products and talks about how to overcome the challenges of traveling with a toddler and enjoy it to the best extent possible



Solo Passport

IMG 8328Raksha Prasad is an IT professional who craves and breathes travel. She loves exploring new places and meeting new people and mostly travels alone or with any of her travel buddies. ‘Solopassport’ is all about showcasing her experiences and photographs taken along her travel journey.




TeakisiTeakisi (pronounced Tee-ki-si), creates a space for African women to empower and celebrate each other, and to unite through their stories. A Teakisi woman has many names: Mukadzi in Shona, Obinrin in Yoruba, Umugore in Kinyarwanda, Daaku in Luo, Aberu in Ateso, Minga in Beti, the list is endless. Teakisi women are vibrant and empowered Africans, with a love to empower others. Teakisi is here to share the voices of these African women. Teakisi stands out for several reasons, but what truly makes it special is that it’s a platform dedicated to the everyday African woman. Most of our contributors are not “professional” bloggers/writers, they’re just everyday women with a story to tell and wisdom to share.



The Modern Outdoors

The Modern OutdoorsThe Modern Outdoors is an honest look at life in the wild. Nicole Atkins, the founder of MO, has over 25 years of experience and isn’t afraid to push boundaries. The result is a blog that offers practical knowledge articulated with humor and irreverence.



Waboose Adventures

waboose final HighResWaboose Adventures is an award-winning blog that brings you into the backcountry where every portage takes you deeper, and every step takes you further into the wilderness. Cobi Sharpe shares her adventures in nature through writing and her award-winning photography.




Wandering Lights

Wandering LightsWriting and photography has been the vice for of creator Danielle Dorrie for years – and she took this is to the next level with her blog Wandering Lights. Check out all of her thoughts, then head on over to her Adventure Blog – That’s where she talks about the current risky adventures that she has as she grows and invites people to follow her on her journey. She encourages comments on her work and likes to engage with creative minds and enjoy other blogs in the process.



Whits Wilderness

Whit’s WildWhitney Klenzendorferness is an outdoors lifestyle blog for Texas women, where 6th generation Texan and blogger Whitney shares her tips for hiking, hunting, camping, outdoor cooking, and shooting sports. Her guidance entails what to wear (she calls it “field fashion”), the best trails to hike, tips for a glamorous camping experience, recipes, and comprehensive “Girl’s Guides” to various activities. Her goal is to inspire Texas women to get outdoors and enjoy this beautiful natural world we live in!



So there are our nominees. They all have quite different strengths and qualities and we hope you will have as much fun exploring and learning from these blogs as we did.


Nominees, Here’s Your Mission:

The next step in the Versatile Bloggers Award process, mean nominees are similarly required to:

  • Thank your Versatile Blogger Award nominator/presenter on your blog and link their site.
  • Select 8-15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly that deserve this awesome award. It is best to make sure they accept the award and can nominate 8-15 other bloggers too.
  • Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself. Have fun with this and take advantage of the opportunity for your readers to learn more about you!
  • Display the Versatile Blogger Award on your blog by including it in your post!

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So many wonderful blogs out there deserving of the Versatile Blogger Award, so little time…


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63 responses to “The Versatile Blogger Award”

  1. Mary Lyons Avatar

    These are really great choices. These bloggers have some interesting and unique content to share and great photos. I also really like their logos. Congratulations on getting engaged, getting a dog, your new home, and being a survivor. Amazing. I’m happy to have met you, even if it is virtually. Great post. You deserve the nomination for all of your work creating this site. It’s interesting, useful, and has created a sense of community for women who love the outdoors.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Knowing your very broad travel experience and knowledge from being an expat over many years Mary, I am very grateful for your kind comments. It has been a real pleasure to know and work with you to share some of your amazing experiences with our subscribers and readers. There are many who would rightfully see you and what you have achieved as nothing short of inspiring and I sincerely thank you for your involvement and support of Camping for Women.

  2. Gina Avatar

    I knew you were cool before, but learning a bit about you has made me think you’re even cooler! I had no idea you went to school in Japan and that you’re fluent in Japanese! I lived in Japan for three years and taught high school. I speak Japanese as well too!

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Wow…goes to show it’s a small world Gina. Hope to catch up in person some day and we can exchange notes. Thank you for your lovely comment.

  3. Wildish Jess Avatar

    Congrats to all of these women! We don’t camp often but hiking we definitely do! I blog about it on my fitness site.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Yes they are a great group of women for sure. Thanks for your comment Jess and I look forward to having a look at your blog also.

  4. Nicole Atkins Avatar

    This is such a well-deserved award. There are so many amazing contributors on Camping for Women. And Nicole does a great job of running the show, keeping the material varied and engaging.

    It’s no wonder you told Cancer to eff off. You’re one strong woman. Keep doing what you’re doing- crushing the world one boot step at a time. YEEHAW! 😉

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Coming from an author that I am a big fan of, that is high praise indeed. Thank you so much for your continued support and for having such an awesome site yourself.

  5. Annika Mang Avatar

    Thank you so much for the nomination!! I love this website too and find it so helpful!

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      It wasn’t hard to nominate your blog Annika – it is really lovely and so much to read, learn and enjoy. Thank you for sharing all that you do and for being a great blogger!

  6. Coi Avatar

    Congratulations Nicole for the nominations! Love the 7 things you shared about yourself esp you being a cancer survivor! 😉 Congratulations for the engagement, too! 😀

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thank you so much Coi. Really appreciate your support.

  7. Kallsy Avatar

    We were honored to nominate you, Nicole! Oddly enough, we love Australia as it was the first place we visited abroad together and Logan is part Japanese and speaks the language as well. Japan is our favorite country. So glad you kicked cancer in the booty, prayers for continued health. <3 <3 <3

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thank you so much again for the nomination Kallsy. May you and Logan continue to have many wonderful and enjoyable trips together.

  8. Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen Avatar

    Congratulations for getting the versatile blogger award! It’s nice to get to know more about you.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thanks so much Peachy.

  9. Renata Pereira Avatar

    That’s so cool! What a life story, Nicole! Congratulations! I’m sending you guys lots of positive energy and wishes for a wonderful life together! 🙂

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      That is so lovely. Thank you so much. Best wishes to you.

  10. Celerhina Aubrey Avatar

    Congrats on the award! This is sooo great because I get to know you more and the other blogger nominees as well.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thank you Celerhina. We might be biased but we reckon the nominees are all pretty great!

  11. Emily Avatar

    Congratulations on your nomination and on beating cancer!

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thank you so much Emily.

  12. Anna Sofia Avatar

    Congratulations on your award! It’s always a good feeling to be recognized for hard work. 🙂 I really enjoyed getting to know a little about you; congrats on your engagement and new house! And how awesome that you know Japanese so fluently. I wish I knew more languages. We look forward to following your journey in the future.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thanks for being such a lovely supporter and reader Anna. I am looking forward to the future and am always thinking about what we should do next. Just love being a part of Camping for Women, with our readers being the most important part of that.

  13. Riely Avatar

    Congrats! A great achievement in being nominated for a versatile blogger. It’s definitely hard to get noticed out of all the blogs available now days. Glad to know that Nicole is a Breast Cancer surviver! PS. I love the name Flannigan for your dog. That was my Grandmother’s maiden name.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      I’m sure your Grandmother would have been a very special person. Thank you for your lovely comments and for your support.

  14. Cynthia Nicoletti Avatar

    So nice. I looked at quite a few of the blogs and they are awesome. Congrats to the nominees !!

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Yay! Let’s hear it for the nominees! Some great blogs there!

  15. Michelle Waller Avatar
    Michelle Waller

    This sounds like something really cool to be nominated for! Congratulations.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thank you Michelle.

  16. Esse D Avatar

    This is really cool. I always wonder about the sources of the awards and how people get nominated. I love this idea!

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      The Versatile Blogger Award is a peer award so it is passed from bloggers to other bloggers in recognition of those blogs that provide quality and value for their readers. It always is a nice feeling to be recognized by fellow bloggers in addition to your own subscribers and readers. Thanks so much for dropping us a line Esse.

  17. Ana De- Jesus Avatar

    Wow Nicole sounds like an incredibly brave and strong woman, so glad she kicked cancers ass. Its something I feel very strongly about as I lost family to cancer and my aunty had it but luckily survived too x

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thanks so much Ana. That is certainly something I never take for granted and it continues to affect so many people. I’m so sorry to hear of your loss of family to cancer but it is great that your Aunty also survived.

  18. Kevan Avatar

    Congratulations on the award and good luck to your nominees. It is always nice and encouraging to get recognition from your peers.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      You bet Kevan. I personally think they all deserve great things for the wonderful content they produce.

  19. Alicia Taylor Avatar

    Congrats on the award! It’s always an honor when your peers find your work appealing.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thank you so much Alicia.

  20. Shannon Avatar

    These all look like really great blogs! I’ve never before heard of The Versatile Blogger Award, but it was nice to learn about it and read the Pages of Travel blog.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Definitely. Kallsy and Logan’s blog is surely worth visiting. They have some wonderful and interesting content.

  21. Akamatra Avatar

    Congratulations on this awesome award. In my mind travel bloggers are the best kind of bloggers out there!

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Of course! I guess that’s because so many of us just love travel so much, enjoying new and different experiences as we go. Travel blogs just open up the imagination to all the wonderful places there are in the world to see and experience. Camping and outdoor adventure is a natural part of that, and many would argue that it is the very best part.

  22. Natasha Avatar

    Well done, that is awesome news. Congrats and well done to everyone who was nominated by Camping for Women too!

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thank you so much Natasha. I think they are all extremely worthy blogs.

  23. Kim @ Those Who Wandr Avatar

    Congratulations on the award, and congrats to all the nominees! I wish you all the best on your future journeys. Shoutout to Nicole for all of her accomplishments in life and with this blog!

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thank you so much Kim. Your kind words and support are really appreciated.

  24. neha Avatar

    We are overwhelmed to receive this nomination. Every such award gives the bloggers not only the recognition, but also new friends, new connections with fellow bloggers who nominate them and who get nominated by them 🙂 Thanks to Camping for Women for this nomination. A congratulation to all our peers!!

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thank you for having such a wonderful blog Neha. I really love visiting and reading the latest of all that you share.

  25. Claudia Krusch Avatar
    Claudia Krusch

    Congratulations to all the nominees. You must be so excited to be apart of it. I look forward to seeing your lovely blogs.

    1. neha Avatar

      Thank you. Definitely, will compile the post as soon as possible.

    2. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thanks very much Claudia. We certainly hope that many of our subscribers and readers will head on over to each of the nominees’ blogs for a good look.

  26. yukti Avatar

    Congratulations for your blog nominations! One day I will also follow your footsteps! Learnt a lot of new things from you. Many positive and good ideas for new bloggers.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thanks so much Yukti. Look forward to seeing and hearing great things about your blog.

  27. Helene Cohen Bludman Avatar
    Helene Cohen Bludman

    Congratulations on the nomination! It’s always nice to be recognized by your peers.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Definitely Helene, thank you.

  28. Deanna Avatar

    That is awesome, congratulations! So wonderful that you were able to beat cancer. It sounds like you are living life to its fullest.

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thanks so much Deanna. I guess we only get one life so it’s important that we all do our best to make the most of it.

  29. Joella (RovingJo) Avatar

    Congratulations on this nomination. I love these types of awards because it allows us to get to know you better. It also allows us to be introduced to other great bloggers. How amazing that you speak Japanese. Also glad you are a warrior and strong and a survivor. I have several family members who like you have survived Brest cancer. It is not easy but positive outlook, will to live and your strength are so important in the fight. All the best – Jo

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thank you for being so supportive Jo. Many of my friends are also breast cancer survivors and they are really amazing people who I have learned a lot from.

  30. Suzanne Avatar

    Nicole sounds amazing. I especially like the parts about her being a cancer survivor and being fluent in Japanese! So accomplished! Keep living life, gurl!

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thank you Suzanne. Us women need to stick together and support each other. All the best to you.

  31. Lee @ BaldThoughts Avatar

    Kudos for being nominated as a versatile blogger. But more importantly, congratulations on being a breast cancer survivor (my Mom is too) and for getting engaged. Two very important milestones in your life. Good luck with the new house and dog! Happy travels. – Lee

    1. Nicole Anderson Avatar

      Thanks for your lovely comments and encouragement Lee. So pleased it worked out so well for your mother also.

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