By Scarlet Gratton
The Very Real Benefits of Camping That Shouldn’t Be Overlooked
Although you probably love your convenient coffeemaker, blow dryer, and Netflix, ridding yourself of all modern comforts and technology will provide you with an escape from the daily grind of life – something that we all truly need once in a while.
Besides going on an adventure and having fun, losing yourself in nature has very real health benefits. Below are only a few reasons why you should skip a fancy holiday this season and go camping instead.
Your stress, depression, and anxiety levels significantly decrease
Research has shown that green spaces can decrease depression by up to 71%. This is due to several factors such as absorbing essential nutrients, spending time under the sun, eating healthier food, and simply allowing your mind and body to relax. Your days are simplified in terms of not having to impress anyone, worry about how you look or think about deadlines. Camping allows us to break free from the chaos of life, everyday stresses, and the constant worries that prevent a good night’s sleep, and instead enjoy the simplicity of nature. Additionally, camping trips strengthen social bonds, serving as a perfect opportunity to repair strained relationships, rebuild some bridges, and grow closer to the people who matter to you. Also, in this busy age where people are dependent on their phones for any and all forms of communication, camping is a rare and valuable opportunity to connect on a unique, deep level with new people as well. If this alone doesn’t convince you of the real benefits of camping, I’m not sure what would.
You are finally unplugged
Although nowadays many campsites offer Wi-Fi services, most campers refuse to use it. In order to absorb all the benefits camping can offer, it is crucial to allow yourself to totally unplug and disconnect from your addictive habits of checking your social media accounts, reading the news, or replying to emails. Research shows that decreases in constant exposure to over-stimulating technologies can encourage greater psychological and emotional health. You’re able to think and engage meaningfully away from screens full of distractions in order to come to terms with reality with a clear mind — and this benefit alone is priceless.
Your diet becomes healthier
Camping limits your meal options, explicitly leaving out fast food and impulsive snacking. You will also have the chance to look for some fresh fruit or herbs in the surrounding environment or even go fishing for dinner. You can roast some potatoes or tomatoes, have some corn on the cob, or treat yourself to some toasted marshmallows while chatting with your camping fellow(s) at the campfire at the end of an eventful day. Another of the Real Benefits of Camping for sure!
You can get a good night’s sleep
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You get much-needed exercise
Even when seemingly not doing anything, your body is continuously active during outdoor exploring. There is exercise involved in getting everything prepared, setting up your tent, collecting wood for the fire, swimming, fishing, and more. You also find yourself taking part in various activities, from canoeing, hiking, and swimming to playing sports, bushwalking, or simply getting the fire started. Effectively whatever you do on your camping trip, you’re liable to be burning more calories than you would burn by sitting in an office.
You are challenged to try new things
Each camping experience is unique and stimulating. It allows you to challenge yourself in new ways and explore alternatives sources of inspiration and exploration, helping develop your mind and body. Whether you are camping in the wilderness or in a designated campground, you will certainly find yourself crossing out some assorted items from your bucket list that you never imagined you would – or maybe even adding some new ones.
You reconnect with nature
Being outside allows you to develop a greater appreciation for the world around you and a more intimate relationship with nature. You can finally free yourself from screens, flashing city lights, and tiring routines. Enjoy some genuinely quiet time listening to the gurgling of the river, chirping crickets, and the breeze rushing through the trees. And the best part comes when the sun goes down – good old stargazing.
You inhale fresh air
Getting some fresh, healthy air is a luxury today. This alone should be a good enough reason for you to get up, pack your backpack, and head to the nearest campsite.
Camping is an inexpensive but exciting way to travel and unquestionably one of the best ways to unwind while developing your brain and body all at once. It’s neither a glamorous kind of holiday nor is it about the comforts and ease that luxurious hotels can offer you, but that’s the beauty of it. So, dive into the healing powers of the wilderness and come back home refreshed, healthier, and happier.
Get out there and enjoy the real benefits of camping today!

Scarlet Gratton
Scarlet is a passionate writer and a regular contributor at ripped.meinterested in fashion, lifestyle, and health. She loves travelling, you could say that she is a real travel addict, especially when she has a chance to visit some exotic destinations. She would tell you that inspiration can be found in the most unexpected places.
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