Putting together a Guide to the World’s Largest Waterfalls was fun and worth the effort.
By Tia Philippart
When deciding where to go for your next GNO, maybe consider a GDO (Girl’s Day Out) instead! Finding a destination to take your group out during the day has endless possibilities, but what if you try something out of the ordinary? Heading to a peaceful lake or even a beach is nice from time to time, but what really will make it the best day ever is water falling from the sky! Grab some ladies and take a trek to one of the tallest waterfalls in the world. Whether that be in Hawaii, USA at the Pu’uka’oku falls or in Venezuela at the Angel falls, your bound to fall for one of these waterfalls.
Chasing waterfalls does not have to be difficult either! Largest.org has created a guide to the 7 largest waterfalls in the world, which includes everything you need to know for a fun trip. The guide features where the best view of the falls and whether you need to hike, swim (or both!) to reach those gorgeous falls. The overview of these waterfalls also contains the number of drops each waterfall has, if you will need to pay an entrance fee, and if a tour is required!
Guide to the World’s Largest Waterfalls
The 7 wonders of the world might not beat the views of the 7 largest waterfalls in the world. Plus, hanging out next to some falling water is quite peaceful and relaxing. Please check out some great pictures below to see where you’ll find you and your girl gang next!
Norway has wonderful waterfalls and one so happens to stand at 2,313 feet (even though there has been some discrepancies regarding the exact height)! This waterfall is also comprised of three different streams. The main stream is “Stor Kjelfossen” (Big Kjell Falls) and the one adjacent to it is “Vetla” (Little). Visitors will get a clear view of Kjelfossen by heading down Northern Europe’s steepest road, Stalheimskleiva. The best time to visit this waterfall is between March and July, and a train can even be taken to view this beauty!
Gocta Cataracts
Did you know that natives will avoid the waters of Gocta Cataracts due to the fear that they will run into the white-haired mermaid who protects the falls and set a curse on you? Even with this curse you are most definitely allowed to swim freely in the waters… there’ll just have more swimming room! The height of this falls stands at 2,530 ft, that’s around 460 people stacked together. The best time to head over there will be between November and April. Nearby is the Peru waterfalls which is a wondrous site as well, so if traveling to the Gocta Cataracts you can knock out seeing two waterfalls in one day!
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Pu’uka’oku Falls
If you’re looking to get tropical, head to Molokai, Hawaii to view this monstrously tall waterfall! Pu’uka’oku reaches 2,765 feet, marking it the 3rd tallest waterfall in the world. The falls has 4 drops and is located right next to the Molokai sea cliffs. The waterfall is so tall, that the waters of the falls (and neighboring waterfalls) do not actually meet with the ocean. Instead the waters are whisked away as mist in the winds. The best time to view these falls is between November and March and to get the best view, you may want to look into a guided aerial tour.
You can view the rest of the world’s largest waterfalls here. Find out which waterfall you’d like to visit and see if you can plan a picnic or camping trip! Safe travels, we hope that you find this to be a great idea as a GDO (Girl’s day out) as well!
Infographic provided courtesy of largest.org
Camping for Women acknowledges them for producing your guide to the world’s largest waterfalls.

Tia Philippart
Tia is a Graduate of December 2018 from the University of San Diego with a BBA in Marketing and is looking forward to the opportunities she has prepared herself for.
She has completed work as a marketing consultant, marketing researcher, marketing strategist with multiple clients, and researcher for the AMA San Diego State of Marketing Report.
From all of Tia’s marketing experiences, classes, and extracurricular activities she has developed campaigns, managed CRM and project management systems, performed marketing optimization, and managed/created social media advertisements and content.
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