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9 Things to Better Your Mental Health

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9 Things to Better Your Mental Health

9 Things to Better Your Mental Health

By Casey Scott

Mental health is an essential aspect of our overall health and has recently become more talked about in the media. Taking care of your mental health is an ongoing process, and it can be easy to neglect or not even realize you are struggling until things are already bad. There are so many resources to improve your mental health, and it can be overwhelming to figure out what option can benefit you the most as solutions are not one size fits all. If you’re looking to improve your mental health or are just trying to maintain and take care of yourself mentally, here are some great ideas to get you started.


Eat A Healthy Diet

“We are what we eat, and eating a healthy and balanced diet can not only affect our physical health but our mental health as well. A healthy diet will include a variety of fresh veggies and fruits as well as a good source of protein. It would also include regular water consumption of 6 to 8 glasses of water per day. Trying to limit the amount of caffeine and sugar intake will also allow for a better diet. Following a healthy diet has several benefits, and studies have found that it can also help with symptoms of anxiety and depression.”

– Rich Rudzinski, Founder of, & Tragic Media


Set Realistic Goals

“Having goals in mind will help you live to work toward something. Figure out any goals you want to accomplish academically, professionally, and personally, and write down anything you need to do along the way to get closer to your goal. If your goal is to go to school to gain the skills for the career you want, outline the specific steps you need to take to get there, such as searching for and applying for academic programs to achieve any academic goals you need to accomplish. By setting realistic goals for yourself, you’ll be able to gain a sense of accomplishment whenever you see that you’re making progress toward these goals.”

– David Ring, Senior Marketing Manager at MCT Trading


Exercise Regularly


Better your mental health with outdoor exercise


“Regular physical activity is a great way to foster your mental well-being. Exercising releases endorphins that lift your mood and boost your energy levels. It’s also a great outlet for stress. However, you must exercise only at the level you feel comfortable at. Pushing yourself and turning the thought of exercising into a source of stress itself defeats the purpose. Rather than start off lifting weights at the gym, consider going for regular fifteen to thirty-minute walks around your neighborhood or a nearby park. Scale up your regiment at a pace you feel comfortable with, and use the opportunity to better yourself in both body and mind.”

– Adrien Dissous, Global SVP of Marketing at babo Botanicals


Start Up A Healthy Hobby!

“If you’re looking for new ways to improve your mental health, a great option is to start up a healthy hobby you would love to do! You can do whatever you want at your own pace, as long as it makes you happy, calms you down, isn’t dangerous or illegal, and provides a meditating experience for you. Many great hobbies include learning how to play an instrument, hiking, reading a new book, joining a sports team, joining a community interest club, video games, movie watching, cooking, and even dog walking! Most people tend to have an exhausting day at work or have bad luck throughout the day and need some form of stress relief and relaxation, which could easily be a healthy hobby. Make sure to have a schedule too for your hobbies not to overlap your hobby time with other important events.”

-Bill Lyons, CEO of Griffin Funding


Live In The Present Moment

“Thinking about the future is a habit we acquire because we think we can control outcomes, which can lead to a lot of stress and overwhelm you. A good way to combat this is to focus on what you can control in the present moment. Whether it’s taking in a deep breath of fresh air, calling a friend, or making a plan, make an intention to ground yourself in the present. Focusing on the present moment through mindfulness brings your awareness to things that you can control= and takes the stress away from the future. Doing so can have tremendous benefits for your mental health and help you take action where necessary.”

– Riley Adams, Founder of Young and the Invested


Social Interaction

“Getting enough social interaction can have a dramatic impact on mental health. People with quality social connections are typically happier than those without a network of support. It can be easy to seclude yourself when you feel down, however positive social interaction can lift your spirits back up. Investing in social interaction can boost feelings of self-worth and help overcome negative thoughts and hardships of life. Social interaction is also a great way to direct your thoughts and behavior positively. Try making an effort to connect socially every day and see the positive effects it can have on your overall mental health and well-being!”

– Jeffery Pitrak, Marketing and Account Manager at Transient Specialists


Spend More Time with Family!


Better your mental health spending time with family


“Many people tend to forget that their families are there to support them and cheer them up as much as possible. An easy way for anyone to improve their mental health is to spend more time with their family members and do fun activities together. The activities don’t even have to be anything expensive or grand, just spend time with your mom, dad, sisters, brothers, grandparents, anyone! Even if you can’t fully explain why your mental health has been low, they will be there to raise your spirits every day. If you feel you can’t tell your immediate family certain emotions or feelings, go to your cousins, grandparents, Aunts, or Uncles! One of your family members is bound to understand your feelings and give you the best advice and help you could ever get.”

– James Burati, Senior VP of Sales and Marketing at 1-800-Pack-Rat


Make Time To Journal

“Journaling can have a huge impact on your mental health and reaching your personal goals, ultimately improving your quality of life. Many people overlook the outcomes journaling can have, as it seems like such a basic task, but having a positive relationship with your mind can help to ease stress and anxiety, boost your mood, and enhance your well-being. Journaling only requires a few minutes a day following a structured prompt to allow proper connections with your thoughts and feelings. Writing in a structured manner can make you more aware of unhealthy patterns and take control of personal behaviors that will bring the most joy to your life. You will be shocked to see how writing things out in a journal every day can lead to long-term success and a shift from a negative mindset to a positive one!”

– Sam Rogers, Outreach Manager for Ziebart


Maintaining Oral Health

“There is a surprisingly strong link between oral and mental health. Individuals are encouraged to be aware of the cyclical nature of mental and oral health and work with their health care providers to address any issues. The stresses of daily life can take a toll on your oral health through teeth clenching or grinding, leading to dental wear and even facial pain. Dental anxiety is a common issue. Dental issues can make eating and speaking difficult, and pain can lead to anxiousness, depression, feelings of isolation, and increased withdrawal from others. However, there are ways to keep your mental and oral health on track. These can be as simple as brushing your teeth multiple times a day, flossing daily, eating a balanced diet, and visiting your dentist for regular check-ups and oral screenings. Your health is important and your dentist is a vital part of your care. Always seek advice from health care professionals if you’re concerned about your mental health.”

– Pat Cassidy, CEO and Co-founder of Net32


Plan a Mini-Vacation

“Planning a getaway or a short vacation could give you something to look forward to, especially on those days where you feel like your mental health isn’t where it should be. It could be something as small as a spa day or sitting on your couch watching mindless television. It will help you create a healthy balance to allow yourself to relax and unplug from life, especially when things get hectic. It is imperative to learn how to prioritize your mental health by simply creating boundaries as to when you’re available and when you’re not available. Allowing yourself to take time off to heal or re-energize is essential to maintaining balance in your life and your overall well-being.

– Kate Lipman, sales & marketing consultant of Embrace Scar Therapy


Taking care of your mental health should be on your list of priorities as it is an essential aspect of your overall health. Declining mental health can impact how you feel daily, respond to challenges and stress, and affect your relationships. Committing to taking care of your mental well-being can help you accomplish your goals and enjoy life. If you feel like your mental health isn’t where it should be, try some of these tips for relief. Remember, what works for someone else, doesn’t mean it has to work for you. Mental health is highly personal, and taking care of your mentality will be unique to each person.



Casey Scott
Casey Scott

Casey Scott holds a Bachelor of Arts in English and a minor in Social Entrepreneurship. She attended the University of Delaware before moving to San Diego to begin her career in Digital Marketing. She loves going to the beach, traveling, and spending time with friends and family.


25 responses to “9 Things to Better Your Mental Health”

  1. Nicole Avatar

    These are all so useful and a great holistic approach to overall wellbeing. One of the main reasons I travel and camp and do adventure activities are for my mental health. Connection and interaction are my biggest ones with my loved ones, with the present and the great outdoors.

  2. Shreya Saha Avatar

    These are great tips on mental health. I so agree on we are what we eat. These days, plant-based diet is showing great results on our health, physically and mentally. Starting up a healthy hobby is also a great idea. And, also it is great idea to spend time with family.

  3. Subhashish Roy Avatar

    Great advise really after what we have gone through in the last two years. I for one was losing my patience being stuck at home till I started enjoying the moments with my family. And spending quality time really helped me come out of that mindset. However now that things are looking up it is time to get back on track with some healthy eating and exercises. Thanks for this reminder.

  4. Sherianne Avatar

    Such a great reminder immediately that I need to drink more water! I love that you pointed out the importance about being realistic about exercise goals and not allowing what we think we should do to create more stress. I had never associated oral health with dental health in the past but makes sense, especially with grinding teeth at night.

  5. Jackie Avatar

    These are excellent suggestions for improving your well-being and mental health. I found the dental care to be a surprise on the list, but it makes good sense! (I’ve heard dental care has been linked to risks of heart disease.) One thing I would add to the list is getting enough sleep – personally, I’m a basket case otherwise.

  6. Angeline Avatar

    This is so helpful. Unmet expectations can really impact one’s mental health.

  7. Nishtha Avatar

    Love this post! I try to do most of them, if not all. It’s summer break coming up and planning for vacation is fun

  8. Nadalie Avatar

    I make sure I do my daily exercise routine.. simple yet very good for my mental health.

  9. Sarah Avatar

    These are great suggestions. I especially have been trying to get more exercise and social time with friends! Thank you!!

  10. Kavita Favelle Avatar

    Especially given how tough the last two years have been for so many, this advice on improving and caring for one’s mental health is essential. I’ve been working on my diet and exercise this year, which is already showing results in both my physical health and my mental wellbeing. I also have a good work life balance to ensure time enough for hobbies and relaxation alongside work and chores.

  11. Melissa Cushing Avatar
    Melissa Cushing

    I am loving all of these tips and exercise for sure is my biggest way of staying healthy both physically and mentally.

  12. Rose Ann Sales Avatar
    Rose Ann Sales

    These are all really great tips and ideas! We all need to stay mentally healthy! Thanks for sharing this with us

  13. Natascha Avatar

    Interesting to read that there is connection between oral health and mental health. It is the first time I hear this – but it makes sense. I found out during the pandamic that being outdoors really improves my mood and mental health.

  14. Amy Braun Avatar
    Amy Braun

    I would say for social interaction, make sure it is with someone physically. It is nice to talk to someone online, but for health, it is better to speak physically. And someone who is really supportive and not who is agreeing to negativity.

  15. Bhushavali Avatar

    I agree with the Realistic Goals utmost. There is no point in keeping a wild target and giving up quickly! Can’t agree more with Social Interaction. We all really learned that lesson in the last 2 years during the lockdowns, didn’t we? I always keep planning mini-vacations & day trips. It really really helps me keep sane. I’ve been trying to exercise regularly, but that just keep evading me!

  16. Linda (LD Holland) Avatar

    I think the whole pandemic focused a lot of attention on how important mental health is and how fragile it could be. These are some great options for helping your mental health. I find that staying away from dwelling on the past helps to not relive things. I was interested to read the comments on oral health.

  17. Monidipa Avatar

    I do agree with all but there are people who are not okay with social interaction. In that case, they can maintain a diary.

  18. Rosey Avatar

    I have learned that interaction is good too. I used to prefer to isolate for a brief time, but it’s not healthy to have zero support.

  19. Ntensibe Edgar Avatar

    Nnniiiccceeee…I love living in the moment. That’s because it’s the most important moment there is.

  20. Autumn Murray Avatar

    I love all of these suggestions! Mental health is so important and something that a lot of us take for granted.

    1. Louraine Avatar

      All great tips to help us stay mentally and physically well. Thank you.!

  21. Frank San Avatar

    Great tips, I like the idea of sitting with the family. It helps a lot to just talk with family and enjoy a burst of laughter.

  22. Beth Avatar

    Realistic goals are absolutely key. If you set unattainable goals, you’re just setting yourself up for failure.

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