Travel and Adventure
6 Reasons to Take Your Kids Camping
A must-read for parents who haven’t yet taken their kids camping… By Carmen Baguio “I’ll be at the ball field all weekend with Jane’s soccer tournament. Then somehow I have to get Jake to karate and Jill to her softball game.” Does this sound familiar? It’s become almost a badge of honor among moms to…
Inspiration for the (Female) Adventurer’s Soul
Where do you find your inspiration? By Andrea Willingham I confess: I’m a sucker for a good story with a strong heroine, and we’re not talking Scarlett O’Hara here. We’re talking that rare breed of female lead that somehow seems to elude most mainstream media, disproportionate to the number of male protagonists that dominate our…
The Appalachian Trail and My Story
The Appalachian Trail – What to Expect and How to Prepare… By Mary Lyons How did I get this crazy idea? In 1996 I met an author who would change my life and never even know it. His name is David Brill, and he is a freelance writer for men’s magazines. He spoke to…
Free checklists for lovers of the great outdoors
By Nicole Anderson Many of us live for the time when we get to experience the outdoors. We are constantly planning the next great escape from the city to again be at peace with the serenity, majesty and wonder of nature. Often in our pressured, busy lives it is so easy to forget a few…
Cute Romantic Gestures For Hiking Lovers
Cute romantic gestures and hiking…is there a better combination in the great outdoors? By Oceana Setaysha Hiking is a wonderful activity to do with someone you love. If you and your partner both love to hike, it can be fun to bring a bit more romance into your hiking adventures, providing some guidelines are followed.…
Joshua Tree as a magical desert spot
Explore the Magical Desert of Joshua Tree, California, USA By Lucy Gomez Explore the Ancient Desert at Joshua Tree The Joshua Tree Park is considered as a magical and massive desert land, which is about 790,000 square acres. And speaking about the desert, here you need to know that there is absolutely no electricity, no…
Solo Trekking in Zhangjiajie Mountains of China
Overcoming Fear as a Solo Trekker in Zhangjiajie Mountains of China By Marinel de Jesus My very first entry to China was through the Hunan Province in 2014. As it turns out it, if you’re new to China, Hunan will shock you because it is far from the notion of a foreigner mecca in terms…
How to Prepare For Motorcycle Camping
How to Prepare For Motorcycle Camping From a Woman’s Point of View By Daniela Schoenberg As a woman motorcyclist, you want to make sure you’re prepared for your exciting camping adventure. Taking your bike on a long ride to the great outdoors is a great way to spend time with friends, family, or just by…
Repel Mosquitos from Your Campsite, Naturally
By Phoebe Hodina Dealing with mosquitos While the mosquito is a part of the ecosystem, it’s probably our least favorite part. Additionally, heavy exposure to DEET has been linked to all kinds of symptoms such as: headaches, fatigue, muscle and joint pain, shortness of breath, and is particularly toxic for small children. Here are some…
33 Top Rated Hiking and Camping Gear on Amazon
This Top Rated list compiled for women outdoor adventurers only features products with at least 4.3/5 stars and 25+ reviews on the global Amazon platform. By Kelly Price When you’re out in the wilderness, it’s just you, Mother Nature and your gear. It’s critical for every product you bring with you to (1) do its…